- If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
- the morning snowdrops fall like dew in the sunlight and fill my heart with their icy cold and all i can think about is you
- I'm All You Can Think About
- You can complain about athlete salaries all you want, but my voicemail is still empty.
- Don't kill your invisible husband to see what he looks like or you'll sob your heart out. But don't worry about the millions of invisible men coming to attack your village because they won't kill you if you don't know how to fight them.
- You can learn a lot about a person by how they act at an Airport
- A story about a picture can only say so much, even in a thousand words or more
- Hey, stranger. I worry about you.
- Ducks can swim. What about her pearls?
- do you think i can get all my ideas out? so they aren't lost?
- or because we are all Supermen living in the city of the future
- All About Chemistry
- We worried about the fire and the night
- Can we still like each other knowing the worst about each other?
- All I ever needed to know about unit conversion, I learned from drugs
- George W. Bush gave the Taliban $43 million in May 2001 because they banned all drugs
- Just because you can make music doesn't mean that you should
- Of all the ways a heart can ache you are my favorite one
- All you can eat
- Waiting for the day all my dreams about myself get tested
- How can I talk about love when the bacon is burned and the house is an absolute mess and the children are screaming their heads off and I'm going to miss my bus?
- all about me is the wind and the mist and the scent of the fields
- show me what the world is all about
- It's all about me (e2poll)
- All About Anna
- They don't realize they're talking about death but I can hear it behind their voices
- all we can see is open road, telephone poles, a sun that is always setting
- we have learned all that we can from anal probing
- all we can do is keep moving forward
- Because I can!
- Maybe because we like to cry. Maybe because neither of us can believe.
- there is no weight that can bury us beneath the ghost of all my guilt
- Can't speed up, can't slow down - all we can do is follow these damn dogs
- All Abouts
- All About Nothing
- All About the Benjamins
- As long as we have the purple berries we needn't worry about our size.
- certain wisdoms about a place can only come from dying there
- Worry not about the cars that go by
- I wanna see it when you find out what comets, stars and moons are all about
- Isn't it about time you grew out of all that juvenile screaming nonsense?
- It's all about aesthetics (pink with envy)
- just because i'm out on the balcony doesn't mean i'm about to jump
- What can a reed do but sway about and love?
- This is going to waste your time because its about Martin
- All About My Mother
- When you are drunk, all you can see is light
- Among the fields and small houses lies a boy I can only dream about
- All that you can take with you is that which you give away.
- Darkness creeps, scouring empty halls, seeking all it can devour
- It has been claimed that some or all of this article or section is incoherent and not understandable, and should possibly be reworded if the intended meaning can be determined
- All right. She can fly circles around Uranus, but where's the bathroom?
- there is a place where the dead live. it is in us. it is all around us. it is more than we can understand.
- Having knowledge is not the same as having understanding. You can have all the pieces in front of you and still not be able to put the puzzle together.
- Just because I'm black doesn't mean I can rap
- Because the weather is always beautiful, they don't even know that storms can be beautiful too.
- We smoke cloves because we can
- direct experience is important because all encoded truths are subject to corruption
- One letter can make all the difference
- Spring doesn't care about you at all
- I don't acknowledge your existence either. Don't worry about it.
- All About Us
- it's all about plur (user)
- My body is a battlefield, and all my breasts ever do is argue about existentialism
- Don't Worry About the Government
- All You Need to Know About the Music Business
- all day I dream about sex
- Why worry about Armageddon?
- All About Lily Chou Chou
- i do not worry about
- It’s not because of your unconventional ideas about sex. It’s because you’re fat.
- It's all about the sublime
- You can tell a lot about a person from their e-mail address
- You can learn a lot about someone from the way they die
- All about a Bombay dance bar.
- Can We Talk About This?
- It's gone, aint nothing you can do about it now
- Nothing to worry about here! though It will come after a while.
- no words about nothing at all
- All About Steve
- sometimes i worry that the more i learn about the world, the less i am myself
- For one moment, it is more important to take in the spectacular than to worry about the pressing business of staying alive.
- About all that went wrong
- Do men think about sex all day long?
- how life is all about loving and being loved
- All the Pain Money Can Buy
- How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You're Not Anywhere at All?
- Because it all burns up
- Don't assume that just because I'm promiscuous, all I want is sex
- "You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor."
- All My Passwords Are 1073, Because It Kinda Spells 'Love'
- Because we are all real people, and none of us is innocent
- But can you imagine what that would do to all those juggaloes?
- All I can do
- we can all just be around other people
- A wink can cover all sorts of things.
- Bragging about a high IQ is way worse than bragging about having a large dick. The latter can at least be demonstrably used for something and be put to good use.
- We sail all night because happiness is in the wind
- Every day adds a new worry, on the last day they all disappear
- You can walk down a path you've gone down many times with the ghosts of all the people you've ever been.
- They leap just because they can, out of joy
- Maybe now that I have written this all down I can finally sleep
- We pander to each other because we love each other so much and we'd do anything to keep each other and it's made us sensitive and it's fucking killing us all.
- can it be that it was all so simple then
- Just because you should do something doesn't mean you can
- What can you tell us about the Republican Platform?
- Up, because the sky has room for us and more than we can ever make
- Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should
- We Can all Die Like This
- "What *should* we be worried about?"; or how too many cooks make a statistically average soup
- And then night was here, after a day of measured breathing, and I could forget about breathing because the waiting was done
- Why noding about your personal life can be a bad idea
- There's Something About Mary
- Let's Talk About Feelings
- What About Bob?
- We only care about the cute animals, everything else is food
- Daleks and stairs
- What is this crap about trick-or-treating on Saturday?
- Feeling bad about a good deed
- The good thing about using a horribly outdated file system
- about nobody (superdoc)
- Tell me a story about trains
- Nodes about measurement
- about an Alice
- precision vs. accuracy
- about box
- Things my mom doesn't argue with me about anymore
- The Trick About Thawing Grapes
- The secret truth about the PalmPilot
- One good thing about gangs
- out and about
- Porn industry
- What do girls think about guys who think about what other people think about girls and what they do?
- About Koji - A Starter For Making Saké
- A Story About Magic
- You sad cookie, you CARE more about filthy rich pretty people you'll never meet
- naive perceptions about software development
- You forget about everything for a few months and everything changes
- Conventional views about human cloning
- The cluelessness of the press when writing about computer crime
- Think About Mutation
- What do you think about Human Clothing?
- Don't talk about your mamma like that
- I'm passionate about my plant life
- Everything you wanted to know about hamsters, and then some!
- This scenario is about to self-destruct
- What We Talk about When We Talk About Love
- The Girl from Ipanema
- Help me tell you a story about things and yourself, without pants
- A joke about tax collectors
- Quotes about robotic dinosaurs
- Your radical ideas about society, individualism, and religion have already occurred to others
- Your radical ideas about religion as a mechanism of social control have already occurred to others
- I don't give a DAMN about your character
- More Songs About Buildings and Food
- LPPR: Illegal Speech About Drugs
- You are the kind of girl my mother warned me about
- Doctors know nothing about drugs
- What Little I Know About Ingredients For Thai Cuisine
- Stories about the injury of male genitalia
- Something about parts of you
- Tell me about your secret places
- I'm really sorry about that!!!
- I worry that no matter how hard I pray, you'll always be just out of my reach
- Why nodes about Canada suck
- The Joy of Pair Bonding: Talking About Sex
- On reading letters that bitch about scantily-clad models on magazine covers
- The cool thing about the O&M building at A&M
- DEA arrests just about everybody
- All About Touching
- Is There Something About Bangkok I Should Maybe Know About?
- Advice the KJV Bible has to give about Everything
- a narrative about my relationship
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