All my write-ups are © me 2003-2007.
I come back to lurk sometimes, though. /msg me and I might see it.
- user since
- Thu Dec 18 2003 at 00:43:35 (21.3 years ago )
- last seen
- Tue Dec 26 2023 at 08:01:10 (1.3 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 15 - View redbaker's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 3 (Scribe) / 2148
- C!s spent
- 3
- mission drive within everything
- To learn and teach.
- specialties
- Physics, Philosophy, and other toys.
- school/company
- The Nick James Academy of Levitation and Robotics.
- motto
- Laugh in the face of apathy.
- most recent writeup
- the smallest number that looks prime but isn't
- Send private message to redbaker
User Bookmarks:
- 202-244-3121
- 44 Dates
- A Blather of Paradoxes
- A crazy ideological teenager who still thinks that clear, free, rational thinking can save the world
- A Natural History of Light
- A Polymer Wang: My police record and me
- A Power of Facing Unpleasant Facts
- A Swiftly Tilting Planet
- Analogy as the Core of Cognition
- Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe Algorithm
- Consumer quantum mechanics
- Daily Evil: December 25, 2000
- David Foster Wallace
- Delayed Non-Match to Sample
- Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando (idea)
- Everything2 as a 300 pound kitten
- God slipped away quietly, during third period physics class
- God Talk and Burning Children
- HateQuest 2006
- Here lies one whose name was writ in water (idea)
- heterotopia (place)
- How did I get here, Sarah?
- How I invented Anna and made her a character in all my stories
- How science undergoes changes of theory
- How to carve a dodecahedron out of a cube
- How to meet the most girls (idea)
- I bought a bookstore
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library
- I want you in my mouth (person)
- Jerkcity
- John Rawls and utilitarianism (idea)
- Jorge Luis Borges
- laws of physics
- Life on the Jones Farm
- Listen, boy. Everyone is their own kind of ninja.
- Little Science, Big Science
- Love is more complicated than Quantum Mechanics (idea)
- March 15, 2007 (idea)
- moloch36
- no cloning theorem (idea)
- Noether's theorem
- Oblique Strategies
- On being sane in insane places
- On watching your dad vandalize city property
- Percolation
- Philosophische Untersuchungen 43
- Physics envy (idea)
- Post's correspondence problem (idea)
- Programming killed the story problem
- Project Igloo White
- Proof that Napoleon Bonaparte never existed
- quantum non-locality
- Revelation of the Lamb in Four Parts
- Richard Boyd on Metaphor
- Richard Rorty on Metaphor
- Robot is to follow the sun
- Science to write
- self-avoiding walk (idea)
- Speaking on Wal-Mart's P.A. system via any phone in the world
- Steam-powered Turing Machine
- That whole bedroom thing wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tried to explain Quantum Physics
- The ability of planarian worms to run a maze more successfully after being fed the remains of a successful worm
- the constant disappointment of eschatologists waiting eagerly for the end of the world
- The future does not belong to fear: it belongs to freedom
- The innate preference of all animals for novelty
- The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play
- The only thing stopping us is the pressure. If your machine can withstand it, we are already on our way.
- The principles of nuclear weapon safety and meeting girls are remarkably similar
- The Serial Killer Jailbait Airline Lotto
- The significant costs of the large human brain
- The terrorists have already won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McDonald's!
- The Uniform Charge Density Paradox (idea)
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics
- Think of us as a lost
- Transgressing the Boundaries (thing)
- Turkey City Lexicon: A Primer For Science Fiction Workshops
- Upper Paleolithic Revolution
- Weak security in our daily lives
- When Chopin finished a piece he stopped writing it
- Why the regionally acclaimed 12-year-old composer never wrote music again
- Wikipedia Mathematics
- With Bohr and Heisenberg at the empty heart of everything
- Wittgenstein and ethics beyond philosophy
- Write it. Tear it up.
- You love these machines. These machines are dead: a love story.