user since
Mon Jan 28 2002 at 07:11:35 (22.6 years ago )
last seen
Fri Aug 23 2024 at 19:51:02 (1.2 weeks ago )
number of write-ups
261 - View avalyn's writeups (feed)
number of write-ups within last year
level / experience
22 (Grand Poobah) / 26396
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mission drive within everything
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gods, Content Editors - My Endorsements
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cannabis distillate
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Looking for new (to you) music? Have some! (all below written by me; most contain links to various songs)

Bold text indicates particularly important (to me) writeups.

Bands/performers: (ordered, descending, by date of writeup)




Bands I've seen live (not necessarily my writeups, though some are, and those are indicated by bold text):

Noders I've Had The Distinct Pleasure of Meeting In The Real World™, although, sadly, a distressing number of those listed below have fled E2.

Noder count: 128 as of June 30, 2012.:

00100, Accipiter, alex, Altusmens, ameriwire, Andrew Aguecheek, androjen, artman2003, Auron, Auspice, BAR, Becca, belligerentmax, birdlace, Bitca, borgo, borgette, Brainwave, BriarCub, brassmule, BrooksMarlin, cahla, Caitiff, cbustapeck, ccunning, ch'i-lin, chaotic_poet, choco-tracy, Chris-O, Conventional oven, Cow Of Doom, craze, creases, danne, DataJunkie, discofever, disgruntledwren, divalessor, dizzy, duckrabbit, ducksauce, eien_meru, elephino, enth, evadyne, Feldar, Frankie, GhettoAardvark, Gorgonzola, greth, gwennlian, Hyphenated, Iconoplast, indigoe, Indra363, izubachi, Jack, jacob8er, jessicaj, jessicapierce, JetGirl, jethro bodine, Junkill, Jurph, karma_debt, karmaflux, JD, Katyana, LadySun, LaggedyAnne, kevi, Lucy-S, magicmanzach, mcc, Metacognizant, mock style, ModernAngel, mordel, NinjaPenguin, NoahPierce, nocte, Nora, No Springs, OldMiner, Orange Julius, panamaus, passport, Phyrkrakr, pitcher, provocateur, qousqous, QXZ, radlab0, Rapscallion, redbaker, RoguePoet, RyanMM, sauth, scarcatcher, Scout Finch, Scribe, Segnbora-t, Sessor, sighmoan, Siobhan, Spackle, sparklemuse, Strong_Bow79, Swap, swish girl, tandex, Templeton, thefez, Tiefling, Transitional Man, vandewal, Void_Ptr, Walter, Wiccanpiper, witchiepoo, WonkoDSane, Wuukiee, Xeerjat, yclept, Ysardo, zade, zaph, zophos, zot-fot-piq and _the_devil_.

The first was Templeton. The most recent was Nora.

Noders I've Had The Distinct Pleasure of Receiving Postal Mail From:

bewilderbeast, Glowing Fish, Halspal, hapax, Hatscheput, LadySun, legbagede, nocte, paraclete, passport, provocateur, Segnbora-t, Siobhan, strawberry and will.

Noders I've Had The Distinct Pleasure of Speaking To On A Telephone, But Have Never Met:

Focus, Kit, nate, Jet-Poop, wertperch and will.

Gatherings attended:


  • January 28, 2002: Level 1
  • March 5, 2002: Level 2
  • April 8, 2002: Level 3
  • August 19, 2002: Level 4
  • October 21, 2002: Level 5 (via Honor Roll)
  • December 15, 2003: Level 6
  • November 9, 2004: Content Editor Powers Activate!
  • July 13, 2006: Ascension to godhood.
  • February 29, 2008: Level 7 (via Writeup Bonus)
  • October 30, 2008: Level 13 (via XP recalculation)
  • April 7, 2011: Level 14
  • January 7, 2014: Level 15
  • December 29, 2014: Level 21 (via some code change or another)
  • November 9, 2015: Level 22

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