- I was raised by the French government
- My first and last attempt at a one night stand was raided by the police
- When I was little my mother told me not to sit close to the T.V., so when I was six I did.
- By evening I will have returned all traces that I was ever here
- I was raised on red pepper and blood. I am so hot if you strike me I will light like a match.
- Electronically, I was questioned by a mallard of flame…
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever a bear
- Raised in the woods by a pack of wild dykes
- The American Dream of a single mother
- Taught all this by the ghosts, in a single night
- There was a Man Dwelt by a Churchyard
- Raised by wolves
- it was years before they met again, by chance
- When your life is defined by a single action, it changes the concept of time.
- My Singing was Stolen by Whispers to a False Friend
- When she was new, she rolled around the sky like a black umbrella blown by the wind
- btw, I was raised on Twinkies, I'm certain it made a lasting effect
- I was hit by a train that doesn't really exist
- Food which was intended as such by nature
- I was discovered by scientists, what will they call me?
- That time I was almost killed by scary cult children
- Jacques Chirac was shot in the head by a fascist named Jean-Marie Le Pen
- She was most amazed by the obvious, like January and the fact that I could not possibly keep her.
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever here
- The German textbook that was written by Morrissey
- Don't judge a band by the single
- What was stolen by someone else
- she was waylaid by an octopus
- It was too late by the time the robots came and I couldn't, I just couldn't
- My lunch money was stolen by a predatory Mars rover
- That Thursday the Universe was curved in the morning and was flat again by afternoon
- I was supposed to be somebody by the age of 23
- Single Mother
- every secret thing was made by some one
- A pocket-sized device with a single button that says, "Everything as it was one minute ago".
- smiling in photographs was a concept introduced by Kodak
- No important data was harmed by the ILOVEYOU worm
- If you become lucid, you realize history's greatest literature was being written as you read it yourself.
- The male libido - or - How I was castrated by the 90's
- fading lost soul marked by this, an ever bleeding eye, a single tear
- I was taken by a honeymoon scam
- Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few
- Saved by the Bell
- clue by four
- Chased by bears
- by
- Call now, operators are standing by.
- Down By Law
- division by zero error
- North by Northwest
- People referred to by three initials
- Live by the sword, die by the arrow
- design by contract
- Call by reference
- Some Girls Wander by Mistake
- by any means necessary
- Proof by contradiction
- Poetry written by teenagers
- The Attack by Fire
- Murder by Death
- Call by value return
- Everything: Written and Edited by The World
- Social behaviour is determined by reproductive success
- Guided by Voices
- Two nations divided by a common language
- money-back guarantee
- Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy)
- by hand
- Measuring time by setting fire to various things
- Death by Water
- seduction by grammar (user)
- Paradox by the Dashboard Light
- Man Getting Hit by Football
- alcohol by volume
- Learning by doing
- Exit, pursued by a bear
- I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor
- Songs destroyed by use in television advertising
- By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
- By the skin of my teeth
- Bill Gates is a character owned by Microsoft Corporation
- By the power of Grayskull!
- I got jacked by the FBI, CNN and
- virgin by choice
- go by the board
- cheek by jowl
- Standing by my bed
- Go by hand
- Death By Chocolate
- RFC 602
- The set of decimal representations of numbers divisible by 17 is regular
- integration by parts
- Naughty by Nature
- inspiration by misreading
- Persecutions suffered by the Quakers
- The logical inclination to hate shoe stores: A Study In Progress By Avoiding the Unavoidable
- Baptism by fire
- trial by fire
- Please help us recover your nodes by linking their titles below
- Attack by Stratagem
- Laws Regarding Epilepsy and Driving, By State
- Rebel by buying mass-market consumer products
- Impregnation by Shoulder Tapping
- Struck by lightning
- Hit by the realization that they are all getting to know you nodes
- The skeleton by my closet
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Discernment
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Service of the Supreme
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by the Kingly Knowledge and the Kingly Mystery
- Once By The Pacific
- Touched by An Angel
- '95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate
- '95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate (Part 2)
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by the Heavenly Perfections
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Separation of Matter and Spirit
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Separation from the Qualities
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Attaining the Supreme
- Snapple is manufactured by white supremacists
- Number of Sperm released by the common male animal per ejaculation
- Owned by cat
- How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result
- The Holy Quran Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
- If by Dull Rhymes our English must be Chain'd
- Proof by Assertion
- See Mount Washington by canoe!
- The theory of evolution says that life originated, and evolution proceeds, by random chance
- Things you can tell just by looking at her
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by the Threefold Faith
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Deliverance and Renunciation
- Surprised by Joy
- I can divide by zero
- case by case
- Zero divided by zero
- Sane, responsible and productive drug-user
- To be hoist by one's own petard
- Sorrow of Parting
- WoOz: 19 Attacked by the Fighting Trees
- As Time Goes By
- Real hackers start their own IRC networks so that they can't be traced by the FBI
- Every "why" question can be answered by a phrase using the word "idiot"
- How to get your ass kicked by Jackie Chan
- Technology is not the remedy for problems caused by technology
- By their fruits you shall know them
- Bird by Bird
- Paint by Numbers
- Answer to the sample paint by numbers puzzle
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