- Listen to me, because I am in the soapbox. This is the voice of the soapbox. I am calling to you. Do you hear the sounds of my soaply siren song? My syntactically sweet strumming along to sequential sequestrations of symmetrically snakey st
- Carl Sagan threw down the gauntlet and Tyson picked it up and put it on.
- Can't speed up, can't slow down - all we can do is follow these damn dogs
- This is the kind of English up with which I will not put
- Performing her communion with quick slashes up and down her arm
- It is a strange thing to wake up every day and do things you care nothing about
- This program cannot be run in DOS mode
- Brought down as White, kept down as Black, brought up as None, left with me
- I'm out; I'm free. Down here the night air is purple. What do I do with it all?
- Just Yes Or No Will Do
- What do you see when you look up?
- Please Make Noises which Do Not Signify
- Thumbs Up going down
- I paved paradise, and put up this, like, bigass parking lot
- If they're going up to the sun, the stars and the moon, why don't they bring the moon down for us?
- Name every road down which you go in a tongue that only you know
- What to do if E2 goes down (superdoc)
- Some stuff you physically can NOT do
- I have a face I cannot show, I make the rules up as I go
- Why people put quotes around words on signs
- I can't stand up for falling down
- Things which money cannot buy
- Do you believe, dear reader, that there exists a slender gossamer thread binding you and and I together in our shared humanity? Say 'yes', and we will face the onslaught of the unreal together.
- Do vampires show up on digital cameras?
- I put my head down and hoped to God she wasn't looking at me
- Put your head down and your ass in the air
- I went up a different person, came down somebody else
- Charlotte, who, like a lot of low-maintenance women, cannot tell a lie, said, Yes.
- dr's Hospital Adventure : nurses put up with more than you can ever realize
- Gave up poetry and went down 't mine.
- Smack it up, flip it, rub it down
- States and Provinces which do not participate in Daylight Savings Time
- That which cannot give me everything I might want
- You cannot pick up the pieces, unless they all fall to the floor
- Of which we cannot speak we must remain silent
- Why do I keep turning down sex?
- I cannot find the right words to touch the sky with me Yesterday tomorrow and forever in a white crystalline bask of your teddy bear beauty will you love me yes ok thx!
- What I really would like to do is put Everything into a drawer
- Do you know how many times you've woken up at 4:15 with deep insights?
- tonight the cat decided to get in my bed which he doesn't usually do
- His socks do not have a smell, which is so courteous.
- why I do have to get so deep with people all the time just to gently let them down 2 weeks later
- Sit Down, Shut up & Hang On!
- put down
- We can do the sideways thinking that's needed to combat something which can literally eat your combat training.
- Do the gospels hold up to scrutiny?
- Up the Down Staircase
- Rolling Up, Rolling Down
- Sit Down. Stand Up.
- Heads Down, Thumbs Up
- The Downs and Ups of IFR Training
- I pick up countries and scatter them down
- The mites go up and the tights come down
- you put rocks in the bag. you carry it as long as you can. and then you find somewhere you love, and you put the rocks down.
- My cup of coffee is cooling down while my soul is warming up
- Is Pandeism "sexed up" and "watered down"?
- Put up a sucker's holler
- He wakes up everyday, puts an empty gun in his mouth, and pulls the trigger.
- Put up a holler
- You brought your ashes up to the mountain of solitude. Are you ready to bring your fire down to the valley of the people?
- I felt a need for some excitement tonight, so I drove up and down random streets yelling "I am one with the flying cows!" at regular intervals
- Do not put this product into the rectum by using fingers or any mechanical device or applicator
- What do guys think of girls who hook up with pseudo-random guys?
- The "Which would you rather do?" Game
- That which I should have done I did not do
- Why do Christians bring their kids up as Christians?
- What to do if the Grim Reaper shows up at your door
- Wedding rings and half-born ideas you lose down the toilet. Why do they go?
- Do not put pets in the microwave to dry them
- Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it
- So long Arthur Miller! Who do I have to look up to now?
- i love your mom very much yes i do
- Do you remember watching hosewater down a driveway back home?
- Why post a write-up? (e2poll)
- Breaking down ain't hard to do
- Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives
- I have to get up early and do laundry so I can wear something nice to the weirdo sex club
- Do you understand what you are, sir, in love? You've been lost at sea, and picked up by a lone stranger on an anchored and recently near-abandoned ghost ship.
- you can give up, but there will always be those who do not
- do not let the sun go down on your anger
- which do not stand scrutiny
- frogs look up at the moon the same way we do
- Which version of DOS should I run on my vintage PC?
- In Which Minerva McGonagall Does Not Know What to Do
- Looking Up & Down
- Why mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down
- Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
- Words which mean more than you think they do at the time.
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What to do when your car breaks down
- Reaching a point where you wonder if it's time to put down the bottle
- Let's tear down build up smashing a new world
- comma comma down doobie do down down
- Up and down the river
- Get Up, Jack! John, Sit Down!
- Cruising down Otay, jacked up on Benadryl
- Up, down, flying around... (e2poll)
- Rising Up and Rising Down
- I get knocked down, but I get up again
- down under stars coming up, we are home again
- We woke up one morning and fell a little further down
- I'm up, he sees me, I'm down
- Together we kept bobbing up and down and no one came to save us.
- The nail that sticks up gets hammered down
- a crack in my skull (an up and down disorder)
- Fall Down Seven Times Get Up Eight
- Things people put up their butts
- Learning to put down the fork
- The princess who climbed up a tree and came down a Queen
- Yes, I put Nair in his shampoo
- Put up a beef
- They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot.
- Which doesn’t sound so crazy when we put it that way
- Put up or shut up
- Rode hard and put up wet
- Pimps Up, Ho's Down
- Which 4-manifold do we live in?
- Which 3-manifold do we live in?
- cannot
- Information cannot be owned
- The one thing I cannot write
- Software that tries to work in situations it cannot control will inevitably fail
- Beyond Belief: Why God Cannot Exist
- We cannot reconcile
- You cannot drag an item onto a button on the Taskbar.
- You can pulp a story but you cannot destroy an idea.
- Paul McCartney cannot read or write sheet music
- only when you cannot hear
- The Internet Cannot Be Stored In Your Recycle Bin
- Windows cannot determine what configuration your computer is in
- We Cannot Breathe, We Cannot Breathe
- The page cannot be displayed
- The Management cannot accept responsibility for food brought onto the premises
- I cannot say I love you less than the stars
- I cannot shape this
- The child, she cannot sleep
- I cannot help but think in scenes and paint in memories
- What, she cannot say
- I hate you, or why we cannot be friends
- Jesus cannot save you. He cannot even save Himself.
- cannot sleep (user)
- You cannot be in love with every beautiful thing you see
- Your organic hemp shopping bag alone cannot save the world
- Why Heaven and Hell Cannot Exist
- i am always searching. like a plant, i thirst forever. i cannot get enough of the light.
- the rope mistaken for a snake cannot strike
- All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.
- you have ghosts. where are they? are they so deep that the light cannot reach them? is there any such place?
- And I cannot see your soul hovering here, where I would like to
- hold my hand when i cannot see
- i cannot ever have you, not even in thoughts.
- Fish cannot carry guns.
- You cannot win an argument just by being right
- you cannot kill me in a way that matters
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Where do disappearing socks go?
- The right thing to do
- DOS memory management
- do
- What do you want, a cookie?
- Dos Equis
- To do is to be
- Do I have to watch my step at every turn?
- Where do you want to go today?
- Do your homework.
- Do the math
- We do more after 2am than most people do all day.
- Do fat men get fat dicks?
- Just Do It
- How do you know when someone's your best friend?
- Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
- Our work and why we do it
- Do something
- DOS prompt
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