user since
Sun Oct 12 2003 at 22:16:43 (21.4 years ago )
last seen
Tue Mar 18 2025 at 21:54:35 (4 days ago )
number of write-ups
23 - View Kit's writeups (feed)
level / experience
4 (Wordsmith) / 1886
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
sharing my vast store of otherwise possibly useless knowledge trivia
obsessive compulsive grammar/spelling/punctuation correction
a school of fish
Be a jumper-without-looking. Try new things. Be impulsive, but rarely regretful.
most recent writeup
people-first language
Send private message to Kit

Update. April 18, 2013. Mostly fled. I do occasionally check messages, but am mostly too busy being a working mom. I have a 4-year old and newborn twins. I'm online frequently from my phone, but mostly on Facebook. If you really want to get my attention, email or text me (or find me on Facebook! - Just be sure to let me know who you are when you send a friend request.)

Now you can hear me sing!
Contacting the Illustrious Kitten
Email: kitDOTshortforkittenATgmailDOTcom
msn: dramatjejAThotmailDOTcom
icq: 63249873
aim: KitBlueGreen
fellytone: 1 (208) 596-xxxx
mailing address:
Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
221B Baker St
Moscow, Idaho 83843

My homenode tracker lies. I've been here since Thu Sep 20 2001 at 03:15:05 as a noder, and even longer as a lurker. If you can find my former self, there'll be a gold star in it for you!

I'm very interested in theology and politics, so if you're looking for a good discussion, you've found the right person. I am very social, but also sort of shy. I spent my junior year of High School on a Rotary Youth Exchange to Sweden. Now dropped out of the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. I was majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Secondary Education with a focus on Art, with an Architecture minor. I have very eclectic interests. Now I'm trying to decide whether to grow up to be a giraffe, a gynecologist, or a pastry chef. Possibly a geneticist. Currently I am employed as a direct care provider for adults with developmental disabilities, and as a home health aide in elder care and hospice. They are very rewarding but very exhausting jobs. Between work and being a mom, I try to find a little time for relaxation. I play Roller Derby.

People who are neat, for some reason or another:

Version: 3.1
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Version: 1.3
FF1a/PR1a/RM1a A->+ C->++ D H+++ M- P++++ R+ T+ W Z- Sf# RLU a20 c++++ d? e+ f+++ h+ i+ j+ p->+ sf++

Places to visit:

  • Guanajuato, Mexico!
  • Paris, France (again)
  • Liverpool, England
  • London, England
  • Portland, Oregon (again)
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • N'awlins, Louisiana
  • Canberra, Australia
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Rhyl, Wales

People say funny stuff. It amuses me.

2004Sept21 22:28 <Rudra> The con in congress is actually cum.
2005July23 04:05 Swap wonders if Kit has gang-banged anyone recently.
2005July23 04:24 Swap thinks of fluid dynamics and Kit's sexuality.

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