user since
Tue Jul 31 2001 at 17:06:09 (23.6 years ago )
last seen
Thu Aug 29 2013 at 23:46:40 (11.6 years ago )
number of write-ups
36 - View SciPhi's writeups (feed)
level / experience
6 (Artificer) / 2735
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To learn the secrets of the Squid.
Making balloon animals.
Stay sober 50% of the time.
most recent writeup
Gone in Sixty Seconds 2007 - Theatre Quest Entries
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My nodes:
Commentaries on works: Biographical notes: Philosophical essays: Letters: Plays:

I take requests. But no Kant or Aristotle. They make my eyes bleed.

Aerobe says Anything related to Leibniz or his works would make me giddy. He really was an odd chap, and Voltaire satirized him brilliantly in Candide. :)

Happy to oblige: Doctor Pangloss and his Unpublishable Thoughts

bewilderbeast says Am I allowed to request that you write something about Wittgenstein? He's pretty rad.

Hey, sorry this took so long: Wittgenstein's Poker

Me, in a previous life.

Junkill says re The Republic : this node has, like, 10 writeups and yours was the only one that did not make my head hurt.

kthejoker says re On Safari: You know, one thing I always loved about plays was the symbolism, the innuendo, the allegory. This has none of that, but it does have a bloody stump, so I guess you win.

Anark says re Ape of an Ideal: Director's Guide: I don't have the slightest clue where you're coming from. Interesting though.

Jabbi says states: strange nationalistic bias you take. but otherwise an interesting exercise

And it feels like heaven's so far away