- Average Joe
- Average Joe (user)
- Average (user)
- Global average temperature
- Earned Run Average
- Batting average
- Average Land Speed of Animals
- Average
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- average rate of change
- average person
- moving average
- exponential moving average
- weighted average
- Weighted Average with denominator 7
- average male viewer
- Having An Average Weekend
- Average Handle Time
- the average number of fixed points of a permutation is 1
- load average
- How many different species live on or in the average human body?
- 90% of people think they are of above average intelligence
- Thanksgiving for your average noder (except me, of course)
- Law of averages
- Equivalent Average
- Peripheral Earned Run Average
- The average male thinks about sex every seven seconds
- Smarter than the average bear
- .400 batting average
- What would aliens think if they talked to an average western human being?
- Nosferatu (with C/Average)
- Grade Point Average
- Average Atmospherocepalic Bureaucrat in the Act of Milking a Cranial Harp
- Average Call Time
- Elmo Ain't Yo Average Nza
- Being average is rare
- Invitation to average war
- To be noble in an average life
- average total cost
- Average Value Method
- The Average White Band
- Average logarithmic energy decrement per collision
- Zero knowledge computation of the average salary
- Standard Average European
- Average G (user)
- elliptical weighted average
- Average dice
- The average noder's age (e2poll)
- the average population of the universe is zero
- average guy (user)
- Average Freight Rate Assessment
- i've seen earthworms larger than your average snake
- My Life Is Average
- Average face
- Batting average on balls in play
- Average Log Income
- Salud
- My Statistically Average Wife
- The average distance between consecutive prime numbers
- average centipawn loss
- The dangers of using the average without context
- How the lack of flying cars is connected with the green fuzz between EDB's toes and the average annual rainfall in West Bulgaria
- "What *should* we be worried about?"; or how too many cooks make a statistically average soup
- Reading averages (e2poll)
- Average Redditor
- Brother Joe (user)
- Joe Groff (user)
- Joe Forker (user)
- /dev/joe (user)
- Joe Louis Arena
- Joe Morden
- Joe Girardi
- Joe Quimby
- Water Joe
- joe's own editor
- Joe Haldeman
- Joe Satriani
- Joe's Garage
- Joe Carducci
- The Adam and Joe Show
- Tony Joe White
- Adam and Joe
- Joe Zawinul
- Joe Bloggs
- Joe Paterno
- Joe Dolce
- Joe Hardy
- Joe Elliot
- Joe Montana
- Joe Pesci
- Bazooka Joe
- Hey Joe
- Joe's Pub
- Joe Cartoon
- Joe Sixpack
- Joe Cocker
- Joe Isuzu
- Joe
- Joe Miller
- Joe Namath
- Joe Bob Briggs
- Joe Frank
- Joe Henry
- Joe Hamilton
- Sloppy Joe
- Hacker Joe (user)
- joe grayscale (user)
- Pope Joe Fox (user)
- I am Joe's...
- Joe Scarborough
- Hitchhiker Joe
- No Neck Joe
- Mean Joe's Greenes
- Joe Cole
- Joe Baggadonuts
- Joe Boyd
- Joe Morgan
- G.I. Joe
- Joe Nuxhall
- Banana Joe's
- Joe Meek
- Country Joe & the Fish
- Joe Christmas
- Joe code
- Joe Brown
- Joe Pass
- Joe Gould
- Joe Dante
- Joe Hill
- Big Joe and Phantom 309
- Mike and Joe
- Joe Perrino & The Mellow Tones
- Joe Laquidara
- Joe Daniels
- smokey joe
- Joe DiMaggio
- Italian Sandwiches
- Joe Pantoliano
- Joe Louis
- Joe Jackson
- Mighty Joe Plum
- Joe Skubitz
- Joe Garelli
- Eat at Joe's
- Joe Don Baker
- Joe Kupert
- Chocobo Joe (user)
- Joe's Apartment
- old joe
- Joe Orton
- G.I. Joe Public Service Announcements
- Joe versus the Volcano
- Trader Joe's
- Joe (user)
- Joe Blow
- Joe Sacco
- Joe Greene
- Joe Faith (user)
- Mighty Joe Young
- FRITOS Cheesy Crunchy Joe's
- Meet Joe Black
- cup o' joe
- Joe Diffie
- Joe Clark
- Sebastian Joe's Ice Cream Cafe
- Reverend Joe Wright's controversial prayer
- Ugly Kid Joe
- Joe Queenan
- Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
- Smilin' Joe Fission
- Joe's Crab Shack
- Joe Jackson; The Beacon Theatre, New York City, December 20th, 2000
- Joe "King" Oliver
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