- not beautiful, not extraordinary nor spectacular except in that individual way every human being is extraordinary and different from all others
- I want you to know who I am beyond my name
- And if terrorists wanted to communicate secretly, mightn't they just do so by collaborating on a 'draft' here at e2? Can the NSA check on our drafts? Who knows? Inquiring minds want to know, Jay!
- The ones with their priorities straight don't know how to get what they want, and the ones who get what they want have messed up priorities.
- Being solicited for sex by people who don't even know your gender
- Beings from space: What could they want?
- i just want to know who i am
- if being gay isn't illegal, how will we know who's cool anymore?
- i just want you to know who i am
- Who wants a Yo! MTV Raps Trading Card from the FUNKY FRESH holliman?
- Of course they want to come here. Who doesn't? Besides the people from Los Angeles, but we don't speak of them.
- i want to know you. who you really are.
- on being subject(ed) to a created, beautiful universe. in brief.
- never know who told it best
- All I ever needed to know about unit conversion, I learned from drugs
- Racism as it developed within North America: Perhaps arising from different circumstances of colonization
- The more I learn about photography the less I want to know
- On getting blown up 8000 miles from home by a man who does not own shoes
- who shall ever tell the sorrow of being on this earth, lying, on quilts, on the grass, in a summer evening, among the sounds of the night?
- I know this road pretty well, for I've chased many a honey-bee over it.
- I Know Who Killed Me
- No one can know what you want unless you tell them
- Who is protecting whom from what?
- Are guys who get blowjobs from guys straight?
- To know a hawk from a handsaw
- Posting your life on Everything2 is a dumb idea if people know who you are in real life
- Everything you wanted to know about hamsters, and then some!
- The Three Kings who were from Villeins
- even though I wanted my friends to know
- let me know who you are now.
- Everything you ever wanted to know about theatre tech, but were afraid to ask
- I Used to Know a Man Who Killed Me Once a Week
- What I Want My Kids To Know About Sex
- I know a girl who develops crime scene photos
- I want the real you - not this superficial being you pretend to be
- Y2K from people who worked that night
- You know you've been away from home too long
- trying to put together a single jigsaw puzzle from two different boxes
- I crave it like well water, pulled up from the deep
- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
- I know there are other fish in the sea but I don't want them
- I don't know who Amber is, but she's got a stalker
- You're one of those people who knows all the words to every song, aren't you?
- How do you know a girl wants to smooch?
- I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.
- What I have learned from being fired
- who knows (user)
- a woman who knows nothing
- Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal, you sockdologizing old man-trap!
- The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well
- Who Knows One?
- I'm sorry I was speeding, officer, but I really have to get to the hospital
- Who can know it?
- I can't tell you my username because I know you too well
- i know that the ones who love us will miss us
- One of the dangers of necromancy is you don't really know who's on the other side or what they're going to give you in return.
- by people who know what salsa should taste like
- I wrote you a letter on the bus back from the city, but that's a different kind of weary
- A Modest Proposal For Preventing Refugee Children From Being A Burden To The Public
- The bored who complain
- Things you don't want to hear from your bank
- The Child who came from an Egg
- the ocean is never calm and still, but the depths are very different from the surface
- You know you're from Prince Edward Island if...
- The Scots Confession: Chapter 18
- Any sufficiently nice person is indistinguishable from someone who likes you
- The Ones Who Walk Away From Salemo
- What I want from life
- Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
- from a parallel universe
- Bands Who Take Their Names from Eighteenth-century English Poetry and Prose
- Letter from a man who smokes Chesterfields
- I know you're up there. I am but a discontented symbol birthed from the blood of your terrible pen.
- “I want to make the milk,” or, More Tales from Youth
- Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
- Thinking you know more about computers than the tech you just called
- Flags and flag etiquette
- No One Knows Who I Am
- The difference between reply and reply to all
- everything I need to know about life I learned from juggling
- About Being Different
- Kids are being trained to shoot people who chant in the forest
- 277 Secrets Your Cat Wants You to Know
- I don't even know when I am being sarcastic anymore
- You're the only one who doesn't know
- You Know Who (user)
- What the world wants to know about newts
- One who knows does not speak
- You want to reassure her, but you don't know where to start
- Not too sentimental, but I want you to know
- I Don't Know Why You Don't Want Me
- You know you want me, baby!
- I know what I want and I know what I feel
- We are humans. We want to know everything.
- The Lord of the Rings 1/2: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Middle-earth But Were Afraid to Produce
- To those who know who they are
- Love, it's who you know.
- How Could You Want Him (When You Know You Could Have Me)?
- Asymmetric Cryptography for Those Who At Least Know Algebra
- Well, I was tired of being 24 anyway, so there
- I know I'm not very good at this. I don't want to be better.
- Imagine if you achieved a higher state of being from the Weather Channel
- Asymmetric Cryptography for Those Who Only Know Arithmetic
- The one thing I wanted more than anything was for someone, just once, to tell me they don't know what they'd do without me
- We know who you are
- we owe it to the universe to tell it everything we know
- Does my goldfish know who I am?
- I didn't want to know that
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)
- We hold the proud distinction of being among the very last humans who will ever die
- The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were communist turtles.
- Living well through being British
- I don't know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility
- Your radical ideas about every point being the center of the universe have already occurred to others
- Thrusting into horse beings from space using a modicum of caution
- I am attracted to gay men, famous actors, and men who live in different time zones or are already taken. It's safer that way.
- Hating religion is different from hating an ethnic group
- We hold the proud distinction of being among the very last humans who will ever live
- The boys did not know it. They were just being beautiful, and I got to watch.
- Small gifts from the universe
- Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights?
- The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
- In order that I may know something more before I depart from life
- A list of things kids should and should not have from a woman who has no kids
- Getting what you want from disgruntled lab techs
- Speaking With A Different Universe
- My escape plan from a dying universe
- All I Know About Science I Learned From Michael Crichton
- Women you know you should just walk away from
- Getting what you want from tech support
- Don't know your arse from your elbow
- Wandering about with keys dangling from an oversized shoelace around your neck
- i'm a million different people from one day to the next
- If we were machines, we'd have the gift of being eternal and I want you to understand
- Being stoic, Daoist, and at one with the universe is NO FUN
- What it feels like to eject from a jet fighter
- Who benefits from rebuilding Iraq?
- The Man Who Fled From Azrael
- The Man Who Flew Into Space From His Apartment
- A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have
- all I ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
- An internet big enough to give you everything you want to read is an internet big enough to take from you everything you want to read
- I've always wanted to hear Morrissey sing the theme song from "The Love Boat"
- The promise of life. This he stole from himself as well.
- A love letter from someone who cannot say I Love You
- We should do well to take our lesson from the stars
- Famous people who died from smoking related illnesses
- you don't want to know
- If you want X, you know where to find it.
- who knows what dreaminess lurks in the cheek pouches of hamsters
- You know, that really wasn't a good way to get rid of the Universe forever
- On Being the one who goes away
- How do you know a dog wants to smooch?
- Freedom From Want
- The friend who knows a lot about computers
- I didn't want to know where I was conceived
- Conrad wants to know what I have been dreaming. This might get complicated.
- Helping people cheat
- Girls who go home with you when they don't even know your name
- Being tickled in the neck by a girl you know a little bit
- Enquiring minds want to know
- The guy who got Isekai'd straight from 1942 Stalingrad to a fantasy land
- A Letter from the Powers of the Universe Concerning Love and Other Such Things
- Being in a relationship with a girl who has guy's name
- Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
- How Do You Know Who's A Stranger?
- The day we were married the leftover doves from his days of being a magician hummed little love songs in the attic
- Things I want my child to know
- Wisest is he who knows he does not know
- We know we have fallen because we know who we are
- A mob is just an army that doesn't know what it wants
- When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?
- I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Silence
- The dubious distinction of being criticized from the left by the Ku Klux Klan
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