"Don't let me die, I have got so much to do.
The last words of assassinated Louisiana Senator Huey Long, to his doctors, September 10, 1935.
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."
Retired US Marines Major-General Smedley Butler, from his book War Is A Racket, 1935.
In the year 1935...
- Dark clouds gather over Europe as...
- US President Franklin D. Roosevelt enacts three of the most iconic laws of the New Deal, creating the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which creates thousands of jobs by putting the unemployed to work on public works projects, signing the Social Security Act which creates a federal program to care for the aged and the handicapped, and approving the National Labor Relations Act, which gives labor unions the power of collective bargaining.
- American labor leaders establish the Congress for Industrial Organization (CIO) for the purpose of organizing workers in heavy industrial sectors.
- A massive Earthquake destroys the town of Quetta in modern-day Pakistan killing more than 26,000.
- The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 smashes Florida, killing 483.
- As part of a filibuster, Huey Long of Louisiana makes the longest speech in US Senate history on the night of June 12, clocking in at 15 and a half hours and 150,000 words.
- Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger first presents the famous thought experiment now known as "Schrödinger's Cat" in a German magazine article.
- DuPont chemist Wallace Carothers invents Nylon.
- Alcoholics Anonymous is founded in New York City by William G. Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith.
- The Pan American Airways flying boat China Clipper delivers the first airmail across the Pacific Ocean.
- Construction begins on Hoover Dam.
- National Periodical Publications (later known as DC Comics) publishes New Fun Comics, the first modern comic book.
- The briefs style of men's underwear is sold for the first time by Chicago clothier Coopers, Inc.
These people were born in 1935:
These people died in 1935:
1934 - 1935 - 1936
20th century