Location: London, England Website: http://www.citystate.co.uk/ Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/rclarke.bsky.social I am mostly retired from writing on Everything2. Mostly. Outside of my day job, I've released two free computer games which you can find here: fomalhaut.itch.io And now, some lists:
Noders I have met IRL (almost certainly incomplete) 00100 Albert Herring Andrew Aguecheek AnnaPanna Archiewood Arieh Ascorbic Auduster BaronWR Bexxta Bipolarbear BlackPawn Blowdart Booyaa Bus ridin' fool Bz2 Call Catchpole CatherineB Clockmaker CloudStrife Cool Beans Dabcanboulet Dann Darl Decimetre DejaMorgana Diotina Dizzy Donfreenut DTal Fitzroy FlameBoy Frankie Girlotron Gnarl Great Neb Gritchka Grundoon HamsterMan Hazelnut Heisenberg Hexter Heyoka Hookskies Hugo Rune Iain Ianah0 Iceowl Iocane Jack JayBonci Jobby JodieK Just_Tom K9 Krimson La Petite Mort Lastwords LeoDV Lila Megan_of_Wutai Meidinhell Minisecret Mkb Montecarlo Nevermind_me Nine9 Noung Oolong Panamaus Pandora Paraclete PJD Ponder Pookie Princess Loulou QousQous RalphyK ReiToei Revolution Sam512 Scarf Scriblerus Sharq Shimmer ShouldHaveNodeBetter Siobhan Sloebertje sm597 So save me Soren015 SpinyNorm Spiregrain Splunge StrawberryFrog Stupot Swankivy TallRoo TeaAndCake TenMinJoe Teos The Alchemist The Custodian The Debutante TheBoy TheFez TheLady Tiefling Toalight Trembling Tristan VicimusGegan VT_hawkeye Wertperch Wiccanpiper Wntrmute Wrinkly WyldWynd Noding about video games Note: the following writeups were added to the database over a period of six years, so in many cases may be outdated and/or ripe for superseding. Needless to say, these writeups should not necessarily be considered representative of my current opinions or writing style. Articles Abandonware Adrian Stephens Attract sequence Bob Wakelin Composite Sprites Jack Thompson Jim Is Now A Blind Cave Salamander Kuso-Ge Minecart Level PEGI Put Out My Flames With Gasoline Seven Force Shareware Toru Iwatani VQuake Xbox Live Games 688 Attack Sub Acecombat Distant Thunder After Burner Afterburner 2 Alex Kidd in Shinobi World Alien 8 Alien Soldier Alien Storm Alisia Dragoon American Baseball Ant Attack AquaNox 2: Revelation Archangel Arx Fatalis Aurail Batman Beam Breakers Betrayal in Antara Bioforge Black & White Bug Bomber Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Cannon Fodder Cannon Fodder 2 Card Fighters 2 Expand Edition Card Fighters Clash Carmageddon Castle Adventure Castle of Illusion Chaser Chrono Trigger Chuck Rock Columns Columns III Command & Conquer Crueball Cyborg Justice Daley Thompson's Decathlon Dark Seal David's Midnight Magic Day of the Tentacle Desert Strike Deus Ex Deus Ex Machina Devil Crash Devil May Cry Doom 64 Dwarf Fortress Dynamite Dux Earthworm Jim 2 Epic Pinball Escape from Monkey Island Etherlords Fantasy Zone Faselei! Final Fantasy VI Firelord Freedom Fighters Ganbare Neo Poke-Kun Golden Sun Gundam Wing: Endless Duel Gunstar Heroes Half-life Hampstead Hang On Hard Drivin' Horace Goes Skiing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Industry Giant II Interphase Interstate '76 Jagged Alliance James Pond K. Hawk: Survival Instinct Kingpin Knights of the Round Konami Krazy Racers Landstalker Llamatron Loco-Motion Mafia MarioKart Advance Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Slug Metal Slug 2nd Mission Metal Slug 3 Metroid Prime (second part) Michael Schumacher Racing World Kart 2002 Mickey Mania Micro Machines 2 Microsoft Flight Simulator Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monster World IV Moonwalker Mortal Kombat Nightmare in the Dark Noiz2 Omikron: The Nomad Soul Operation Flashpoint Out Run Pacific Strike Pacmania Pagan: Ultima VIII Panic on Funkotron Pikmin Pnickies Pop'n Twinbee Populous Prince of Persia Pusher Puyo Pop Puyo Pop Fever Quake Quake III Arena QUAKE III: Team Arena Quarantine R-Type Ragnarok Online Ready Aim Tomatoes Red Zone Return to Castle Wolfenstein Revenge of Shinobi Ristar Road Rash Robocop Vs. The Terminator Sakura Wars Santa Claus Jr. Advance Secret Agent Severance: Blade of Darkness Shining Force Shinobi Shogun Silent Storm SimCity 2000 SimCity 3000 Skeleton Krew Skool Daze Slide SNK vs Capcom: The Match of The Millennium Sonic and Knuckles Sonic the Hedgehog Soul Calibur Space Tripper Spear of Destiny Spheres of Chaos Spider-Man the Videogame Starship Titanic Startopia Streets of Rage Streets of Rage 2 Streets Of Rage 3 Strike Commander Stunt Island Sunset Riders Super Bombad Racing Super Mario Advance Super Mario Sunshine Super Monkey Ball Syndicate T2 : The Arcade Game Terry Pratchett's Discworld The Adventures of Batman & Robin The Secret of Monkey Island The Sims The Story of Thor Thunder Force IV Tiny Toon Adventures Toejam & Earl Toejam & Earl III Tokyo Wars Tomb Raider Truck Dismount Two Crude Dudes Ultimate Fighting Championship Unreal II Vimana Virtua Racing Virtua Racing Deluxe Viz: The Computer Game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory World of Illusion World Soccer X-Men 2 Xenon II Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel Zork ZPC Resources VideoGames (usergroup) Video Games (index) E2 FAQ: Video Games (read this)