user since
Sun Jun 22 2003 at 11:29:04 (21.8 years ago )
last seen
Fri Jan 26 2024 at 09:29:30 (1.2 years ago )
number of write-ups
132 - View eliserh's writeups (feed)
level / experience
9 (Archivist) / 4780
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
The undying unity between law and sauce
constitutional law, asylum law, languages, comparative law, emergency medicine, cardiology
University of Cincinnati, outies, ninjagirls
most recent writeup
On Crises, Bailouts, and Prosperity
Send private message to eliserh

I'm not here very much anymore, though I do try to pop by from time to time. If you'd like to see my recent work, you can find it over at: 


Anyone who'd like to support my work is welcome to become a patron or to make a one-off contribution at



Update (22.04.2016):

I just happened to pop by here after a long absence because the only source for an anecdote I was trying to remember happens to be here. So I decided to have a look round, and - fucking hell - it has been a while. I can't believe it's been more than a decade since Gritchka, who was one of my biggest inspirations on here, signed off (incidentally, if anyone has remained in touch with him, give him my best and let him know that I'd like to buy him a pint if we should ever cross paths).

Anyway, I started just checking the homenodes of people who happened to be online or people I used to be in frequent contact with on here, and stumbled upon one of those '/me misses' lists. That made me realise that it might be good to mention here that, although I haven't posted anything on here in (unbelievably enough) seven years, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I do periodically check in here, and I'm still writing a fair bit (albeit nowhere near as much as I'd like). I can be moc.liamg@kcirdneh.esile (e-mail distorted to thwart spambots), and provided your message isn't horrifying, I'll even write back. :)


Photo: Penne in marinata di pomodoro all'aceto balsamico tradizionale, made by eliserh

Praise for Minestrone Mucchione

03:22: Simulacron3: I cooked up a big pot of minestrone mucchione the other day, with some variations. Superb.
03:23: eliserh: Really?
03:23: eliserh: What variations?
03:25: Simulacron3: added green beans, didn't have cayenne, added kidney beans, tomato sauce, not paste (what I had, etc.)
03:25: eliserh: The beans are more in keeping with the traditional minestrone anyway. But you liked it?
03:26: Simulacron3: Maybe others. I take recipes as inspirations more than exact procedures and use what I have rather than shop special.
03:26: Simulacron3: Am loving it. 12 quart pot.
03:27: unperson: Sim3: Iron Chef's non-union mexican equivalent.
03:28: Simulacron3: Good recipe. Thanks to elise for sharing.
03:28: eliserh: I always make a huge pot of it as well
03:28: eliserh: It freezes very well. You can rehthaw it weeks later and it still tastes great
03:29: eliserh: Glad you liked it
03:30: Simulacron3: I added some basil, too. Cooking is a pretty fluid, spontaneous thing for me. I like soups, stews, gumbos, etc.
03:31: Simulacron3: Always taste better after a day or two. The chemistry is very complex.

New! Check out the first weekly instalment of my serial novel,John and Silke

De nuevo quieren manchar
Mi tierra con sangre obrera
Los que hablan de libertad
Y tienen las manos negras

Victor Jara: Vientos del pueblo

Revised and expanded:

Men's rights movement — 26 May 2007

Родина —
Еду я на Родину
Пусть кричат "уродина."
Она нам нравится,
Хоть и не красавица.

ДДТ: Родина

Important notice:

I hear that people have been wondering about my recent inactivity. I just want to let everyone who's been asking lately know that I'm not gone. I've just, for the first time in my life, had a decent amount of translation work to do (following a week's vacation in the Outer Banks), during which time I had no internet access. So I'm still here, and I may actually node sometime soon. Here are some topics you may see:

September 11, 1973: The Pinochet Tapes

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Unidad Popular

Zuppa all'arrabbiata

/me misses Gritchka: I just found out a few minutes ago that Gritchka decided to leave E2. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that he will be sorely missed. His friendly disposition and willingness to help, not to mention his ability to have a casual conversation about grammaticalizations and light verbs, were amongst the things that convinced me, when I first arrived, that it was worth dedicating some energy to this place. If anyone happens to have a way to get in touch with him, please message me. I have a message I'd like to give him and no other way to get in touch.

La petite mort, heppigirl, and ninjapenguin rock (and have excellent handwriting, too)!

Noders I've had the great pleasure of meeting in person (in chronological order): Wiccanpiper, dann, Siobhan.

Travel Vignettes:

Crossing the Austrian Border
Onward to Munich

My Lawnodes:

Abstention doctrine
Administrative law
Amicus curiae
Amicus curiae brief
Appellate brief
Chevron deference
Chile's Amnesty Act of 1978
Constitutional avoidance doctrine
Convention Against Torture
Culpa in contrahendo
Defense of Marriage Act
Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
Directive 2000/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
Ejusdem generis
Federal Marriage Amendment
Germany's Life Partnership Act
Griswold v. Connecticut
Griswold v. Connecticut - Concurrences and Dissents
Harmless error
How to Cite a United States Circuit Court Case
How to refer to laws
Japan's Habeas Corpus Act
Judge Posner on the INS
Littleton v. Prange
No law
Obligations Law Modernisation Act of 2002
Petition for Review
Prison Litigation Reform Act
Punitive Damages
Qualified immunity
Res ipsa loquitur
Res judicata
Rule Against Perpetuities
Silveira v. Lockyer I,II,III
Sine qua non
Solicitor General
Southwest Voter Registration Education Project v. Shelley (California Recall)
Spy v. Spy: The German Government's Attempt to Ban the National Democratic Party
Standard of review
The Cannabis Decision (German Federal Constitutional Court)
The Connoisseur's Guide to the Adhesion Contract
The Ten Commandments Judge
The White Rose: An Epilogue
Who's who in litigation - designations of the parties
Woldemeskel v. INS

My Medical Nodes:

Chest radiograph
Medical Slang
Tube thoracostomy

My Commentary:

A Refund for a Report
Colin Powell's February 2001 statements on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
"President" George W. Bush's address to the nation: September 07, 2003
The King of Torts
The Translator's Task
They Hate Us Because We're Wonderful
University of Cincinnati

Translator/Interpreter/Editor/Proofreader, working in Cincinnati toward degrees in law and medicine

Languages Spoken:
Russian, Japanese, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese, English, and others

Legal, Medical, Technical, Commercial

When I'm not noding here, I'm either doing my translation work, or I'm looking for work doing translating, interpreting, writing, or doing legal writing and research. Anyone who'd like a writing sample can contact me at

Also be sure to visit and!

Mini-rant du jour

I recently had occasion to make use of my ISP's tech support services, which prompted them to send me a customer satisfaction survey. They gave space to respond in detail with regard to one's opinion of the electronic voice mail menu system:

The system, like so many others, requires considerable ingenuity on the part of customers in order to speak with an actual human being. Navigating the menu is a game of strategy in itself. In general, there are few things in life more irritating than taking direction from an inanimate object that can think of nothing better to do than have me listen to someone else's radio.

More fun with tech support:

This is a note I sent to MSN's "help" service this evening in an effort to close a Hotmail account:


I am trying to close my Hotmail/.NET Passport account. According to the rather minimalist help documentation available, this is a theoretical possibility; however, the help file on closing a .NET Passport account does not include information such as how one might go about closing one's .NET Passport account. For this reason, I have two questions:
1) If I close my .NET Passport account, will this also cancel my web-based Hotmail acccount?
2) How exactly do I do this?


Watch for my upcoming article in the Media Watch section of Fierce Magazine this winter!


yaar says it seems that you have no faith in the free market system and the American way.


A fair and balanced way to begin a Real American newscast:

"May the best wishes of our beloved leader materialize in the golden New American Century. May the Great Amerikalilarinbasi, who works day and night for the sake of his country and people, remain alert and in good health. May his sound plans become reality. And now, let us start our news bulletin."


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(Lists generated Sun Oct 5 20:35:43 2003 GMT, as of University of Cincinnati writeup, by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)

10 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
9C! President George W. Bush's address to the nation: September 07, 2003 1
2C! Men's Rights Movement 2
2C! Federal Marriage Amendment 3
4C! The translator's task 4
1C! Chevron deference 5
3C! Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Was it justified? (tied) 6
4C! 35-Mark-Ticket (tied) 6
1C! Defense of Marriage Act 8
1C! Multilingual Phrasebook for "Persons of Interest" (tied) 9
2C! The Connoisseur's Guide to the Adhesion Contract (tied) 9

10 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 Hans-Joachim Jentsch
2 Udo Di Fabio
3 (tied) University of Cincinnati
3 (tied) Michael Gerhardt
3 (tied) Silveira v. Lockyer III
3 (tied) Rudolf Mellinghoff
7 (tied) Griswold v. Connecticut - Concurrences and Dissents
7 (tied) The Final Leaflet of the White Rose
9 (tied) Silveira v. Lockyer II
9 (tied) Silveira v. Lockyer I
9 (tied) cardiomegaly 1C!
9 (tied) Solicitor General
9 (tied) Siegfried Broß
9 (tied) Venceremos
9 (tied) Winfried Hassemer

10 Highest Goodness Writeups
4C! The translator's task (tied) 1
4C! 35-Mark-Ticket (tied) 1
2C! The Connoisseur's Guide to the Adhesion Contract (tied) 1
3C! Spy v. Spy: The German government's attempt to ban the National Democratic Party (tied) 1
1C! Crossing the Austrian border (tied) 1
The King of Torts (tied) 1
Quick vegetarian pasta sauce (tied) 1
1C! res ipsa loquitur (tied) 1
1C! amicus curiae (tied) 1
Tube thoracostomy (tied) 1
petition for review (tied) 1
1C! Who's Who In Litigation - Designations of the Parties (tied) 1
administrative law (tied) 1
ejusdem generis (tied) 1
sine qua non (tied) 1
Solicitor General (tied) 1
Venceremos (tied) 1
1C! cardiomegaly (tied) 1
The Final Leaflet of the White Rose (tied) 1
Michael Gerhardt (tied) 1
University of Cincinnati (tied) 1
Rudolf Mellinghoff (tied) 1
Udo Di Fabio (tied) 1
Hans-Joachim Jentsch (tied) 1

10 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 1C!
2 Directive 2000/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
3 A (very) brief history of U.S. legal thought
4 University of Cincinnati: A Bureaucratic Farce in Verse 1C!
5 Silveira v. Lockyer III
6 Men's Rights Movement 2C!
7 Griswold v. Connecticut - Concurrences and Dissents
8 (tied) Silveira v. Lockyer I
8 (tied) Silveira v. Lockyer II
10 harmless error

10 Most Reputable Writeups
9C! President George W. Bush's address to the nation: September 07, 2003 1
4C! The translator's task 2
1C! Chevron deference 3
2C! Federal Marriage Amendment 4
4C! 35-Mark-Ticket 5
2C! The Connoisseur's Guide to the Adhesion Contract 6
1C! Defense of Marriage Act 7
3C! Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Was it justified? (tied) 8
2C! The Gone, Growing in Number (tied) 8
1C! Multilingual Phrasebook for "Persons of Interest" 10

10 Least Reputable Writeups
1 (tied) Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 1C!
1 (tied) Directive 2000/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
3 Silveira v. Lockyer III
4 Griswold v. Connecticut - Concurrences and Dissents
5 (tied) Silveira v. Lockyer I
5 (tied) Silveira v. Lockyer II
5 (tied) Hans-Joachim Jentsch
8 Udo Di Fabio
9 (tied) Winfried Hassemer
9 (tied) Siegfried Broß
9 (tied) Michael Gerhardt
9 (tied) University of Cincinnati
9 (tied) Rudolf Mellinghoff

Donald, ein echter Patriot

Herr Rumsfeld, der is gnadenlos
Was macht er mit dem Irak bloß?
Er würgt die UNO-Hilfe ab,
schickt Tausende verfrüht ins Grab.

Hohe Spritpreise gfoin ihm guat
Er steht a voll auf Eis’n und Bluat,
Krieg hat er mal im Kino gsehn
Do selba wollt’ er net hingehn

Chor: Herr Rumsfeld, der is Ami
Und Ami sein is schwer;
Und Amis wie der Rumsfeld,
Kommt bitte nicht hierher! (bis)

Sein Chef kennt kaum das Alphabet
Weiß nur, wo Cheneys Bunker steht;
Sein Krieg is uns nicht unbekannt;
Er wurd’ bloß wieder umbenannt.

Der sagt, es sei nur Gegenwehr
Den Spruch kenn ma scho ir’ndwoher
Dem Cheney, Rumsfeld, und dem Blair
Den’ glaubt jetzt keiner mehr!


Jetzt läßt er die Sau erst raus
Und schmeißt Bomben aufs Krankenhaus
Dort platzen alle Scheiben ein
Es int’ressiert sich halt kein Schwein.

Dann zündet er ganz Bagdad an
Denn wie John Wayne geht er voll ran;
Beim Thema Militärfreiheit
Da weiß er voll Bescheid!

Ja, Herr Rumsfeld, der is Ami
Und voll humanitär
Human wie unser Rumsfeld
Is heit’z’tag keiner mehr

Vor gut 50 Jahren
Tat mans schon mal probiern
Das nennt man „Kriegsverbrechen“
Er wills net akzeptiern!

¡A bombardear!

Yo pregunto a los presentes
Si no se han puesto a pensar
Que el petróleo es de nosotros
Y no de los de Irak.

Le pregunto si en la nafta
Nunca habrá pensado usted
Que si las bombas son nuestras
Es nuestro lo que nos den.

¡A bombardear, a bombardear!
Que la nafta es nuestra
Es tuya, de aquél
De Texaco, Exxon, y Mobil también.(bis)

Si molesto con mi canto
A alguien que no quiera oír
Le aseguro que es terrorista
Y enemigo de la libertad.

¡A bombardear, a bombardear!
Que la nafta es nuestra
Es tuya, de aquél
De Texaco, Exxon, y Mobil también.(bis)

Cumbia Bagdadesca

“¿Se ha fijado, Donald?”
“¡Dígame, Richard!”
“Que nuestro apoyo
tá por acabar.”

“Es más bien precaria
nuestra situación.”
“Hay que prepararnos
pa otra invasión.”


Dicen los que perdieron la elección
Y asumieron el mando de la Nación.

¿Eh, Donald?
¡Por supuesto, sí Dick!
¿Eh, Donald?
¡Evidente, sí Dick!

A fomentar el miedo
En la población,
Pa que ya no piensen
En eso de Enron.

Armas imaginarias
Hay que inventar
En las Torres Gemelas
Deberán pensar.


Creemos una pandilla
Pa la agresión
Podremos llamarla
La “Coalición.”

Ignoremos la ONU
Porque ¡ay joder!
No es tan obediente
Como nuestro Blair.


Es la vieja historia
Pa’ poder pelear
A los roticuacos
Hay que engañar.

Y si no hay armas,
Dará igual,
Porque la historia
Se puede cambiar.

Estribillo II:

Dicen los cabecillas de la agresión
Que se ven obligados a cambiar versión

¿Eh, Donald?
¡Por supuesto, sí Dick!
¿Eh, Donald?
¡Evidente, sí Dick!

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