- Education has failed
- Grace and Fury walk with you, call each by name when the other has failed
- For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three
- fail
- Abort, Retry, or Fail?
- fail miserably
- Failed attempts to seduce right wing religious fanatics
- When Prophecy Fails
- The God That Failed
- Failed to create empty
- Fianna Fáil
- fail with pride
- Lia Fail
- How to write an English paper and fail
- Software that tries to work in situations it cannot control will inevitably fail
- CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny
- CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny (2)
- CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny (3)
- CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny (4)
- CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny (5)
- CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny (6)
- Can't nothin' fail but a try
- OSS can't fail
- I did my best and failed abysmally
- Grunge did not fail and is not dead
- Failed eBusiness collectibles
- She wears her failed relationships like a shield
- Jesus' blood never failed me yet
- How the US failed in China
- Music journalists are failed musicians
- How to recover from a failed BIOS update
- How to fail a class
- first failed attempt to make an electromagnet
- fail open
- fail closed
- Perhaps pain will stop me where good sense and virtue have failed
- What to do when your brakes fail
- As I Rise You FaIl (user)
- Local cop tries to embarrass city, fails
- If Eve Had Failed to Conceive
- When Democracy Failed: The warnings of history
- Senses Fail
- I wish to fail continuously in this and all matters
- Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
- fail fast
- failed state
- senses fail (user)
- The race calling itself 'human' fails
- I have failed
- I have failed to integrate the machine experience into my life
- 2008 Financial Crisis
- A time to fail
- You fail at sex
- And they never think these tools will fail.
- lately I can't speak words fail me why won't this end
- Wang Cock Fail
- Basking in your warmth, I failed to notice that you were keeping me on the back burner
- The extroverted feeler fails to care about spelling
- Fail Blog
- Tiger Woods and Brit Hume fail at Buddhism
- I have failed to become something recognizable
- An infallible way to discern whether a decade, in pop culture terms, was win or fail
- words fail utterly
- if you do not fail, you have learned nothing
- I tried to write a node better than this and failed.
- set up to fail
- TheDeadGuy's failed final mission (category)
- Your radical ideas for how to change the world for the better will fail
- bitterly but gracefully finding the strength to let go of your failed relationships and move on with your emotionally damaged life
- it's God's work to have us fail
- Words fail me
- When that trouble fails to find us we eventually yearn for it, we seek it
- When words fail me, music helps. I can at least sing along.
- Pwnie Award for Most Epic Fail
- ha ha only serious
- To boldly go where no man has gone before
- To boldly go where no one has gone before
- Ha
- Has a cat ever killed anyone?
- Time has imprisoned us in the order of our years
- ha!
- Spirituality has nothing to do with religion
- Pop has eaten itself
- This Hour Has 22 Minutes
- Rapidly advancing dairy technology has left me behind
- Has
- Hoo-ha
- Genius has its own etiquette
- the time has come
- The pile of shit has a thousand eyes
- Morning Has Broken
- Time Has Come Today
- MY life has no carrot
- The Universe said, Ha!
- has the X nature
- Something inside has died
- Andre the Giant Has a Posse
- Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia
- The Piano Has Been Drinking
- Windows has updated your clock as a result of Daylight Savings Time
- Satan has your nose
- Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
- German grammar
- A real symmetric matrix has n eigenvalues
- Golf? Serene? HA!
- Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything?
- On the Law that has Regulated the Introduction of New Species
- The Seattle Monorail has only one stop
- great things he has taught us
- This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
- You have had sex with all the people your partner has had sex with
- The Soul has Bandaged moments-
- Naming Windows computers
- Where No Man Has Gone Before
- God has sent you this experience in order to deepen you
- It's too bad that Everything has 5205700 errors
- Yom Hashoah
- Music Has the Right to Children
- The Heart Has its own Memory
- To One who has been Long in City Pent
- Evolution has never been observed
- This writeup has nothing to do with this title
- Jakob Dylan has all your fucking money, kid!
- Everyone has a dead bird story
- Experience has made me bitter
- A song has a lyric, songs have lyrics
- A list of things kids should and should not have from a woman who has no kids
- Life has its course
- Life has more twists than a rope
- Shuddering like ice has been dumped down your pants
- By the way, she has a penis; just so you know.
- The Eagle Has Landed
- How to find out if an egg has gone bad
- Every new technology has been endowed with the potential to transform society
- Now let's see what has happened to us by adopting a sedentary lifestyle
- Junk mail never has to spell your name right, but important stuff does
- The USA has fucked up priorities
- Ebonics began with pirates
- Darth Everything meets Death who has just knocked on his front door
- Water has negative calories
- Ku, Work on What Has Been Spoiled (Decay)
- Few things ruin a romantic evening like finding your car has been towed
- Everyone has the freedom to act an asshole
- Who Has Seen the Wind?
- Something everyone has done but nobody knows what to call it
- Adolf Hitler has a Bacon number of 3
- The Path Has Vanished
- She has the biggest cock of any girl I know
- Why did Bach never write an opera?
- The ringing has been drowned out by voices
- This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down
- Fixing a water damaged cell phone
- The Rabbi has spoken!
- My next door neighbor has human heads in his freezer
- Just because Linux is Free doesn't mean Linux Software has to be Free
- Canada has low self-esteem
- Linux is free only if your time has no value
- fewer has no opposite like less-more
- Communication is a good thing, this has been shown
- The next revolution in music has not yet arrived
- Advice the KJV Bible has to give about Everything
- My warranty has run out
- Music need not be popular to be good
- E2 Nuke Request as a term has got to go
- Nodeshell as a term has got to go
- an nyong ha se yo
- My one regret as of yet is that my life has been utterly tolerable
- Life isn't all ha ha hee hee
- the hottest it has ever been
- a contracting function in a complete metric space has one fixed point (proof)
- 5 months with no sex has finally got me in trouble
- Elvis has left the building
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