Near Matches
Ignore Exact
absorbing your mind into an object. safer.
Tue Aug 01 2000 at 4:45:49
When they were yelling it was easiest to be a thing not be a person. Not that I felt dehumanized, that wasn't it,
I chose to leave myself
is all. It was good to sit at the kitchen table while words were happening louder and louder around me and just stare at the fruit bowl always always
in the middle of the table
, a big ceramic mixing bowl with stickfigure
reindeer dancing around
the side in a circle making me think the word Lapland.
The world to which I confined my eyes was a small one but
it was full of choices. An orange has excellent texture to imagine sliding fingers over, it is nearby but I do not need to pick it up to own its weight and smooth bumpiness, wet citrus just underneath.
I know it is there and that is enough.
Other fruit will do for variety's sake but I always come back to the orange, it is something good to lock onto. To learn to enjoy.
The bowl is smooth and the tablecloth has brown checks and these are all good things as well. When there is enough loudness around you you can make yourself be as still as a skeleton as still as a ghost as still as anything that is
not really there
and is not really itself. They gave me enough angry words to get a lot of practice in.
I got very good at it
, given enough practice you can get good at any old hateful thing.
I got a good degree and can't remember any of it!
Watching my parents defy Physics
The knight at the nexus of memory
I will not, for anything, repeat the past
Learn how to fly
And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street
Everything is sacred
I break myself down
They shared a love of impermanence, briefly
Women drivers
Perfect Day
Love in the Time of Cholera
Fade Into You
Daddy, stop hitting me and tell me you love me
I might fall into good sleep like swimming
a memory
Circle of light
Marquis de Sade
Bernoulli's Inequality
Gravity Gun
Visual Basic Object Properties
Around the horn
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