I can think of 15 people off the top of my head that I know directly who are
bisexual. Is it just me or are more people playing both sides of the
fence? Now, me, I'm hetero; completely straight. I can look
at a man and find him to be attractive but that doesn't mean I am attracted
to him- far from it. I can't imagine putting my "hoo-hoo dilly in someone's
cha-cha" (South Park reference there), male or female. It just doesn't
appeal to me. And I'm sure that if I was a woman, I don't think other women would
appeal to me all that much, either. I guess I'm just not wired for it or something.
I've never understood bisexuality, to be perfectly honest. Is it that people
have been so hurt by the opposite sex that they think they'll have better luck
with their own? Is it a sense of comfort in familiar territory? Or is it simply
that people are so hungry for affection that they'll get it wherever and from
whomever they can? Have our parents, en masse, damaged us in some way?
I don't know that bisexuality is damaging, but it just doesn't make sense
to me. Perhaps its some sort of Sexual Revolution backlash that was never expected...
or, maybe it was expected and nurtured?
Coming from the hetero male perspective, I can see why women would
consider other women to be sexually attractive because, let's face it, I agree
with 'em- women are wonderfully curvy, passionate, nurturing... the list goes
on. But what is it about men finding other men and women to be equally
enticing? From what I can tell, men are fairly angular, hairy, doltish and rather
unappealing on a strictly geometric level. There are some good-looking
men out there, I suppose, or the human race would have died out long ago, but
what is it that men see in their "brothers" that some women don't? Is
it latent homosexual desire? Curiosity? Rebellion? Counter-culturism?
Fear of commitment? Since when is the opposite sex not appealing to someone
(of either gender)? Does a past negative experience have something to do with
it? Is it different for every person?
I don't know. I can't even begin to answer it. I just don't get it. There are
times I wish I did, just to know why, but in order for me know I would
have to find out for myself- and that's something I can't bring myself to do for
ANY reason. I took a hell of a big leap in curiosity when I tripped on LSD the
first time (which was once enough for me), crossing the line in sexual matters
seems just a little too far for my lifestyle. I mean, it's expressly forbidden
in my religion and I follow my religion as carefully as I can. When a
bisexual person is indulging in pleasures with someone of their own gender, are
they, at that point, being fully homosexual?
Could someone spell this out for me, please? I'm stumped. Maybe I'm making
the mistake of equating bisexuality with watered-down homosexuality.... or sexual
Don't get me wrong, folks. I don't think ANY form of sexuality is wrong, per
se. Wrong for me, yes. But wrong for others?.... who am I to judge?
No, I am simply asking what the appeal of bisexuality is because I don't understand
it- but I'd never say that it's wrong for someone else. Their choices are theirs,
mine are mine... but that doesn't mean understanding can't be shared or reached....