- It seemed like a good idea at the time
- This place like an old jacket, made alien by time.
- these couplets are a waste of time; i never seem to make them scan
- Hot pursuit
- What seemed like tenderness was really weakness
- time stretches out like frayed rope
- i don't spend a lot of time thinking about what it feels like to be gored by a chainsaw
- I don't think I realized what I had gotten myself into, but it seemed like the potential for fun and insanity were there in equal parts
- There suddenly did not seem time enough for everything.
- No Fool Like and Old Fool
- I feel like every time I sneeze, I disappoint you
- Old Time Radio
- Your home probably smells like an old sock. No thanks
- Every Tuesday, I dress as a 46-year old woman and waitress at a diner on route 27. This is the meaning of life.
- she seems bored with me after all this time
- Or do we like time's children come also at last to the silent shadowlands?
- It seems like the right thing to do
- Some days it seems like the sun is landing on the earth
- the time I felt like a real man
- MyBase and other VB.NET concepts designed to make you feel like a five year old
- The streets are old and dirty and old and I like them
- We don't have time. Not like they do.
- they seem each like a smile of great sweetness
- Who the heck wants to look like an old lady? Pick me, pick me!
- This time vote like your whole world depended on it
- Old Time Fiddlers
- A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight
- A conversation with old country guys is like being a chicken dentist
- You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
- Religion is like an old pair of shoes
- There are times when they seem to be right
- Time is like a solvent
- food fight
- In the old days girls like this sat on rocks in the ocean
- No time like the present
- Some like it in the pot, nine days old
- Every time I see a dead fish that isn't, I think of you. Happiness keeps washing over me like a wave. What do I do with it all?
- times like those
- does this writeup make me seem like an asshole?
- Gloss over the losses, like they're an old pair of lips
- Does your soul cast about like an old paper bag?
- Some lovers (like the old you and I) never experience love at all
- E2 is like getting old, having friends die, and running into them on the street
- I like it when I dream of her. It's the only time we get to talk.
- I still like a bedtime story
- Like hands on a clock tell time without thinking about how long it's been
- Time flies like an arrow
- This castle looks a lot like the old one
- seems like yesterday, seems like forever
- The ceiling seems like it's tired of being our tripmeter.
- want me like time
- My old clothes hang on a chair like ghosts of people I've been
- Push as hard as you like. Time is unstoppable.
- when my time is in the past, i hope my heart lays in the grass, and feeds another one who lives like it's all just begun
- When you get to the top, I know what it'll seem like. But there IS someone there. There IS someone there.
- Old chestnut: East and West coast same time
- Old Time Relijun
- An old woman's sentiment is delicately spun, and yet we find it stronger than time
- old time radio shows
- ...does the time always drag like this?
- all true revelation will seem like common sense unraveling before you
- Sew, old woman, sew like the wind!
- Everything seems to be up in the air at this time.
- Tale as Old as Time
- real old time flavor
- Why I like my old car that always breaks down
- I recommend driving like an Old Lady
- Girlfriend who likes computers
- breeding like rabbits
- Trip Like I Do
- Men like large amounts of kinetic energy
- Beat like a redheaded stepchild
- Head Like a Hole
- Tricks girls use to look like they swallow
- Lovin' you like rubbers
- I never thought it would be like this
- Took a lot to live a lot like you
- Talking about love is like dancing about architecture
- I know what it's like to be dead
- Walk Like an Egyptian
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- Cake Like
- Making like the rabbits
- I Don't Like Mondays
- Spies Like Us
- Party Like It's 1499
- Jesus undoubtedly said this or something very like it
- I thought paper cuts were like lightning
- I do not like doctors
- like an ashtray
- How to avoid people whom you don't like talking to
- In like Flynn
- I like my coffee the way I like my women
- Driven Like the Snow
- The future like a corpse in snow
- Run Like Hell
- What is it like to have a crush on someone?
- Why I Like the Soviet National Anthem
- like this
- Like a Dream (2)
- My heart is like the sun
- As You Like It
- Why I like New Mexico
- They hit each other, like fucking Christ intended!
- Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I'll go eat worms
- Painting a rock to make it look more like a rock
- out like a light
- What Does Your Soul Look Like
- Nodes your Grandma would have liked
- i like my body when it is with your
- Everyone likes the Pope
- Writing about music is like dancing about architecture
- It's not so much that I like him as a person God, but as a boy he's very handsome
- As You Like It I.i
- As You Like It I.ii
- As You Like It I.iii
- As You Like It II.i
- As You Like It II.ii
- As You Like It II.iii
- As You Like It II.iv
- It looks like you are writing a letter
- Like Cockatoos
- Like kicking dead whales down the beach
- Like nailing jelly to a tree
- Like a Rolling Stone
- Mommy, why are those ducks wrestling like that?
- Noding is like writing poetry
- I like electronic music, but I am not a raver.
- Be different, just like everyone else
- Unix time
- I feel like I'm missing pieces of sleep
- When that cow would walk it was like she was dancing
- curved penis
- The boss ain't gonna like this
- I don't like moving.
- "He" is actually a buxom blonde bisexual sorority girl. The net is like that.
- Like A Friend
- Throws like a girl
- Sweating like a whore in church
- Why poems are like babies...
- Poetry you found that you wrote when you were ten but secretly still like
- Like no place else
- Be a model or just look like one
- All my friends are nonconformists. They all dress like me.
- Episode II Soundtrack: Track titles I'd like to see
- I'd like to buy the world a Coke
- I'm creating a religion... you'll like it!
- Why is a pregnant cow like Monaghan?
- I Do Not Like Thee Doctor Fell
- T.A.Z.: Communique #5: "Intellectual S/M Is the Fascism of the Eighties--The Avant-Garde Eats Shit and Likes It,"
- You make that sound like a bad thing
- I Like Traffic Lights
- treat every moment like it's your last
- How to smoke crack like a pro
- I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God
- Today I feel like a tiger shark
- what would you like?
- I would like to spiritually attune your face with my knee
- It's, like, yawn; superfuckin' yawn
- I like to take up space
- Psst, you look like your sternum collapsed
- Good girls who look like bad girls
- I just called to say your brother fucks like a mink
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