user since
Thu Oct 5 2000 at 18:54:57 (24.4 years ago )
last seen
Sun Jan 24 2021 at 21:48:01 (4.1 years ago )
number of write-ups
158 - View pimephalis's writeups (feed)
level / experience
10 (Polymath) / 6339
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To node factually, precisely and regularly
Biology, Statistics, Evolutionary Hermeneutics
Government somewhere not-so-frigid
In the name of God, in the name of our tormented people, I beseech you, I implore you; in the name of God I command you to stop the repression!
most recent writeup
Send private message to pimephalis

Ok, here it is, thanks to wick's Homenode List Generator, MY OWN LITTLE LIST OF GREATER FUTILITY AND LESSER FUTILITY! (List generated Tue Jan 28 16:49:51 2003 GMT by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)

5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
1C! Breeders: your children do not make you superior 1
2C! Could a baby eat another baby? 2
3C! Henry Kissinger 3
April 2, 2001 4
1C! Charles Darwin 5

5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 (tied) Ska Bands
1 (tied) Current Contents
1 (tied) Computer frustration
1 (tied) Ah-Ha
1 (tied) Pee in the elevator

5 Highest Goodness Writeups
4C! Jaguar (tied) 1
1C! Python (tied) 1
2C! Caudal autotomy (tied) 1
2C! vulture (tied) 1
male/female ratio (tied) 1
1C! Woolly Mammoth (tied) 1
3C! Chemical weapon (tied) 1
tuna (tied) 1
2C! How to feed a snake (tied) 1
2C! eutrophication (tied) 1
stupid American (tied) 1
2C! Leaf (tied) 1
1C! Megamouth shark (tied) 1
Tsetse (tied) 1
1C! Jubal Brown (tied) 1
Tips for renting a place to live (tied) 1
1C! Western hognose snake (tied) 1
2C! Great White Shark (tied) 1
normal distribution (tied) 1
Bitch list (tied) 1
1C! The relationship between breastfeeding, asthma and atopy (tied) 1
1C! Junk science (tied) 1
1C! mensurative experiment (tied) 1
2C! Horned Toad (tied) 1
Information technology (tied) 1
1C! Pit Bull Terrier (tied) 1
1C! American Kennel Club Recognised Breeds (tied) 1
graduate student (tied) 1
1C! measures of central tendency (tied) 1
1C! Bowfin (tied) 1
1C! allelopathy (tied) 1
Le Front National (tied) 1
keystone predator (tied) 1
1C! ecosystem (tied) 1
Red touch yellow kill a fellow (tied) 1
1C! Mudskipper (tied) 1
1C! zooplankton (tied) 1
child care (tied) 1
monitor (tied) 1
coup de main (tied) 1
Nature (tied) 1
homoscedasticity (tied) 1
capybara (tied) 1
aquaculture (tied) 1
1C! Living Fossil (tied) 1
2C! Randomized intervention analysis (tied) 1
Langmuir spiral (tied) 1
peer review (tied) 1
1C! bootstrapping (tied) 1
1C! t-test (tied) 1
androecium (tied) 1
Vertu (tied) 1
Walleye (tied) 1
1C! Sea Mammals (tied) 1
limnology (tied) 1
1C! The stock-recruitment relationship (tied) 1
1C! optimal foraging theory (tied) 1
1C! pseudoexperiment (tied) 1
Mayfly (tied) 1
1C! Muskie (tied) 1
Tegu (tied) 1
modeling (tied) 1
diurnal vertical migration (tied) 1
Stormix (tied) 1
1C! morphometrics (tied) 1
1C! phasmid (tied) 1
Prehensile-tailed Skink (tied) 1
1C! correlation (tied) 1
1C! scale and biology (tied) 1
1C! metalimnion (tied) 1
Ray Bourque (tied) 1
manipulative experiment (tied) 1
1C! Paleolimnology (tied) 1
Herpetoculture (tied) 1
The Blood of Heroes (tied) 1
epilimnion (tied) 1
1C! Food web (tied) 1
time series (tied) 1
Ram ventilation (tied) 1
patty cake (tied) 1
The trophic cascade hypothesis (tied) 1
Regression (tied) 1
Are some species more important than others? (tied) 1
Cryptosporidium (tied) 1
geostatistics (tied) 1
Archegonium (tied) 1
1C! Jackknife (tied) 1
Playskool (tied) 1
independent variable (tied) 1
Pee in the elevator (tied) 1
Computer frustration (tied) 1
Ska Bands (tied) 1
Current Contents (tied) 1

5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 Ah-Ha
2 Monitor spanning with an iBook
3 wide load
4 Shut up
5 verbing nouns

5 Most Reputable Writeups
2C! Could a baby eat another baby? 1
3C! Henry Kissinger 2
1C! Charles Darwin 3
1C! zombie 4
4C! Jaguar 5

5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 (tied) Monitor spanning with an iBook
1 (tied) Ah-Ha
3 wide load
4 (tied) Shut up
4 (tied) verbing nouns
4 (tied) life history
4 (tied) Current Contents
4 (tied) Ska Bands
4 (tied) Computer frustration
4 (tied) Pee in the elevator

Some snippets from my chatterbox and message inbox life:
2002.10.10 at 21:36 Starke says And I'm sorry, but I don't think this conversation can go anywhere, as I strongly disagree with the things you're saying.
2002.10.10 at 21:37 Starke says The unpopular should go. Power to the people.

And more recently, reproduced here to make you drool as I did
Imprecation says Ha! Rubbish! World champion indeed. (/me swirls glass of 15 year old Macallan.)

The loves of my life:

My wife, son number one, who was born in January 2000, and our not-so-petite baby boy (Born April 2003).

Why do I do what I do? Because Everthing2 is a wonderful, exciting world that should be explored by all. I'm no poet or creative writer. I hold such people in the highest esteem, but I am not one of them. For whatever reason, my passion comes out in my life, my friends and my family; I can't put it down on a page or on a screen in such a way to satisfy myself. Perhaps I'm just a poor writer, someone who loves words but can't craft them worth a damn. Maybe those are the cards I've been dealt. However, what I do do well is write what I know. Thus, the large majority of my w/us are factual in nature. So be it.

Unlike many other long time residents of E2, I haven't built up a massive following of friends. I have chatted briefly with many people, but my w/us generally go unnoticed. The people I have dealt with are: Hexter, my mentee Splunge, Gritchka and momomom. Peace to you all.

You can always reach me online by email (/msg me first, and I'll give it to you -- I already get enough spam and don't need to be harvested again, thanks) or by AIM (pimephalis)
I've been playing with the ekw themes, and this is the result. I call this "plum pudding":
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