- Someday you will browse your Google to Google to pick up some more google
- DJ Scribble
- some people believe that they've given more to the world than the world has given to them
- Sarah's Scribbles
- sidenotes and scribbles
- Some things are more important than sleep
- some boys need a little more attention
- Are some species more important than others?
- scribbles (user)
- punctuated by the tiny scribble of shore birds
- scribble life
- Everything is relative, but some things are more relative than others
- Just some more jokes from the Necronomicon
- screw some tart, raise more robots
- You want some more?
- scribble tutorial
- some words carry more weight than others
- Home surgery
- scribble (user)
- Tenchi, go get some more *hic* TEA!
- Scribble, scribble, scribble, eh, Mr. Gibbon?
- Scribbles from the waiting room
- Scribble
- He needed to repeat some well-used mantra of love just one more time
- Someday you will drive your Sony to the sony to pick up some more Sony
- Someday you will drive your CowboyNeal to the CowboyNeal to pick up some more CowboyNeal
- Please sir, may I have some more?
- Some foods, I am convinced, are packaged only for families of 3 or more and bulimics
- All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
- Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes
- Erased
- Erased, Over, Out
- Erase/Rewind
- Rajadhiraja of Erase
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever a bear
- Alone in the night, I erase my thoughts a hundred times
- you don't have to erase it, you just have to let it go
- More than dream?
- More
- Men make more money than women
- We do more after 2am than most people do all day.
- More Human Than Human
- Prices should have no more than 2 significant digits
- O tempora! O mores!
- Bigger, Better, Faster, More!
- Once More Unto the Breach
- Once More Into the Bleach
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- Thomas More
- Now more than ever
- more answer songs
- No More Cocoons
- more tobacco on TV
- The more you eat, the more there are
- Much More Music
- There shall be no more cakes and ale?
- more or less
- More evil than Satan himself
- I'm not drinking any more
- More Tears
- Painting a rock to make it look more like a rock
- I get more done after midnight than most people do all day
- Lonesome No More
- more power to you
- more zen
- old chestnut: more graph problems
- answer: more graph problems
- Expanded Universe: More Worlds of Robert Heinlein
- MCI WorldCom buys dem bones for more than $100B
- The less you know, the more money you make
- You sad cookie, you CARE more about filthy rich pretty people you'll never meet
- Please make your genitalia inspired abuse more interesting and constructive
- I'm acquiring more bottles, tubes, and jars as time goes on
- I'm seeing more rear end car wrecks in the year 2000
- How, though the Sphere shewed me other mysteries of Spaceland, I still desired more; and what came of it
- less data, more context
- More Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura
- More of The Story of Two Sisters Who Were Jealous of Their Younger Sister
- more unknowns theorem
- More Guns, Less Crime
- More Songs About Buildings and Food
- If we had a more developed tailbone, would we wag our tail?
- Reality is more interesting
- The more laws there are, the more crime there is
- Teaching your dog to bark more incessantly
- Life has more twists than a rope
- Sometimes it feels like we are more than one person
- If everyone had a flower instead of a gun, there would be no more war
- Let me fall until I believe, you're more than the leaves
- You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
- there is more breeze in the suburbs of the South
- more language equations
- more language equations - answers
- It seemed so real, to me these are more than wasted days
- How to make a mailman's job more entertaining
- More bare shoulders than a week of WB programming
- Men get turned on by lesbians much more than women get turned on by gay men
- Thinking you know more about computers than the tech you just called
- No More Tears
- In order that I may know something more before I depart from life
- Why are statues covered more thoroughly with bird shit than the other places in cities?
- There's more than one way to skin a cat
- Things that people do more over and over that I haven't even done once
- Making your computer's ribbon cables more compact
- Why are other people's beds more comfortable?
- I wish that dreamland were slightly more predictable, sometimes
- 1991-96 were more fun years, but I'll likely get more accomplished in the year 2000 alone
- I have more stories about trains for you
- The vanity of a woman demands that a man be more than a happy husband
- There are more Chinese restaurants in Toronto than in Shanghai
- This is going to hurt me more than it is going to hurt you
- why global warming causes weather to become more extreme
- send more money
- There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth
- There's nothing more annoying than to try to rebel against someone who's totally supportive about whatever you want to do
- Fear no More
- more is more
- less is more
- People will find some reason to hate others
- I know more when I'm alone
- more often than not
- Small ones are more juicy
- Belief is nothing more than looking
- Atheism is no more logical than believing in god
- Dammit, one of my past lives is more attractive than me!
- And it's one more good thing that will never be again
- More responsible child-bearing friends
- El Nino Claims a Victim, or: Porsche + Rain + Stupidity = No More Porsche
- More hips!
- A Force More Powerful
- Christianity has caused more war throughout the ages than any other cause
- My cat is mentally challenged and more than a little misshapen
- Is Everything2 making me more or less intelligent?
- Just when you get really good at something, you don't need to do it any more
- No more prisons
- Listening with more than your ears
- Why more people should use the color brown
- I have never felt more alive
- One More Night
- Sylvie and Bruno: Less Bread! More Taxes!
- mores
- 300% of something is NOT three times more!
- One more cigarette
- The more I adore you, the more I fear failure in your eyes
- No More Songs
- The more you spend, the more you save
- One More Murder
- Once more into the wild blue
- more light for falling in love
- More than just a song
- One more gray hair
- The ability of planarian worms to run a maze more successfully after being fed the remains of a successful worm
- Just one more
- Mortal Kombat: More Kombat
- The envelope held fingernail parings and a note which read, "There are more where these came from"
- How I lost twenty pounds and became fit in two months
- CNN is more addictive than crack
- More than he was willing to give
- More Than Meets The Eye - Part 1
- Heart flutterings hurt more as I age
- I will fight no more forever
- More Vegetable Soups
- A more mature Nintendo
- Hollywood needs to hire more geeks
- You were never going to become more than this to me
- wanting is more satisfying than having
- Ask Me More Eeyore
- It takes more muscles to frown than to smile
- Is it me or are there more bisexuals these days?
- What I really want is for my troubles to be a puddle on your shoulder
- Think no more, lad; laugh, be jolly
- Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun
- Things are more like they are now than they ever were before
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