user since
Wed Oct 17 2001 at 09:01:43 (23 years ago )
last seen
Sat Oct 26 2024 at 20:19:11 (1.3 days ago )
number of write-ups
1573 - View mauler's writeups (feed)
level / experience
45 (Divine Monarch) / 83633
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
member of
gods, Content Editors - My Endorsements
categories maintained
Japanese Emperors, Sexuality in Japan
most recent writeup
Send private message to mauler

You cherish this box because it once held your dreams

Der er et mønster i mørket

Well, I'm an administrator type around here. In my view my primary job here is to help people write better, in whatever ways I can. That's why they call us "Content Editors" and not simply "Content Deleters" (although that is an incidental part of the job from time to time). In my view, your primary job here is to write good nodes, and to ask myself or other Editors any and all questions you may have. If you think about it, Content Editors are a pretty cool thing - we are here 24/7 as a free resource to help you write well. Please use us!

These are probably my 8 best nodes; if you only have time to read a few things I've written, read these:

Examples of the inadequacy of the English Language | Folsom Prison Blues | Learning Early | pants | Troll 2 | within this robot, your best poetry | Six cold poems on six cold days | Strawberry facts


The C! Challenge

Hey there! I want to read great writing, and I'd like you to help me find some.

Think you are bold enough to take The C! Challenge?? Well step up to the plate and /msg me a hardlinked writeup of yours which you think is worthy of a C! Be sure to mention that your message is for the C! Challenge (otherwise, I will probably be confused and ignore it). I will read your writeup in full, and possibly give it a C! However, I might also possibly downvote it, upvote it with no C!, or not vote on it at all. In any case, I will drop you a message letting you know what I did and more importantly, why. Give me your best shot!

C!: 12
+1: 36
-1: 3
for a total of 39 contestants so far and a C! rate of 31%.
A tip o' the hat to our brave contestants and to gn0sis for the original idea!

How to craft a factual writeup

1. Research, research, research. Finished? Okay, go research some more. You may have missed something!

2. In all seriousness, if you are doing your research on the internet, you should draw upon at least three sources in composing your writeup. I consider this a bare minimum. Otherwise you are not really contributing anything that somebody couldn't find with a Google search and a few quick mouse clicks. If your main source is a book, it may be acceptable to use only one source (particularly if it is a rare or hard-to-find book), but even then, aren't you just parroting somebody else's words?

3. Read your sources through a few times until you are familiar with them, and then, and this is crucial, write your writeup from memory and in your own words. Anything less is plagiarism, and besides, one of the main benefits of contributing to E2 is the opportunity to develop and refine your own writing voice; this will not happen if you just reword and rework someone else's sentences.

4. Lastly, cite your sources if you have paraphrased or quoted from somebody else, or if you have noded something controversial and anticipate people wanting you to prove it (it's always a good idea to cover your rear in case some smartass comes knocking on your node). Note that you do not have to cite any sources at all if you are noding commonly known facts that are readily available from a variety of sources.

Stop! Go contribute a line to The Everything Poem

Check out my ongoing projects:

An original, all-new translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - only available here on E2!

Japanese History

Chinese History - MASSIVE UPDATE 3/29/04 Jin, Ming, and Qing Dynasties finally outlined!

American History

Everything India Encyclopedia

A few of my favorite noders, for various reasons, but mostly because they write ridiculously good stuff:

sekicho, Gorgonzola, dannye, TheBooBooKitty, CatherineB, hashbrownie, RalphyK, gn0sis, aneurin, Footprints, jessicapierce, Walter, Shro0m, allseeingeye, Jet-Poop, Orange Julius, anyend, junkpile, etouffee, Bitriot, prole, Templeton, Jack, Dimview, liontamer, dem bones, TheCustodian, Aerobe, Ancientsnow

Thanks go out to these people who provided encouragement and helpful advice when I was just getting started: Billy, dannye, Gritchka, TheBooBooKitty, liveforever, riverrun

A little about me for the curious: Age: 38
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Current Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Japanese Castles I've visited:

Original Modern Reconstructions Ruins

Mountains I've summited, in ascending order of height (minimum 400 meters):

Tenguzuka, 440 meters, Takarazuka, Japan
Mount Iwakura, 488.4 meters, Takarazuka, Japan
Mount Tamalpais, 784 meters, Marin County, California
Mount Rokko, 931 meters, Kobe, Japan
Echo Mountain, 977 meters, California
Yellow Mountain, 1,860 meters, Huangshan, China
Mount Washington, 1,917 meters, New Hampshire
Mount Whitney, 4,418 meters, California

Some years I have noded: 660 BC | 403 BC | 4 BC | 1BC | 61 | 69 | 93 | 174 | 313 | 449 | 518 | 536 | 638 | 655 | 666 | 742 | 843 | 863 | 905 | 1027 | 1066 | 1084 | 1102 | 1124 | 1130 | 1133 | 1164 | 1176 | 1189 | 1210 | 1227 | 1239 | 1263 | 1291 | 1322 | 1329 | 1334 | 1338 | 1348 | 1390 | 1400 | 1401 | 1405 | 1406 | 1421 | 1470 | 1482 | 1484 | 1485 | 1487 | 1491 | 1504 | 1519 | 1523 | 1525 | 1528 | 1541 | 1547 | 1551 | 1552 | 1553 | 1554 | 1555 | 1556 | 1557 | 1558 | 1559 | 1560 | 1561 | 1562 | 1563 | 1564 | 1565 | 1566 | 1567 | 1568 | 1569 | 1570 | 1571 | 1572 | 1573 | 1574 | 1575 | 1576 | 1577 | 1578 | 1579 | 1580 | 1581 | 1582 | 1583 | 1584 | 1585 | 1586 | 1587 | 1588 | 1589 | 1590 | 1591 | 1592 | 1593 | 1594 | 1595 | 1596 | 1597 | 1598 | 1599 | 1600 | 1601 | 1602 | 1603 | 1604 | 1605 | 1606 | 1607 | 1608 | 1609 | 1610 | 1611 | 1612 | 1613 | 1614 | 1615 | 1616 | 1617 | 1620 | 1621 | 1622 | 1623 | 1624 | 1625 | 1626 | 1627 | 1628 | 1629 | 1630 | 1631 | 1632 | 1633 | 1634 | 1635 | 1636 | 1637 | 1638 | 1639 | 1640 | 1820 | 1825 | 1827 | 1836 | 1867 | 1872 | 1885 | 1893 | 1898 | 1899 | 1900 | 1906 | 1911 | 1912 | 1918 | 1935 | 1942 | 1947 | 1951 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1971 | 1974 | 1988 | 1994 | 1997 | 2004 | 2014 | 2050

My nodeshare as of March 25, 2007:

 |                                           C                                                 
 |  C    C                                                                                     
 |  C                                                                                          
 |                                      C                                                      
 | C  C                                                                                        
 | CCxxCxx                               C                                                     
 | CCCxxxxxx                                                                      C            
 | xCxxxxxxxxxx        C                                                                       
 | CxCCxxxCxxxxC                                                                               
 | xCCxxxxxxCxxCC        C                                                                     
 | xCxxCCxxxxxCCCCCx                     C              C                                      
 | CxxxCxxxxCxxxxxCxCxx  C             C                                 C                     
 | CxCCxxxxxxxxxxxxCCxCxxC         C                    C                                      
 | xCCxCCxCxCxxxxxxCxxCxxxCC        C              C         C           C     C               
 | CCCCCCxxCxCCxxxCxCCCCxxCx       CC      C                           C                       
 | xCxxxxxxxCCxCxxxxCCxxxxCxxCC    C   CC CCxC  CxCCC  C    C  x x x CC  C               C     
 | xCCCCxxxxxCxCxCCCCCxCCCCCCC       CCxCxxCxCxxCCCCCCCCx CCCCCCCCCCxxCCC   C       C          
 | xxCxxxxxxxxCCCxxCCCxxxxxCxCCxxCxCCxCCCCxCxCxxxCxxCCxCCCxCxCCxCCCCCCCC   C   xC    CxC   CCx 
 | xxxxxxCxCxxxxxxxxxxxCxCxxxxCxxxCxCxxCxxCCCxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx x x x  C    xx             x  
 | xxxxCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCxxxxCxxxxCxxCxCx C x CCx Cx x x           C  xx    xC   x  
 | xxxxxCxxxxxxxCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCxxCxCCxx xxxxxx   x xx xx x xx             C                x  
 | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xx     x x       x                                          
0+-xxxxxxx-------xxxxxxxxx----------------x----------------------------------------------------> now

Hooray for Pyrogenic and the E2 Nodegel Visualizer!

Things That Rhyme With Dimview

(person) by mauler (print) (X by dem bones) Rep: 2 ( +5 / -3 ) (Rep Graph) Fri Nov 07 2008 at 7:20:25

  1. Gym shoe
  2. Slim clue
  3. Trim Jew
  4. Limned blue
  5. Grim debut
  6. Hymn slew
  7. Skimmed poo
  8. Dim loo
  9. Swim through
  10. Vim Carew

Catbox Litter

<E2D2> I love My penis. Clockmaker correctly interpreted my penis. I like to think of myself as my penis's penis.

Angel, Ninja, Whore: