- How to avoid driving into your garage with your bike still on the car roof rack
- Don't blow into someone's vagina
- avoid
- Avoid fancy words
- Avoid the Noid
- How to avoid people whom you don't like talking to
- how to avoid paying for washing machines
- Eating icicles to avoid dehydration
- good reasons to avoid decapitation
- How to avoid photo radar tickets
- Just try to avoid the wracking temptation to eat raw cookie dough
- the second night in a row I've avoided taking off this tacky blue nail polish
- Avoid contact with the eyes.
- Avoid highly subjective writeups
- How to avoid tomorrow
- E2 clueless (newbie) mistakes to avoid
- I do my best to avoid Sleep's sticky tendrils
- How to avoid jury duty
- How to avoid saying, "I love you"
- Avoid missing ball for high score
- Avoid product placement in writeups
- Avoid generalization
- A depressed Lincoln avoids talk of his broken engagement, January 20, 1841
- My psychologist, or rants to avoid self-improvement
- Discrimination: why avoid the subject?
- Ways people avoid confronting political reality
- How to avoid dying of thirst in a desert
- Avoid Ethnocentrism
- Failing to Avoid the Paper Cuts
- things I do to avoid pissing off my wife
- Avoiding diarrhea in Mexico
- Doing something illegal to avoid being caught in an illegal activity
- How people avoid buying drinks
- Pretending to be sick in order to avoid your duties
- How the Waldensian Heretics avoided detection
- The girls avoid band inflicted neck hickeys
- How to avoid holodeck addiction
- Books to read in the bath: Avoid waterdamage at all costs
- Reverend Wolff, in pursuit of others already lost, avoids the bug pit
- Changing the value of 5 in FORTRAN
- Practical reasons to avoid black cats
- United States pledge to avoid torture
- Why security experts avoid implementing
- Jobs that can drive you to the poorhouse, and how to avoid them
- Ejaculation and prostate cancer
- How To Avoid Being Something Other Than What One Is Not
- How to avoid being urinated upon by your baby boy
- Avoid getting screwed by contractors
- I try to avoid making things more dead
- How to avoid eviction
- She crashed her car trying to avoid a butterfly
- We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path we took to avoid our destiny
- Avoid Working With Stanley Kubrick
- Surviving to avoid being alive
- Avoid minding your own business
- blowing sessions
- blowing the roof off the dump
- when the wind is blowing just right
- cartridge blowing
- Blowing ectoplasm bubbles
- blowing a fag
- Blowing for votes
- Blowing shit up
- On meeting a Seer and blowing my mind
- Blowing your nose is the greatest feeling in the world
- blowing smoke
- blowing off steam
- Blowing up computer chips
- Blowing up a car
- A Dark Horn Blowing
- glass blowing
- the Arizona dust blowing
- Blowing smoke up your ass
- chimes blowing in the wind
- never stop blowing up
- blowing machine
- I'm trippin' my nut sack into a frenzy of dik play
- Into the Woods
- Do not go gentle into that good night
- Lila, an Inquiry into Morals
- whisper into the graveyard
- into
- They were getting into riot gear as we sipped our wine
- My body falling into stars
- Wrapped in barbed wire and shot into the sun
- Assimilate your goldfish into Everything
- NiGHTS into Dreams
- Into Battle with The Art of Noise
- Out of the blue and into the black
- Assimilate your attractive cousin into Everything
- I wish I could upload my brain into Everything
- Have you let Emacs into your heart?
- Snap into a Slim Jim
- Once More Into the Bleach
- Assimilate your sister's good-looking friends into Everything
- Run and turn into butter
- run into the ground
- wander off into otherness
- Christians don't believe that "being good" gets anyone into Heaven
- Did my pussy just run into you?
- Climbing a Stone Bowl into Fire
- Falling Into Infinity
- jump off into never-never land
- Is America turning into a country full of junkies?
- take into account
- Turning moJoe into a jar of lemon-flavored pickles
- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past
- Make your keyboard's "Windows Keys" into "Super" shift keys for (X)Emacs
- Your fingers staple pine nuts into everything you touch
- On Seeing a Piece of Our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action
- Somehow my life falls into place
- Antitrust: The Justice Department and 17 states proposed Breaking up Microsoft into two companies.
- How long must I stay in my pajamas before I turn into Howard Hughes?
- Indelibly burned into my memory
- Waking up with a dog breathing into your face
- On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules
- There I stood, rambling incoherently into the tin can, you loved it
- Into the light
- Into My Arms
- The art of stuffing people into boxes
- Let's just turn our children into burbling idiots
- Things to consider before you bring a hamster into your life
- All my possessions packed into a few boxes
- Walking into class, only to realize that you have no pants
- On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
- Saving face, losing time, staring off into an alternate reality
- seal clubbing
- I was into them after they were hip
- vanish into thin air
- Don't piss into the wind unless you want to get wet
- An insight into government spending derived from potty-training
- How to turn your Hyundai Excel into a race car
- being beaten into an unhealthy state by other people's pasts
- Jamming a pair of scissors into your crotch repeatedly
- How to turn a crack house into a crack home
- I'll never be the one to force my parents into an "old age" home
- How to avoid a car accident
- how to turn a dorm room into a swimming pool
- all that is solid melts into air
- Turning a dorm room into a room
- Into the Fire
- Pathways Into Darkness
- The long term consequence of putting fish genes into watermelons
- Thoughts that randomly pop into your mind when masturbating
- into the deep end in a few short words
- Got to Get You into My Life
- I will stare into this box
- Concrescence of linguistic intentionality put through a kind of hyperdimensional transform into three-dimensional space
- Do not put this product into the rectum by using fingers or any mechanical device or applicator
- If you pull out into an intersection have the balls to follow through
- asking only to be stared into, offering no reward
- Try not to look into my eyes
- pushing farther into the west
- Your beliefs are your concern, just please don't let them creep into our secular argument
- my piss turned into molten hot, chunky oatmeal
- Deeper Into The Mountains
- Thoughts on a beer run into the Quarter on a Saturday night
- urges to smash people's heads into the concrete
- Lean into the Coma
- absorbing your mind into an object. safer.
- Against my will it is seeping into me, this information.
- Fixing a water damaged cell phone
- Kurt Vonnegut books made into movies
- A study on male behavior in public restrooms
- Into Open Sky
- Turning a call option into a put option (and vice versa)
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