user since
Tue Sep 18 2001 at 20:27:55 (23.5 years ago )
last seen
Fri Nov 9 2012 at 19:33:21 (12.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
254 - View cbustapeck's writeups (feed)
level / experience
29 (Grand Vizier) / 42620
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To convince Scribe that she still wants to be stuck with me. And Penelopes! And Gunters!
Art, mostly, but that doesn't transfer too well to text. Bookbinding, library science, books, and art history, I think.
Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, MD
yay for being employed!
most recent writeup
Make your own jeans
Send private message to cbustapeck

Death of Cleopatra by Edmonia Lewis

The next time I'm in Washington, D.C. and I have time, I'm going to spend some quality time with The Throne of the Third Heaven, so that I can do a better writeup. The existing writeup is good, but I want to do something that better conveys the absolute passion and brilliance of this work. It's the best piece of outsider art, ever.

I am engaged to am marrying married scribe on May 20 and you didn't.

"FOOD. That boy has a one track mind. It only deviates when wood becomes involved. Or boobs. Combine them all..and LOOK OUT!!! ;)", according to the lovely Audrey.

I love you

I am a Master of Library and Information Science. I am employed as a librarian in the African American Department at the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland.

Christopher Busta-Peck, email (note new!) aim. cbustapeck

Ask the new editors questions and you will get answers! Take for instance this conversation from September 8:

cbustapeck: hey hey hey! Why did I (or didn't I) get cursed or blessed? Huh? What's up with that? Are all the gods after me?
Wuukiee: yes. we're all after you
Wuukiee: we wanted to make a stirfry out of your liver, if we can catch you.
cbustapeck: oooh! Sounds yummy!
Wuukiee: a little lime juice, peanut sauce, some noodles...
cbustapeck: Hmm. I must reveal this on my homenode: The gods and editors actually like liver!
Wuukiee: i don't. but i'm just part of the stalking team.
Wuukiee: i'll just use some of the sauce on something tastier, like chicken.
cbustapeck: Ohhhh. Ok.
Wuukiee: cuz peanut sauce kicks ass
cbustapeck: Thank you for clarifying all that. My writeups will surely improve now.
Wuukiee: no prob.