- What we talked about when we were reading around the subject
- I love it when a plan comes together
- We're in this Together
- November 4, 1995
- I remember when the buildings were newly fallen
- It hurt when we were pruned
- Even if we're not together
- The things I spend my money on didn't exist when my parents were younger
- When it all comes together
- When men were men, women were women, and you knew where you were going in life
- Where were you when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded?
- When the lilacs were in bloom
- Things you told me when we were in love
- You were a bookmark to the time when I loved every sunrise
- When we were liars things were seamless
- When you move here we will have plenty of time to have fun together
- When you were my baby
- The mud pit, the last night we were all college students together
- Maybe someday I'll be an M&M the color of your eyes
- Were you really expecting to only learn true things when you signed up for this class?
- When We Were Mud
- When Things Were Rotten
- I am sorry but when you were talking I was admiring the shape of your lips and evaluating their kissability
- You were here when I fell asleep
- When were the gospels written?
- If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.
- Where were you when the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded?
- when life was kind and we were two young wide-eyed believers
- When You Were Little Did You Wonder
- One must trust in the law, and keep within the heart the knowledge that the law of this world is the same right and just law that governed us when we were merely stars.
- when you were words
- Weird foods your parents gave you when you were sick
- We're all in this together
- When it all comes together, the chemistry is amazing. It's a love affair with physics.
- Where were you when someone asked where you were when something happened
- What did you love when you were a kid?
- The good guys and the bad guys were on the back of the boat and I swear I only turned my back for a MINUTE but when I came back, they'd killed Mozart.
- when i get my shit together i'm going to rule this town
- Where were you when the Eschaton arrived?
- The four problems of surgery, how they were overcome, and when
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
- When We Were Orphans
- And when she turned into a man, we were so proud
- Where were you that Saturday when it rained?
- When she woke up, her hands were still dreaming
- When We Were Very Young
- Stupid scary stories you heard when you were a kid
- we are stronger together. even when we disagree.
- When You and I Were Young, Maggie
- Do you remember how small your body was when you were five?
- when I am King, we will have no such things, but, my lads, if the old king my father were dead, we would be all kings.
- The light on the bottom of the pool that you thought was real when you were a child
- When they realized they were in the desert, they built a religion to worship thirstiness.
- Nothing Matters When We're Dancing
- It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead
- We told you when you were hired that you would have to work on Saturday
- we're the only ones to turn to when your castles turn to sand
- When we were little kids, running
- Poetry you found that you wrote when you were ten but secretly still like
- When We Were Kings
- Silly things we believe when we're kids
- Where were you when Kennedy was shot?
- when we were children
- together
- Let's die a Romantic death together on the wings of freedom!
- Putting it Together
- sleeping together
- Cats and dogs living together
- coming together
- Sleep together
- tie everything together
- cruft together
- We Two Boys Together Clinging
- as the bells strike midnight together
- A falling together suddenly, as of the sides of a hollow vessel.
- Pi, holding together (union)
- Ts'ui, gathering together (massing)
- Upon Hearing Your Sighs After Reading Alice Walker Together
- It all fits together like a jigsaw
- we tried to dream together
- The Great Sydney Fraptabulous Everythingian Get Together
- When you know things are just meant to be
- How to put together a skateboard
- Cats, physics and empathy, bound together by a thin plume of perfume
- if you slide them together, like this
- Finishing up your MAME cabinet
- Together, yet apart
- How to keep cars together in heavy traffic
- It feels like fingernails across the moon. Or do you rub your wings together?
- The polaroids that keep us together
- The pieces finally fit together, the pieces finally fall apart
- two hands together
- The beautiful way that two people fit together
- I sewed my hands together for art
- The Last Ride Together
- Together we kept bobbing up and down and no one came to save us.
- We all Stand Together
- Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict
- We met at quarter past young; still, we grew up together
- Of the Welding Together of the Shards of the Sward Gram
- How the Queens held angry converse together at the Bathing
- The Meowstro Sings Guster's Keep It Together
- They came together so as to form one whole
- Drawn Together
- Cold hands, warm hearts. Handfasting in London, wertperch and grundoon together.
- Pretty Together
- together everyone accomplishes more
- Days and nights come together in a slow falling down
- Curled up on the brown carpet together, jewels in squalor
- A Christmas Together
- They made life together, alone in themselves
- Moments together, catalogued by semi-scientific expositions of skin's functions
- All of this strung together inside me on a delicate electric web.
- I will stitch your heart together with filthy twine and sex
- fishhooks and leather bring us closer together
- I want to hear you slap your thighs together
- the moon versus us ever sleeping together again
- We sit together and we sit apart
- we eat all together like a family
- We should take photos together sometime
- we burn together
- I want to marry all of my close friends and live in a big house together by an angry sea
- falling together
- Fire together, wire together
- Doing nothing together
- We like to get together on the weekends and beat up evildoers
- Together in High School
- I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
- Let's get together, chat, drink tea, shoot each other with handguns
- together for eternity
- Together, we will be the oil drifts under the sea during the next incarnation of civilization
- let's run away together and have an adventure
- Together, someday.
- We wanted to be together, so we worked it out.
- Just click your heels together three times and...
- to.get.her
- Five on a Hike Together
- A men's Oxford, sleeves messily turned up to the elbows, held together by wishful thinking
- Having knowledge is not the same as having understanding. You can have all the pieces in front of you and still not be able to put the puzzle together.
- When in doubt, shoot the wizard
- Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,
- Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!
- They were getting into riot gear as we sipped our wine
- Those were the days
- No animals were harmed in the writing of this node
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- If anything were different, everything would be different
- if yesterday were tomorrow today
- We were never really friends
- I thought paper cuts were like lightning
- Were
- If the world were logical, men would ride sidesaddle
- How my plans to sell someone's soul on eBay were foiled
- Candide and Martin Sup with Six Sharpers--Who They Were
- If my life were an arcade game
- You Were on My Mind
- Of course, they were wrong
- The Two Men Who Were Enemies
- RFC 602
- In case you were wondering about cramps
- Face it, we're all a bunch of perverts
- Behave as if there were a God
- We were supposed to fall
- Now that we're being so open and honest
- We're trying to have a baby
- Would you know if you were insane?
- If this were in person, I would have kissed her now
- There were people on the Titanic who waved away the dessert trolley
- We're all in the dark, just looking for the light
- We Two, How Long We Were Fool'd
- Being a Christian is magical and foolish: Maybe we're all caught up in a collective psychosis
- We're shifting the paradigm
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