- I feel disillusionment creeping up on me like the day after a 21st birthday. A deep sigh of shallow disappointment.
- I like to take up space
- Up against the wall, motherfucker
- Somebody Up There Likes Me
- We like to stay up late at night
- Mere thoughts of a life like that
- Slow Comfortable Screw Up Against the Wall
- Go up against
- We like to get together on the weekends and beat up evildoers
- Throw your hands (up) in the air, (and) wave them all around like you (just) don't care
- There was just the magic I'd brought and laid there over the years, piled up in the corners like twinkling dust bunnies
- i thought you liked hard problems
- And her legs went on forever, like staring up at infinity
- I paved paradise, and put up this, like, bigass parking lot
- I thought paper cuts were like lightning
- Electrocuted crows hung the wrong way up on the power lines, smoking feathers falling like leaves.
- just like everybody else, we will find a way up.
- We get tangled up like wires
- Tied up tight, like a bride on her wedding night
- I Would Like to Hear Your Thoughts
- Boy meets me, boy becomes infatuated with me, boy realizes I take up space, boy runs like hell
- I am the child with her nose pressed up against the window.
- I never thought it would be like this
- Ego up against the wall
- Don't misunderstand this one, it was like palm against palm through a window
- Every Tuesday, I dress as a 46-year old woman and waitress at a diner on route 27. This is the meaning of life.
- Nothing like a crazy uncle to look up to
- candle smoke and christmas spice leapt up their noses like cardamom cats
- Once when I got like this I thought I was building a boat
- Gosh! That single kiss made me feel like I'm charged up with the power of a million exploding suns!
- Even as he watched the sea rise up like anger
- sometimes it feels like the world is trying to tell me to wake up
- She didn't write like Emily Dickinson, but she did live in a house overlooking a cemetery, and I guess he thought that was important.
- I crave it like well water, pulled up from the deep
- They made the sunrise for people like us just so we have an excuse for why we're still up.
- His name came up like a match on wooden me
- Don't be a smartass and offer up a contrived solution that *technically* solves the puzzle but goes against its spirit
- Done up like a kipper
- It looks like a tourism brochure photo from up here
- When I woke up this morning, I thought I was a parallelogram. I still have a sneaking suspicion.
- I woke up and thought it was Saturday
- like coming up for air
- In this workshop we'll cover skills like setting up and configuring a terrible howl or shriek.
- Up Against It
- Having sex up against a wall
- Mutant Marsupials Take Up Arms Against Australian Air Force
- the smell of rain pressed up tight against a cricket-song
- walking up against the wall
- I have a sick mind. I like to hump myself against shelled clams and sing Oasis songs.
- Rage Against The Machine
- Going against the grain
- Litany Against Beer
- Rock Against Racism
- other Rocks Against, back in the day...
- Against
- frogs look up at the moon the same way we do
- I will spit the blue flame and hurl my glass against the wall
- Why do you keep banging your head against the wall?
- Ska Against Racism
- against the wall
- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past
- Our Position Against Suicide
- Evolutionary pressure against being evil
- spindly arms against a sea of light
- I Hear it was Charged Against Me
- T.A.Z.: Against the Reproduction of Death
- actors/actresses playing against 'type'
- Phil Ochs - Threat against the President
- Rage Against The Machine's recommended reading list
- I turn over in bed, brush against your warmth, and know it is you
- Against my will it is seeping into me, this information.
- Against Stupidity, the Gods Themselves Contend in Vain
- There's nothing more annoying than to try to rebel against someone who's totally supportive about whatever you want to do
- selected against
- Someone outlined against the sky, the sun too bright to see her face
- The League Against Tedium
- A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
- Giving our kids something to rebel against
- Against you I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O Death!
- The International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women
- An Argument Against the Abolishing of Christianity
- Direct Action against Homophobia
- running 'Strings' against the Mac OS X kernel
- Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks
- Two Against Nature
- Artists Against Piracy
- A Fit of Rhyme Against Rhyme
- partying against the darkness
- Against Interpretation
- Evolution is iterative feedback against the Second Law of Thermodynamics, motherfucker
- The significance of white jet trails against the blue/pink sky
- It is against the law to walk in Los Angeles
- Seventeen Hours of MTV's Take a Stand Against Discrimination
- Protect against deleted .bash_history files
- Declaration of War by the United States of America against Japan
- Declaration of War by the United States of America against Germany
- Lounge Against the Machine
- The Great DoS Against Undernet 2001
- SpeakOut Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
- infamous crimes against nature
- The Struggle Against the State
- The Man against the Sky
- crime against nature
- The unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost
- An Argument Against Pragmatic Critiquing
- Being in a relationship is not a guarantee against loneliness
- vote against
- It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
- Against All Authority
- Ten Offences against the Holy Name
- Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam
- archy speaks out against killing the poor
- A program of covert action against the Castro regime
- Human Education Against Lies
- one kid against the fence, scuffed shoes, probably a trumpet case at his feet
- Can we ever truly act against our own interests?
- United Nations World Conference Against Racism
- Headbangers Against Disco
- The war against terrorism
- Barbara Lee's statement against HR 64
- Summary of evidence against Osama bin Laden in 9/11 terror attacks
- Curse against book stealers
- What you can do to protect yourself against bioterrorism
- Muslims Against Terrorism
- September 11 attacks and the War Against Terrorism
- Born Against
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part II Offences Against Public Order
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part IV Offences Against the Administration of Law and Justice
- Summary of the proposed final judgment against Microsoft
- If you want lonely I will give you white water flapping against a little boat
- How to survive against humans
- How to survive against zombies
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part VIII Offences Against the Person and Reputation
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part VIII.2 Offences Against the Person and Reputation continued
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part VIII.3 Offences Against the Person and Reputation continued
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part IX Offences Against Rights of Property
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part IX Offences Against Rights of Property continued
- the war against terrorism timeline
- Dorm room policies discriminate against heterosexual couples
- Certain modest deprecations against my malevolent Detractour
- computers against spacetime
- Reclining Against a Tea-Table
- Rage, rage against the dying of the light
- Against All Odds
- Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice
- Article 26 and the war against Iraq
- The first against the wall after the Revolution came
- The softest brushes of lips against cheek
- The War Against Boys
- Every vegetable we grow is a blow against global capitalism
- Foot fetishism as rebellion against teleological nilhism
- Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants
- Making Rage Against The Machine guitar noises with your mouth is the best form of political protest
- Defence Against the Dark Arts
- Sealing a room against a chemical or biological attack
- John Kerry's 1971 Vietnam Veterans Against The War Statement
- People Against Ridiculous Protests
- gravity and hubris conspire against all rocket science
- 100 Authors Against Einstein
- Convention Against Torture
- Artists Against Apartheid
- The War against Terrorism is about power
- How to defend yourself against a coconut
- The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women
- Against Oblivion
- Two Against the Ice
- To use the spear against the shield
- Against the sanctity of marriage
- The response of a democracy to terrorism
- Surfers Against Sewage
- Rage against the Ordinary
- Gold Against the Soul
- Magic Against Magic
- The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun
- For tactical reasons, we do not currently advocate the use of violence or sorcery against private individuals.
- Round the Moon: 19: A Struggle Against the Impossible
- Michael Crichton, Ted Scambos, and the Battle Against Scientific Stupidity
- Ballots and bullets: reconciling left and right in the struggle against terrorism
- Protection against bees
- A Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation
- When we speak of magic, we conspire against death
- Australians Against Further Immigration
- Against a Concrete Heel
- returning to the scenes of your crimes (against me)
- I have never held such sins against them the way that I hold them against you
- Against Idleness and Mischief
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