I'm starting to understand why, during my whole education, the tests and such have always been in the morning.
Some teachers say that "if I wake you up in the middle of the night and ask, you should be able to answer this question". Well, just what happened this morning: I was drowsy, but I hope I could answer most of the questions nicely enough... =)
I read about the Chernobyl stuff from Slashdot - really scary pictures, too. So, where were you when the reactor 4 blew up?
I was in Kuhmo, I guess. I don't remember much, but I heard the Lukio students wanted to see what the Geiger counter might say about the rain pipes...
Okay, today's stuff: I read of the RBMK reactors (still mind in Chernobyl, I guess) from the web, and found a nice page that had information about it - in Russian. Since my Russian is admittedly a bit rusted, I wanted to print the page and translate it that way (Yeah, XEmacs handles mixed Latin-1 and Cyrillic charsets, but still)...
Printing was problematic - a2ps discriminated against Russian (allowed me to specify that the document was in ISO-8859-5, but said "that's binary garbage to me, boy"), and Mozilla still thinks it's Latin-1 for the purposes of printing...
I played some Magic: The Gathering (against computer)... I need to try NetMage (or something similiar) soon.
So I tried NetMage (a Java app). Not impressive. Needed to enter 80% of the card data by hand... =)
Well, umm, I guess I'll go play some games before the night shall become too dark. Bye, 'til tomorrow...
Other day logs o' mine...
Noded today by y.t.:
nuclear handgrenade