user since
Mon Apr 30 2001 at 02:34:04 (23.5 years ago )
last seen
Sun Mar 11 2012 at 07:56:01 (12.6 years ago )
number of write-ups
185 - View RPGeek's writeups (feed)
level / experience
14 (Protector of the Art) / 11079
C!s spent
most recent writeup
Children of Mana
Send private message to RPGeek

Homenode image: Mt. Tsukuba with KEK (the Japanese particle accelerator lab) in foreground, May 15, 2008.
I'm the leader of the VideoGames and e2music usergroups; if you're a gamer or a music nut please /msg me to join...
Now you can email me;, but please note that that isn't how you spell 'GMail'.

All of my writeups are copyright D.G. Roberge and some all of them are released under Creative Commons licenses. See the list at the bottom for more details.

My political compass reading is (2007):
Economic Left/Right: -6.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.85
My political compass reading is (2002):
Economic Left/Right: -6.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.23

Writeups:      179  XP:            6607  Karma:             17  :                   
Max Rep:       115  Min Rep:          7  Total Rep:       4317  Ave Rep:       24.12
Max Upvotes:   116  Min Upvotes:      9  Total Upvotes:   4538  Ave Upvotes:   25.35
Max Downvotes:  16  Min Downvotes:    0  Total Downvotes:  221  Ave Downvotes:  1.23
Max Votes:     117  Min Votes:        9  Total Votes:      221  Ave Votes:     26.59
Max Cools:       5  Min Cools:        0  Total Cools:      205  Ave Cools:      1.15
Node-Fu:     36.91  WU Node-Fu:   35.57  Median Rep:        28  Rep Mode(s):      14
Merit:       21.35  Merit Range:  15-28  Devotion:     3821.50  Addiction:      1.43

Write Ups With The Highest Reputation
4C! (115) Mozilla Firefox .(1
3C! (85) OK Computer .(2
4C! (80) The Bends .(3
4C! (72) KDE .(4
1C! (61) catting weird things to /dev/audio .(5

Write Ups With The Lowest Reputation
1.) equivalence class (7)
2.) Atog (8)
2.) Precis F. Newman (8)
2.) GVRD (8)
3.) White Light Rock & Roll Review (9) 1C!
3.) Zinf (9)
3.) Action Pact (9)
3.) Socket 478 (9)
3.) AMD 760MP (9)

Write Ups With The Most Up Votes
4C! (116) Mozilla Firefox .(1
3C! (90) OK Computer .(2
4C! (82) The Bends .(3
4C! (73) KDE .(4
1C! (68) catting weird things to /dev/audio .(5

Write Ups With The Least Up Votes
1.) Action Pact (9)
1.) Socket 478 (9)
1.) AMD 760MP (9)
1.) GVRD (9)
2.) df (10)
2.) GQview (10)
2.) White Light Rock & Roll Review (10) 1C!
2.) Zinf (10)
2.) Atog (10)
2.) Precis F. Newman (10)
2.) equivalence class (10)

Write Ups With The Most Down Votes
2C! (16) Prosenoder's Cup 2007 .(1
(9) April 9, 2004 .(2
4C! (9) My life may no longer be my own .(2
1C! (7) catting weird things to /dev/audio .(3
(7) The Queen of England uses Linux! .(3
(7) Ancestral Recall .(3

Write Ups With The Least Down Votes
1.) lepton number (0) 1C!
1.) Nintendo Entertainment System (0) 5C!
1.) oscilloscope (0) 3C!
1.) Zsnes (0) 2C!
1.) neutrino (0) 2C!

Write Ups With The Most Total Votes
4C! (117) Mozilla Firefox .(1
3C! (95) OK Computer .(2
4C! (84) The Bends .(3
2C! (79) Prosenoder's Cup 2007 .(4
1C! (75) catting weird things to /dev/audio .(5

Write Ups With The Least Total Votes
1.) Action Pact (9)
1.) Socket 478 (9)
1.) AMD 760MP (9)
2.) df (10)
2.) GQview (10)
2.) GVRD (10)

Write Ups With The Highest Up Vote Percentage
1C! (100) lepton number .(1
5C! (100) Nintendo Entertainment System .(1
3C! (100) oscilloscope .(1
2C! (100) Zsnes .(1
2C! (100) neutrino .(1

Write Ups With The Highest Down Vote Percentage
1.) A Rationalist Defence of Faith (25.00) 1C!
2.) My life may no longer be my own (23.68) 4C!
3.) Ancestral Recall (23.33)
4.) equivalence class (23.08)
5.) Prosenoder's Cup 2007 (20.25) 2C!

Cooled Write Ups With The Highest Reputation
4C! (115) Mozilla Firefox .(1
3C! (85) OK Computer .(2
4C! (80) The Bends .(3
4C! (72) KDE .(4
1C! (61) catting weird things to /dev/audio .(5

Cooled Write Ups With The Lowest Reputation
1.) White Light Rock & Roll Review (9) 1C!
2.) A Rationalist Defence of Faith (12) 1C!
3.) Images and Words (13) 1C!
4.) Some Great Reward (14) 1C!
4.) AMD 760 (14) 1C!
4.) kdm (14) 1C!
4.) Linux Weekly News (14) 1C!
4.) wxPython (14) 1C!

Non Cooled Write Ups With The Highest Reputation
(32) A Perfect Circle .(1
(28) WMA .(2
(27) April 9, 2004 .(3
(27) The Queen of England uses Linux! .(3
(26) October 24, 2004 .(4

Write Ups With The Most Cools
1.) Nintendo Entertainment System (5) 5C!
1.) console RPG (5) 5C!
1.) quark (5) 5C!
2.) Mozilla Firefox (4) 4C!
2.) The Bends (4) 4C!
2.) KDE (4) 4C!
2.) New Adventures in Hi-Fi (4) 4C!
2.) magneto-optical trap (4) 4C!
2.) Vancouver Island (4) 4C!
2.) My life may no longer be my own (4) 4C!

I have spent 151 C!s on the following noders:

I have received 43 C!s from the following noders:

Homenode lists generated by in10se's E2 Explorer client on 24/04/2008 12:57:49 PM.

Version: 0.1.2
NF l++ xp+ n+ H++ c(--) e+ !# d D+ p+ g+ N

Version: 3.1
GS d- s++: a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L++ E+ W++ N- o? K w-- !O M V? PS++ PE- Y? PGP t+ 5++ !X R tv b++ !DI D+ G e+++>++++ h r++ y+*

Topical index of my writeups:
Writeups marked with a * are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial licence, version 2.5. See for human-readable details.
Writeups marked with a + are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licence, version 2.0. See for human-readable details.
Writeups marked with a % are released to the public domain.

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