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Mon Jun 16 2003 at 01:48:23 (21.8 years ago )
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Mon Nov 14 2005 at 03:59:04 (19.4 years ago )
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mission drive within everything
Enlighten the unenlightened.
bass and those who play it
The pen is mighter than the penis.
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Lightbulb Sun
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All you know about me's what I sold you.

<TheDeadGuy> It isn't like I actually put the wing ding in the sling bing, dude, if you know what I mean. There's more fun stuff to do.

Not all marytrs see divinity, but at least I try.


No colors anymore, I want them to turn black.

You lie, cheat, and steal; I cannot tolerate you.

I had a friend once, he took some acid, Now he thinks he's a fire engine, It's okay until he pisses on your lighter, Kinda smells, kinda cool, kinda funny, anyway... Satan, Satan, Satan... I had a friend once, he took some ecstasy, Tried to marry me and everyone in the room, He was sort of loving, kinda caring, kinda tried to fuck my lazy boy, It got a bit messy, all over the curtains, arm chair covers, throw pillows, and carpeting... Satan, Satan, Satan... I'm getting bored again...

Quotes I Like

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen F. Roberts

"Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein

This was originally a write-up... it didn't go over so well. ;) Too much work put into it to let it die, though.

TechnoStariX, The History Of

Chapter I: Rise of a Hero

The year is approximately 1997. A boy sits in his living room, surrounded by action figures. An epic war of Marvel superheroes is being waged; a grand tale of good versus evil. On one side is a freedom force comprised of such legends as Spider-Man and Wolverine. The other is commanded by the dark entity, Apocalypse. Spider-Man is out in the battlefields, a great general, while Wolverine is in the dark alleyways of Old New York trying to track down allies for the war effort. Apocalypse's minions are winning the battle against Spider-Man, as well as the war.

It begins to look bleak for our heroes when Spider-Man takes several near-fatal blows and falls from the battle; his arm will have to be replaced with a new, cybernetic arm. On the verge of defeat, emerging from behind the haze of gun smoke is an unfamiliar face. He is in his late teens: blonde hair, blue eyes. He is wearing a tattered gray cloak and has a shield in hand. The shield is worn but a large white star in the middle is still visible.

Born Stephen Rogers, he is the son of the legendary Captain America. The only thing left of his father’s is the shield he carries with him at all times. After hearing about his father’s great adventures, he decided to carry on his father’s will and fight crime in the name of justice. He now goes by the alias Tech Star and uses his father’s shield to make the world a safer place. Luckily, he makes his first public appearance just in time. The tides of the battle are turned and having shown his allegiance, the remaining forces invite him to join their cause.

Chapter II: Phoenix

The war is drawing to a close, and the heroes are making a last stand in Apocalypse's lair. Leading this battle is our favorite protagonist, Tech Star. By this time, he has proved himself time and time again as a valiant warrior and is commanding the Final Resistance. Wolverine is toe-to-toe with Apocalypse in the throne room, while Tech Star and his forces are fending off minions on the stairway leading to the throne. Suddenly, screams belonging to Wolverine ring throughout the fortress.

Tech Star quickly rushes to Wolverine's aid to find him mortally wounded. In a fit of rage, he vows to destroy Apocalypse. Conveniently, he happens to be towering over Tech Star at that time. They interlock in an epic struggle and fight to the death. In the end, Apocalypse is killed, but not before delivering a fatal blow to our hero. The rest of the forces finish off what is left of Apocalypse's minions, and the war is over... with severe casualties. Very few of the originals remain, and only a small band of soldiers return from Apocalypse's lair. Tech Star lies in the throne room, thought by his underlings to be dead.

Fast forward twenty years, the world is once more in peril. The history books do not say how or why, but the need for a new hero arises. All of the heroes of legend are dead and gone. Save one. Rising from the ashes, a hero clad in steel and silicon appears. In his hand is a battle-worn shield. His name is Tech Star X.

Chapter III: <Insert Something Epic>

This new and improved Tech Star bears little resemblance to the one last seen in the great showdown with Apocalypse. Tech Star X wears a suit of armor, made of metal alloys and infused with a silicon-based, strength enhancing computer system. Like Tech Star, he has blonde hair and blue eyes, albeit a helmet that covers his entire skull hides them. The most notable piece of equipment in his ensemble is the shield that Tech Star once bore.

By this time, Tech Star is considered a martyr and a legend. When Tech Star X emerges, they consider him to be an offspring or a protégé; no one in their right mind would consider him to be the original Tech Star. That aside, X proves himself to be worthy of the namesake, and saves the world once again. Having spent years in secret, training and honing his skills, X decides it is time to pass the torch. He searches the world for the most gifted individuals and assembles them to form a league unlike the world has ever seen.

With this team in place, all major threats are easily thwarted for years to come. Deciding that his league can handle themselves, X retires from his flagship position and settles down somewhere in the country to grow old. A few years later, a man appears at his doorstep. Speaking of a crisis, the man, a general of sorts, says his skills are needed one last time. X has no choice but to rise to the occasion. He does not know, however, that the war in question isn't even being fought on his planet.

Chapter IV: Dreams in Digital

Fast forward a year and we find our hero in a completely different environment. He sits in a small office, containing only a table and a chair on either side. Two high-ranking officers are evaluating him; they refer to him as Hunter Net Master. He is no longer a comic book superhero; he is a low-ranked officer in a war very much unlike any he's ever been involved in before. A short year ago, he was sent here to stop a force of renegade NetMonsters from destroying the Internet, an odd tale indeed. He took the guise of Net Master and began recruiting his own force of NetMonsters to counter the corrupted monsters.

X finally starts advancing to the upper ranks and decides it's time for a more sophisticated name than Net Master. Recalling his past exploits as Tech Star X but realizing the name to be outdated, he opts for the name TechnoStariX, or simply TSX. Under the new name, he begins taking on more dangerous missions to seek out Shade, the leader of the corrupted NetMonsters. Having gained the respect of his fellow hunters, TSX and a few of his best NetMonsters head for a lost temple in search of a legendary titan.

Chapter V: Don't Inhale the Mysts

While exploring the temple, TSX runs across the titan he had been searching for. During the battle, a strange blue fog begins circling around TSX and a monstrous bolt of lightning strikes him. The shock doesn't kill him, however. Instead, it changes his molecular structure. It transforms him. He is no longer a being of physical matter, but a great celestial entity. He becomes enlightened, and realized his true destiny. Not to defeat Shade, for he learns Shade is but a pawn. The true evil is Nemesis; a Godlike creature with powers greater than Shade and all his minions combined. His destiny is to confront and defeat Nemesis. Now using the title TechnoStariX the Mystic, or TSX Myst, our hero commences the hunt for Nemesis.

Stories don't always have fairy tale endings, however.

The causes are unknown, the pages in the history books ripped out. In any case, Myst never confronted Nemesis in an epic struggle like he did with Apocalypse in a former life. At some point, he instead joined forces with Shade and became a scientist in his Mystic Laboratory of Digital Technology, creating new breeds of NetMonsters to aid Shade in the war. Betraying his General and his duty to society, he turned the tides of the war in Shade's favor.

Perhaps this tale will have a fairy tale ending when it's all said and done.

Chapter VI: Which Side Are You On?

The NetMonster Resistance Corp. soon begins recruiting more hunters for the war. Thus, the race is on to find and defeat Shade. Seeing that the war is no longer in his favor, Shade blames Myst and banishes him from his castle to a remote destination in the mountains, cutting off the funding for his laboratory. Coming to his senses, Myst realizes how much pain he has caused the world and wishes to make it right. He begins developing new NetMonsters more powerful than the ones made at Shade's headquarters in hopes of creating his own private army to invade the Dark Spyre and defeat Shade.

Chapter VII: The Best One

Here we are at the present, and our story is about to draw to a close. Shade has been defeated, disaster averted. TechnoStariX the Mystic is now simply TSX and has retired from his role in the digital world of NetMonster. Now his role is that of an author; a programmer; a musician. He leads a monotonous, dull life as a teenager still in high school. All the epic adventures of the past are fading memories, now he has to fulfill his own destiny in this adventure we call life.

Quite the fairy tale ending.

Author's Note

This so-called biography may seem a bit silly, but I based it on the actual events that shaped my online nickname. The first few chapters are based on plots I made up using action figures when I was young. After that, the NetMonster days are based on a series of short stories I wrote about the game NetMonster, a small shareware game I used to play religiously. I was just a kid with a crazy imagination. When people ask me how I got the name technostarix, it takes a little while explaining to them the rich history, so now I have this.