- There was a time when I got lost wherever I went.
- unfortunately, his entire corpus was composed in English, and so has been lost to the ravages of time
- The Heart of What Was Lost
- I was put on hold for time to gnaw me raw.
- The first time I knew I was different
- That time I was almost killed by scary cult children
- His collection of substances that should not exist was stolen. The thieves then killed themselves 1000 times over.
- The class valedictorian was still tripping balls when he was bailed out in time to give the commencement speech at graduation
- If I had the money I would get lost. God knows I have the time.
- In Search of Lost Time
- At that time I was taken up with alchemy
- When I Was Born for the 7th Time
- when was the last time you experienced something you didn't think was possible?
- The time they fantasize about was built on a lie
- Last time I checked, Buddha was not just some lameass winamp skin for Jesus
- Last time I was in Chicago I broke my ass
- Dawn was a lucky time to give birth
- The first time I lost a stone that meant so much
- God was a Lost Guest
- A long time ago, under the shady tree in my yard, I was dead
- There was a time before
- When I was young Time had no wings
- The first time I saw him was I emit tsal ehT
- How the West Was Lost
- there was a time when you couldn't just learn things instantly
- Some time when I was a teenager
- I was a teenage time traveling combat waitress
- When I was 21, he was building a Time Machine
- That Time Zeph Was A Criminal
- In unlit streets, running wild in the dark, creatures of the Void are seeking what was lost
- time lost in life because of waiting
- The time I've lost in wooing
- The real reason pi was never calculated to a high precision in ancient times
- There was a time when I was a better person
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- Lost in time.
- If all you picked up tonight was this node title, it's time you went to a Brit nodermeet
- Nostalgic for a time that I never experienced and for a person I never was
- Before Time Was
- Where was her angel all those times the sky clouded over
- God was in the west too, at one time.
- Was There a Time
- This is the time. The time was now. And now is then. This was the time.
- She was locked in time
- The First Two Times I Lost It
- (because this was always subconsciously the inspiration, even if I did not know it at the time, and I only realised it just now)
- someday, when she will think back upon the time when she was as yet undishonored
- Why, Martha, for the longest time there was no railway station in Slough!
- Once upon a time there was light in my life, but now there's only love in the dark
- I lived in interesting times, came to the attention of those in power, and found what I was looking for.
- Once upon a time there was an ocean but now there is a mountain range.
- the fire burned and burned; it was so great and now so much time has passed and the fire is still burning, but it requires attendance
- It was too late by the time the robots came and I couldn't, I just couldn't
- (and it wasn’t in my time nor yet in your time: but a very good time it was for all that)
- for a long time i was afraid i would forget; now i'm afraid i might not
- the last time I clobbered a human soul it was over a red-nosed girl and a schoolbook in County Derry
- Fruit cut from the vine, forgot and left to rot, long before it was time
- Crawling, on the planet's face. Some insects, called the Human Race. Lost in time, and lost in space... and in meaning.
- I Was Lost and You Found Me
- The sloe was lost in flower
- Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must in time be utterly lost
- Making up (stories) for lost time
- Lost Highway
- one of the lost
- Two Lost Souls Swimming in a Fish Bowl
- Lost Boys
- Lost In Space
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- The Lost Thought
- lost in the noise
- The Book of Lost Tales
- The lost scene from Austin Powers 2
- Ack! You lost experience!
- Thou hast lost an eighth!
- lost in the underflow
- Lost at Sea
- I lost my uvula in the war
- Lost Archivist (user)
- Lost in the Fog
- i've lost the ability to be truly bored
- Hamster joel'y stars as Houdini in stunning new film, "Lost in the Walls"
- The Lost Vikings
- of all the things i've lost..
- Lost Bread
- The Lost Trident Sessions
- The Ballad of Lost C'mell
- fading lost soul marked by this, an ever bleeding eye, a single tear
- Technology that gets lost between now and Star Trek
- Where organized religion lost me
- little lost star (user)
- My head, heavy with the burden of lost love and tired thought
- Getting lost on NJ's highway systems
- No Love Lost
- Lost Dogs
- Lost in translation
- I lost a chance at $40,000 because my mommy wouldn't let me sell my stock
- Every strong wind one leans into and smiles should bring back a lost toy from childhood
- Some who wander are lost
- Lost Coast
- How I lost my shoes at Ozzfest
- Paradise Lost: Book III
- I was told that transcendence would come with the process of quietly living and dying alone and I do want a refund
- lost art
- crumble slow descent lost, and jello
- Lost Souls
- the tyranny of lost loves
- Lost Freedom
- The revolution is over, and we have lost
- The Lost Boys
- The Lost Prince
- imaginary friend, believed lost, listed guardian: heart
- Lost & Found
- Dreams Lost
- I am still so lost, I am
- lost update
- How many geniuses have we lost this way?
- lost, or trying to be
- I feel lost in my own head
- I've lost you
- My hands have lost their memory
- Lost Scenes and Random Phrases: A Study in Fragmentation
- Lost in the lobby
- Are you lost, little girl?
- I have lost my power
- The smell of lost loves
- The Really Lost Bus
- we could get lost in the fall
- The day I lost all faith in the American government
- Lost in thought and unfamiliar territory
- You've lost all your dreams
- Patron Saint of Lost Causes
- How I lost twenty pounds and became fit in two months
- Summary of Paradise Lost
- villanelle for a lost love
- How to recover a lost Linux root or Windows 2000 Administrator password
- Ack! You lost S/N!
- Jurassic Park / Lost World - Collector's Pack
- How Dorothy Happened to Get Lost
- Lost in the Stars
- How to find something which has been lost
- Lost and Found (user)
- My Heart is lost, What Can I Now Expect
- The Lost Tapes
- A Little Boy Lost
- A Little Girl Lost
- Lincoln's lost horse, March 26, 1836
- My Lost Youth
- Lost sleep
- Lost Sailor
- Aristotle's Lost Library, Medieval Andalusia & Chinese Paper, or How Europe Learned to Learn Again and Why the Renaissance Happened When & Where It Did
- You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine
- lost a friend
- I LOST a world the other day
- Lost Girls
- lost command
- How to recover a lost FreeBSD root password
- Lost Luggage
- Ack! You lost consciousness!
- Lost in motion again
- lost in the wisps
- Little Lost Soul (user)
- Lost wax bronze casting process
- Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns
- Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen
- What to do if you've lost your wallet or purse
- Atlantis: The Lost Empire
- It is of utmost importance that you prowl through the darkness, devouring lost children
- Lost Tribes of Israel
- lost innocence
- The Lost Chip Cookies
- Coffee + the Needle = Lost Girlfriend
- Lost Cities
- Lost love revisited
- The Lost Saucer
- Lost Property
- The feared, the hated, the foolish, the lost...
- lost sock center (user)
- Get Lost
- How Amtrak lost my business
- Lost in the Funhouse
- Theatre of the Lost
- The Lost Children of Rockdale County
- Just another moment lost in eternity
- Lost on Both Sides
- lost (user)
- Lost in you
- Marvello Simpson and the Lost Uncle
- Mandelstahm's Lost Treatise on Chess
- Lost pockets of excellence
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