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For a periodic wave, the wavelength is the distance after which the wave repeats its shape1. The wavelength is usually denoted with the Greek letter λ and has dimensions of length. For a perfect sinusoidal wave, the wavelength can be measured as the distance between one crest and the next or one trough and the next. If a wave has a long wavelength, it changes very slowly over distances. If the wavelength is small then it changes very rapidly over distances. The wavelength describes the behavior of a wave in space in the same way that the period describes the behavior in time. If a traveling wave varies in time with a period T, then the speed of the wave will be λ/T.

Mathematically, a sinusoidal wave takes on values according to the expression

A cos(2πx/λ+φ)

at a position x. This expresses the fact that the value for x = 0 will be the same as for x = λ, since that would just add 2π to the argument of cosine, which does not change the value. It is true that the value is the same for any two points separated by a distance λ. Often when dealing with the mathematics of waves it is more convenient to describe the behavior in terms of wavenumber rather than wavelength. In general, a wave that is not perfectly sinusoidal is made up of a superposition (the addition of) many sinusoidal waves of different wavelengths.

As it characterizes a wave, the wavelength will determine how many other wave phenomina exhibit themselves, including: interference, diffraction, dispersion, and the available resolving power.

Wavelength is one of the properties of a wave that is often easiest to measure. If a wave is standing still or not moving very quickly, then one may be able to measure the wavelength directly. For example, if you setup a standing wave on a string, then you can actually use a ruler to measure the wavelength. Often we measure the wavelength indirectly using interference patterns, especially when the wavelength is very small.

A sort of wavelength that scientists are often concerned with measuring is the wavelength of light, which is an electromagnetic wave. The wavelength of visible light is quite small, ranging from about 400-700 nm, but it can be measured through diffraction and interference. By measuring the wavelength of light we can determine the energy of the process that emitted that light. This allows us to determine the temperature of distant objects and the internal structure of atoms and molecules, in a process known as spectroscopy. The wavelength is important in most of the processes of physical optics.

In quantum mechanics, all particles travel as waves. One of the early steps in quantum mechanics was the discovery of de Broglie's relation, which relates the wavelength of a particle's wavefunction to its momentum.

1 One may assign a wavelength to any periodic wave; however, if it is not perfectly sinusoidal, then one may actually assign a number of different wavelength components to it through fourier analysis. The wavelength of periodic repetition would be the stongest component.

The concept of wavelength is something I take for granted so much I wasn't entirely sure what to put. Suggestions for improvements are more than welcome.

Also known as:
cetylacetic acid
hydrofol acid 1855
hydrofol acid 1655
1-heptadecanecarboxylic acid
heptadecane-carboxylic acid
octadecanoic acid

Stearic acid is a long-chained fatty acid obtained by treating animal fats (especially beef tallow) with water at high temperature and pressure, or by the hydrogenation of vegetable oils (especially cocoa butter). In its pure form, it is a white or yellowish, hard, waxy powder or flakes. When melted, it becomes a clear liquid.

Stearic acid is used primarily as a thickener and emulsifier (a chemical that allows oil and water to mix) due to the creamy, pearly appearance and soft, soothing texture it gives to lotions. You probably have at least half a dozen items in your home that contain stearic acid. It's used in candles, soaps, cosmetics, moisturizers, creams, lotions, and other personal care products. It is usually found in concentrations of 2-10%. Although it is an acid, in low concentrations it is not an irritant.

Stearic acid helped make the transition from tallow to paraffin candles in the 19th Century. Paraffin is a better substance for a candle because it burns cleanly and has no unpleasant odor. However, paraffin has a lower melting point and candles made from pure paraffin burned faster than those made from tallow. Adding stearic acid to the paraffin solved this problem, and modern candles are generally made from a stearic acid and paraffin mix. Other substances that could have replaced tallow are generally too expensive or labor-intensive to make.

In most other applications, stearic acid is just a thickener, a hardener, an emulsifier, or a combination of the three.


The electron neutrino, symbol νe, is an elementary particle, one of the six leptons. It is a neutral particle with a very small mass, less than 5 eV/c^2 (0.001% of the electron mass). As a lepton, it has spin 1/2, and as the name implies it is the counterpart of the electron, the two particles forming a 'doublet'. Neutrinos are stable particles and only interact with other matter via the weak nuclear force and gravity. Thus, they rarely interact and are therefore difficult to detect.

Electron neutrinos are most commonly produced from the decay of a positive W particle, along with a positron. Its antiparticle, the electron antineutrino, is produced from the decay of a negative W particle along with an electron. W particles are produced by most weak decays, including beta decay and muon decay, as well as in nuclear fusion reactions. Due to maximal parity violation in the weak interaction, electron neutrinos always have negative helicity, meaning that their spin is oriented antiparallel to their momentum. The opposite is true for electron antineutrinos and some speculate that this is actually the only distinction between neutrino and antineutrino.

Neutrino production in nuclear fusion is very important in the study of neutrino physics. Many nuclear fusion reactions produce neutrinos, including several that occur routinely in the core of the Sun. These neutrinos are called solar neutrinos and are studied intensely, particularly at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). Solar neutrinos were key to the discovery of neutrino oscillation, which is the other way that electron neutrinos can be produced.

Neutrinos, as they propagate, have been found to have their 'flavour' oscillate; i.e. they change between between being electron neutrinos, being muon neutrinos, and being tau neutrinos. Thus electron neutrinos can be observed from processes that produce the other flavours of neutrinos, such as in the so-called 'atmospheric neutrinos'. Atmospheric neutrinos are muon neutrinos produced along with a muon when a cosmic ray strikes the Earth's atmosphere. Atmospheric neutrinos are studied at Super Kamiokande (Super-K).

When electron neutrinos interact with other matter, they interact in one of two ways. The first way is called 'charged current', where the neutrino transforms into an electron in the interaction, and the second is 'neutral current', where no particle transformations occur, only scattering. They can interact with both nucleons and electrons, interaction with nucleons being the more important for neutrino detection.

For example, SNO uses deuterium as its detector medium. A charged current interaction between an electron neutrino and the neutron in deuterium transforms the neutrino into an electron and the neutron into a proton, separating the deuteron into two independent protons. A neutral current interaction does not transform any particles but it generally imparts enough energy to the deuteron to split it into a neutron and a proton. Since the neutral current interaction can occur with any neutrino, SNO can use these two reactions to discover what fraction of the incident neutrinos are electron neutrinos.

The electron neutrino is at once both one of the most important elementary particles in particle physics and one of the most elusive. Although most of its basic properties are well understood, one of the major outstanding problems in neutrino physics is determining its mass and the masses of the other neutrinos.

This writeup is copyright 2004 D.G. Roberge and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial licence. Details can be found at .

One of the nicest terms in zoology, a cloacal kiss is what happens when a mummy bird and a daddy bird love each other very much. They bring their all-purpose excretory and reproductive openings (called cloacas) together, and sperm is transferred from the male to the female. Some romantic zoologist considered this contact not dissimilar from two mouths kissing, and the name has stuck.

What follows is the full story of the fantastic journey of bird sperm. In human relations, romance typically happens by moonlight; however, in the animal kingdom the light of the sun is more important. Like humans marking off the passing year by days getting shorter and longer, birds too can judge the approach of breeding season by the changing light. Surprisingly, this is not done with their eyes; the sun's rays shining through the bird's skull stimulates photoreceptors in the brain and causes the production of sex hormones and other effects.

In males, as well as causing changes in plumage and behaviour, this awakens the testes, which swell up to become hundreds of times bigger than normal and often change colour. The enlarged testes can make up a tenth of the bird's body weight; the left is generally larger than the right. Sperm is made in the testes and passes via the vas deferens. As with mammalian sperm, each spermatozoon has a head and a tail as well as hormones to allow it to penetrate the egg. Its journey down can take days, and (depending on species) it can be stored for additional time either in the vas deferens or in the seminal vesicle, a convoluted structure at the end of the vas deferens. This opens into the urodeum, the part of the cloaca where the ureter also empties uric acid from the kidneys.

As mentioned, birds have a single reproductive and excretory opening, the cloaca. Combining the functions of mammalian genitals and anus, this excretes feces and nitrogenous waste (as uric acic), as well as emitting sperm in the male and receiving sperm and laying eggs in the female. In a few species the males have penises: anseriformes (waterfowl), ratites (ostriches etc), tinamous, and storks, which protrude from the cloaca for intercourse but are normally stored inside; however most birds have no such organ. For reproduction to occur in those species without penises, the outer edges of the cloaca of the male and female must be brought together to allow the transfer of sperm. This touching of cloacas is called the "cloacal kiss".

Bird mating rituals are complex and highly varied, but (as with human courtship) they all end with the same thing. For intercourse to occur, the female adopts a mating position, which signals to the male that she is sexually receptive. This position varies between birds but generally includes adopting a submissive posture and moving the tail upwards and/or to one side. The male typically approaches diagonally from behind her and climbs onto her back or simply stands very close to her, getting into position to allow the tips of their cloacas to touch. Normally the anterior of the male's cloaca lines up with the posterior of the female's, and vice versa, i.e. the two birds' cloacas are inverted relative to each other.

The transfer of sperm can take less than a second, although some birds linger for up to an hour. In most species, copulation takes place on land, although a few (e.g. white-throated swifts) mate in the air, and many water birds copulate while afloat. (It would probably be simpler from the point of view of the avian kama sutra if the cloacas were on the front, but that's nature for you.)

Inside the female, sperm is stored in the cloaca at the lower end of the oviduct (egg tube); it can be kept for many days, up to two months in the case of turkeys. This means that copulation does not need to occur frequently, although in many birds it does, owing to sperm competition. Each sperm carries half of the chromosomes needed for making a bird cell, the remainder coming from the female within an ovum, or egg (the exact number of chromosomes varies between species or genera). Sex chromosome arrangement in birds differs from in humans - male birds have two Z chromosomes while females have a Z and a W - however the principles are similar.

Females in most species have a single ovary, the left, though some e.g. Falconidae (falcons) have two. The ovary is connected to the cloaca via a long tube, the oviduct, which has many parts with different functions. On leaving the ovary, the egg is already surrounded by layers of yolk; it passes into the ostium, the first stage of its journey through the oviduct. Next is the magnum, where the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell which has swam up the female's oviduct; the sperm fuses with the nucleus of the egg and they create a cell that is ready to divide. Albumen (egg white) is added to the fertilized egg in the magnum; then the shell membranes are lain down in the isthmus.

The shell hardens in the uterine area, the final part of the oviduct, and the egg is stored at the base of the oviduct until it is expelled from the cloaca by the vaginal muscles. Then out it pops, and it is either eaten or broken, or it hatches into a new bird.

A cloacal kiss also occurs in a few lizards, such as tuataras, which have no male external sexual organ (most other reptiles have one or even two penises, housed in pouches off the cloaca).

  • Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, and Darryl Wheye, "Copulation", Stanford Alumni website, 1988,
  • D. Hansen, "Courtship and Mating", Hamilton and District Budgerigar and Cage Bird Society website,
  • Bruce Musico, "Sphenodon punctatus (tuatara)", Animal Diversity Web,
  • Darrel K. Styles, "A brief review of avian genetics", Old World Aviaries website,
  • David Swanson, Ornithology lecture notes, University of South Dakota website,
  • "The Sex Lives of Birds: The Honeymoon", Ed. Christine Tarski, Birding section at,

A Bayesian is someone who interprets probability as degree of belief. This interpretation contrasts with the frequentist interpretation.

Bayesian Interpretation of Probability

Almost anyone with the slightest numeracy has an understanding of probability. A statement such as "tomorrow it will rain with 60% probability" makes sense to anyone who has ever watched a weather forecast. If we ask about the meaning of this statement, we might get a response such as "well, it's not certain that tomorrow it will rain, but it's rather likely that it will." If inquire about some more, we might see that some people will carry an umbrella with them tomorrow, and some might not. Some people believe that it 60% chance of rain is a figure high enough to warrant a preventive umbrella, and some do not.

This is a very common-sense interpretation of probability. A probability is a number between zero and one that we assign to events of which we are uncertain, with zero meaning absolute certainty of the falsehood of some statement, and one is certainty of its truth, and there are varying degrees of truth and belief in between. This is how a Bayesian interprets a probability statement. Most people, unless they have been exposed to some mathematical sophistication, hold Bayesian interpretations of probability without explicitly knowing so.

Under the Bayesian interpretation, a probability of 60% means different things to different people; some are willing to risk their money at a game of poker and some are not. Thus probabilities are subjective measurements, and this gives Bayesians their nickname: subjectivists. This is a strong objection against the Bayesian interpretation of probability. Some people, believe that probabilities are numbers that can be assigned objectively to statements about the world, that objectively there either is or isn't a good reason for playing poker, and anyone who doesn't adhere to these reasons is simply being irrational.

But this is mere philosophy. We can discuss all day the meaning of probability until the rain soaks us wet. The mathematical treatment of probability leaves no room for interpretation. There are certain rules to follow while we perform probabilistic calculations, and they are based on three simple axioms. Mathematical abstract nonsense allows us to circumvent unpleasant discussions.

Bayes' Theorem

Let us stick to pure mathematics for a moment. Let P(A|B) denote the conditional probability that event A happens given event B has happened; by definition, P(A|B) = P(A & B)/P(B), where P(A & B) denotes the probability that both events A and B happen simultaneously. We wish to find a formula for P(B|A), e.g. if we know the probability that it rains on Tuesdays, we would like to calculate the probability that today is Tuesday given that it has rained. Straight from definitions,

               P(A & B)
    P(B|A)  = ---------,

               P(A|B) P(B)
            = ------------.

This is known as Bayes' Theorem.

In most situations of interest, we do not know P(A) a priori and must calculate it from something else. Often, what we have is a partition of the sample space into exhaustively many events B1, B2, ..., Bn such that Σi=1n P(Bi) = 1. Under such conditions, by the law of total probability Bayes' Theorem becomes

                    P(A|B ) P(B )
                         k     k               
       P(B |A)  =  ---------------.
          k        n
                   Σ P(A|B ) P(B )
                  i=1     i     i                     

Another case that is often interesting involves continuous random variables and their density functions. Suppose that θ is some random variable with density f(θ), and x is a vector of random variables (such as a sequence of observations!) with joint density function g(x). Then Bayes' Theorem takes the form

               g(x|θ) f(θ)
     f(θ|x) = ----------------,
               ∫ g(x|θ)f(θ) dθ

where the discrete sum has been replaced by a continuous integration taken over all possible values of θ.

Why is this any of our business? Because Bayesians take their name from the application of this theorem, formulated first in a paper by the late Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702-1761), published posthumously in 1763. The above development is purely mathematical, follows from axioms and definitions of probability. Bayesians, however, have an interesting way of applying this to the world. Bayesians interpret Bayes' Theorem as a mathematical statement of how experience modifies our beliefs.

Bayesian Statistics

The Bayesian interpretation only becomes important once we start to indulge in statistical inference. The situation is the following: the world is one big complicated mess, and there are many things of which we aren't sure. Nevertheless, there are some things that we can approximate, and our beliefs about the world are among them. We come to the world with certain pre-suppositions and beliefs, and we refine and modify them as we make observations. If we once believed that every day it is equally likely or not to rain, we might modify our beliefs after spending a few months in the Amazon rainforest.

We therefore postulate a model of the world, that there are certain parameters that describe probability distributions of which we take samplings. Such parameters could be proportion of people who respond positively to a certain medication, the mean annual temperature of the Gobi desert, or the mass of a proton. These parameters are fixed, but we allow ourselves to express our uncertainty of their true values by giving them probability distributions. We assign them a probabilities based on hunches or intuitive reasoning. This distribution we assign before making any observations is called a prior distribution. Then we conduct some experiments and apply Bayes' Theorem in order to modify this into a posterior distribution that reflects the new information we have. This procedure can be repeated, with our posterior as a new prior distribution, and further experimentation may yield an even better second posterior distribution.

I will present the general idea in more detail with an example. Suppose that we would like to estimate the proportion of Bayesian statisticans who are female. We will begin with a clean slate and make no assumption as to what this proportion is, and we shall quantify this un-assumption by stating that, as far as we know, the proportion of female Bayesians is a random variable that is equally likely to lie anywhere between zero and one (this is known as a uniform random variable or a uniform distribution). Let θ denote this uniform random variable. Its density function is

               /  1   if  0 < x < 1,
     f (θ)  = {
               \  0   otherwise.

This shall be our prior distribution. In this case, it is called an uninformative prior distribution, because it does not tell us to expect any particular value of θ. Its graph is a boring straight line:

 2 +
 0 |
                       0.2                  0.4                  0.6                  0.8                   1

This is a very bare-bones model about the world so far, but it's about to get better. We go out amongst all our Bayesian friends (ahem, a "random sample") and count the number of X chromosomes, to the best of our abilities. Suppose there were twelve X chromosomes and eight Y chromosomes (eight boys, two girls). Let x denote the random variable "number of female Bayesians in a random sample of 10"; this is a binomial random variable with probability of success equal to θ. In our example, we observed on this particular instance that x = 2. The conditional probability density function of x given θ is

                /  /10\   x      10-x
               |  (    ) θ  (1-θ)         if x = 0, 1, ..., 10
               |   \ x/
   g(x|θ)  =  {  
               |     0                    otherwise

In light of this new information, we shall now modify the distribution of θ. To this effect, we invoke Bayes' Theorem that in this instance reads as

                    g(x=2|θ) f(θ)
    f(θ|x=2)  = ----------------------.
                 ∫  g(x=2|θ) f(θ) dθ

A computation now ensues:

                  /10\   2       8 
                 (    ) θ   (1-θ)
                  \ 2/
    f(θ|x=2)  = ---------------------------
                  /1   /10\   2       8 
                 |    (    ) θ   (1-θ)  dθ
                / 0    \ 2/

                        2      8
                       θ  (1-θ)
              = ---------------------------
                  /1    2       8 
                 |     θ   (1-θ)  dθ
                / 0   

                        2      8
                       θ  (1-θ)
              = ---------------------------  (This integration can be performed by observing
                          1                   that the integrand is a Beta distribution with parameters
                        ----                  α=9 and β=3.)

                      2      8
             =   495 θ  (1-θ).

This is the posterior distribution. We recognise it to be a Beta distribution with parameters α=9 and β = 3. Its graph has a big hump around 0.2 and looks like this:

   +                 AAAAAA
   +                AA     AA
   +                A       AA
   |               A          A
 3 +              A           AA
   +             A             AA
   +             A               A
   +            A                A
   +            A                 A
2.5+           A                   A
   +           A                    A
   |          AA                    A
   +          A                      A
   +          A                       A
   +         A                        AA
 2 +         A                         A
   +        A                           A
   +        A                           A
   |        A                            A
   +       A                              A
   +       A                              AA
1.5+       A                                A
   +      A                                 A
   +      A                                  A
   +      A                                   A
   +     A                                     A
   |     A                                     AA
 1 +    AA                                       A
   +    A                                         A
   +    A                                         AA
   +    A                                           AA
   +   A                                             A
0.5+   A                                              AA
   |  AA                                               AAA
   +  A                                                  AA
   + AA                                                    AAA
   + A                                                        AAA
   +A                                                            AAAAAA
 0 |
                       0.2                  0.4                  0.6                  0.8                   1

Thus, even though we still are not sure of the true proportion of female Bayesians in the world, experience has taught us that we may expect about 20% of all Bayesians in the world to be female, and we can even quantify with probability statements the strength of our beliefs. The cool thing is that we can keep on modifying our distribution as we see fit. We could peform more experiments and surveys with this Beta distribution as our new prior distribution. If we work out another example, we will get another Beta distribution with different parameters. I was a bit sneaky and chose the uniform distribution because I knew it was a Beta distribution with parameters α=1 and β=1, and I knew that I would get another Beta distribution for the posterior. The mathematics doesn't always work out so nicely, unfortunately. When it does, and the prior and posterior distribution belong to the same family, we call them a conjugate pair of priors.

In the Bayesian framework, we can construct probability intervals, in analogy to the more common confidence intervals of frequentist statistics, except that now we can make true probability statements as to where the parameter will lie, because we have assigned a probability distribution to said parameter. For example, with our posterior distribution, we can correctly make a statement such as "as far as we know, the proportion of female Bayesians is between 0.1 and 0.3 with probability 59.8%".

Bayesian statistics begins here, with the assumption that it makes sense to quantify our beliefs by probabilities. More sophisticated techniques will rely on this basic postulate, and prior and posterior probability distributions will almost always be present in one form or another during our investigations. Some people find Bayesian statistics more intuitive and straightforward than the complicated interpretation that frequentist statistics require. It is perhaps for these reasons that Bayesian statistics have gained popularity in recent years, although it is probably safe to say (with probability 80%) that the majority of statistics conducted nowadays are of a frequentist fashion.

Some Objections to Bayesian Interpretations

Not everyone is convinced by Bayesian statistics. For some, the base assumptions are very fishy. Probabilities are subjective measurements? Nonsense! And how are you going to choose your prior distribution? Different priors will yield different posteriors; your prejudices will forever affect the way you see the world! Not to mention that calculations are often more involved in Bayesian statistics, and complicated integrals will abound. It also seems to require more assumptions than frequentist statistics, and it is a good rule to take the simplest model of the world possible. These are all valid points, and I shall briefly address them in turn.

That probabilities are subjective measurements should not bother us, since the actual mathematical theory itself does not make any subjective judgements based upon the numbers. Bayesian statistics offers probabilities and numbers, beginning with an assumption that it makes sense to quantify belief with probability, but does not actually impose any further subjective judgements. Instead, the theory allows for every individual to make the appropriate decision. As for the impact of the prior distribution, there are few situations where we are so completely ignorant of the situation as to have to assign a completely arbitrary prior distribution. Even in situations where our knowledge is very limited, we can reflect this by an uninformative uniform prior over some interval. Hopefully, the impact of our prior distribution will fade as we make more and more experiments. In fact, it can be shown that over repeated experimentation, almost any reasonable prior distribution will converge to a determined posterior distribution. The complexity of calculations should not bother us so much in this day where computers have facilitated numerical methods. We can always resort to them if needed. As for the extra assumptions required to do Bayesian statistics, I will say that yes, the Bayesian model is slightly more complicated than the frequentist, but it is thanks to this that the Bayesian model also has the ability to predict more. It is also true that sometimes nature just isn't as simple as we might hope, and a more complicated model is necessary.

Bayesian statistics are favoured in many areas of modern scientific research, particularly in biostatistics. The Bayesian model also has been used to great advantage in computer algorithms for blocking unwanted spam email, for example. I can understand why, regardless, many people would prefer to stick to the frequentist interpretation of probability and remain as objective as possible. It is important to keep extraneous assumptions to a mininum.