"History may not repeat itself,
but it does rhyme."
- Mark Twain
Age of God-Kings
Ancient China -+- Ancient Egypt -+- Ancient Greece -+- Ancient India -+- Ancient Israel -+- Ancient Korea -+- Ancient Rome -+- Ancient Sumeria
Age of Monarchs
American Empire -+- Assyrian Empire -+- Austro-Hungarian Empire -+- Aztec Empire -+- Babylonian Empire -+- British Empire -+- Byzantine Empire -+- Chinese Empire -+- Frankish Empire -+- Holy Roman Empire -+- Inca Empire -+- Japanese Empire -+- Mauryan Empire -+- Maya Empire -+- Mongol Empire -+- Mughal Empire -+- Napoleonic Empire -+- Ottoman Empire -+- Parthian Empire -+- Persian Empire -+- Roman Empire -+- Russian Empire -+- Sassanid Empire -+- Spanish Empire -+- Timurid Empire -+- Yamato Empire
Age of Nation-States
American History -+- Brazilian History -+- British History -+- Bulgarian History -+- Danish History -+- Canadian History -+- Chinese History -+- Finnish History -+- French History -+- German History -+- Indian History -+- Irish History -+- Japanese History -+- Korean History -+- Russian History -+- Scottish History -+- South African History -+- Spanish History -+- Vietnamese History -+- Welsh History
Military History
Go forth and node them!
/msg me with new nodes to add to this list.
1st century BC
1st century
5th century
7th century
11th century
12th century
14th century
15th century
16th century
17th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
- 1903 - The Wright Brothers make the first successful flight of an airplane on the beach at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
- 1912 - The luxury liner Titanic strikes an iceberg in the north Atlantic and sinks.
- 1914-1918 - World War I wracks Europe, taking over 8 million lives.
- 1917 - The Russian Revolution sets Russia on a path toward Bolshevism.
- 1918 - An influenza epidemic sweeps the globe, killing 25 million.
- 1923 - The Great Tokyo Earthquake kills 100,000 people.
- 1928 - Alexander Flemming discovers penicillin.
- 1929-1939 - The Great Depression devastates the worldwide economy.
- 1937 - The German zeppelin Hindenburg explodes and crashes at Lakehurst, New Jersey, ending the age of the great rigid airships.
- 1939-1945 - World War II kills more than 50 million people.
- 1949 - Mao Zedong declares the People's Republic of China.
- 1957 - The Soviet Union successfully launches
Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite, setting off the Space Race.
- 1958-1960 - In the Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong attempts to jumpstart China's industrialization at the expense of agriculture. Instead, 30 million starve to death.
- 1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis brings the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of war.
- 1969 - American astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to walk on the Moon.
- 1966-1976 - In the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong and the "Gang of Four" unleash the Red Guards to "purify" Chinese communism. A killing spree ensues, halted only by Mao's death in 1976.
- 1999 - Everything2.
21st century