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Conventional neurotransmission can be crudely explained in this way: A presynaptic neuron creates, stores, and releases a chemical neurotransmitter, which crosses a very small gap (the synapse) and is taken up by the postsynaptic neuron. While the axons and dendrites of neurons branch out in three dimensions, the act of neurotransmission may be thought of as two-dimensional -- that is, no branching happens between transmission and reception over a given synapse during the period of transmission. Hence, if this were the only type of neurotransmission going on, discrete paths of all of the system's information could be understood by looking only at neurons and their connections.

As we all know, Nature is never quite so easy to grasp, and she has a great deal of subtle tricks up her sleeve. One trick that we've recently discovered is a way of overriding this connective idiom of brain function with one that is purely spatial, nitric oxide neurotransmission.

Some neurons, when inundated with enough calcium ions, activate an enzyme named NOS (nitric oxide synthase). This enzyme metabolizes the amino acid L-arginine to form, I bet you could have guessed, nitric oxide (NO) gas. Now, many gasses diffuse in the brain naturally, as they're tiny little non-polar molecules that can slip through membranes without even slowing down. Since the NOS enzymes aren't localized to any particular area, the newly generated NO gas produces a "cloud" that spreads through all of the surrounding neurons, and modifies their behavior. And what is it called when the release of a chemical by one neuron changes another's activity? Neurotransmission.

Reasons why this is important, in no particular order:

  • Dimensionality: By moving in four dimensions (all directions for a given period of time), gaseous diffusion neurotransmission may affect cell assemblies and even whole networks that would ordinarily be inaccessible to the transmitting neuron. This is incredibly important, because it means the firing of a neuron within the cloud isn't controlled only by the dendritic input it receives from neurons it synapses with, but from neurons in possibly very distant parts of the network. To put it another way, the locality of the transmitting neuron simply skyrockets, since it has an effective fanout of billions of cells instead of thousands.

  • Long term potentiation: LTP happens when a group of neurons that fires together becomes sensitized, so they fire together more easily. Not only are the postsynaptic neurons sensitized with NMDA activation, but presynaptic neurons also release more neurotransmitter after potentiation, leading to an altogether more sensitive synapse. This has been something of a mystery to science, since neurotransmission has always been thought to be two-dimensional. Because of NO diffusion, this may not be the case.

    Here's how it works, to the best of my understanding. Upon repeated firing, the postsynaptic neuron's NMDA channels pop open, and they let a bunch of calcium ions into the neuron. These calcium ions sensitize that neuron to further incoming signals, which has been known for a while; they also kick NOS into action, so the postsynaptic neuron begins to diffuse NO into the surrounding area. Theoretically, the NO has a special effect on the presynaptic neuron because it recently fired, an effect which causes it to fire with greater strength in the future. Thus, both parts of the synapse are strengthened, so long term potentiation is complete.

  • Additional temporal sensitivity: Regular neurotransmission happens in a relatively short period of time, a matter of milliseconds between when the vesicle is released and when the neurotransmitter is broken down postsynaptically. NO diffusion happens at a much slower rate, and can continue for up to a second (!) after a neuron's NOS enzymes have stopped producing NO. It's possible that natural networks use this lengthy communication for medium-term storage of information, since it lasts longer than a synaptic firing but shorter than semi-permanent changes of LTP or other potentiation. Research is incomplete and ongoing, so don't take this as gospel.

  • Strokes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's: All of these damage neurons, though each act in different areas. Until recently the mass neuron death that accompanies each of these wasn't clearly understood, since there didn't seem to be any reason for it to be as widespread as it is. With a gas diffusion model of damage, this damage makes more sense.

    One current theory of the damage is caused is this: First, trauma occurs to neurons for various reasons, either lack of oxygen from a stroke or aging processes for the diseases. Because of this, they flood the neurotransmitter glutamate into the area surrounding them. NMDA receptors exposed to this flood open up, and fill their own neurons with calcium ions, which in turn heavily activate NOS enzymes. Finally, huge amounts of NO diffuse through the surrounding area. In the usual amounts NO is harmless, but in large amounts it becomes quite toxic -- concentrated NO is used by microphages to kill invading bacteria. So, all of this NO that's suddenly floating around kills more neurons, causing them to release additional glutamate into the system. You get the picture, I'm sure, and it's not a pretty one.

    This theory has been partially proven by studies in which rats were denied NOS and exposed to MPTP. MPTP causes rapid onset of Parkinsonian symptoms, but rats that either had NOS inhibited or their NOS gene removed were much less affected by it. Drug companies are researching NOS inhibitors for this reason right now.

    Artificial Intelligence: Finally, this is the one I'm sort of interested in, being something of a CogSci geek. Artificial neural networks (ANN's) have traditionally used two-dimensional synapses, in keeping with the neurological model. GasNets, a new form of ANN, have been developed to use all of these new gaseous diffusion neurotransmission findings, and early experimental results look promising. Here are a few ways a GasNet can be useful to an ANN:

    • As a low-pass filter. That is, long-term diffusion can make noise less of a factor to the system, by only transmitting those signals which cause the neuron to be activated for a long enough period of time to release a large amount of gas. In other words, high frequency inputs can't stimulate the neuron to release enough NO to reach outlying areas, whereas low frequency (and thus high period) inputs can.
    • For rhythmic output with or without input. If a diffusive neuron is in the same cluster as non-diffusive ones and is being stimulated at regulated neurotransmission speeds, it will ramp up or down gas release based on the overall rhythm of the cluster. Since this affects surrounding neurons, a complex rhythm (probably best described by an evil differential equation) may arise.
    • Causing processes that build up effect over time. Since the simulated gas can stay present for much longer than its producer neuron stays active, it can build up concentration in an area. Given the right wiring, this slowly changing concentration can cause all kinds of interesting emergent effects.

Chings and respect out to anyone who feels competent enough to fill GasNet; I certainly do not yet.

As a biologist, I feel compelled to point out that two of the organs offered as vestigial are not actually recognized as such today.


The sacrum serves at least two vital functions. First, the sacral nerves need to exit the spine below the juncture of spine and pelvis to innervate the buttocks, legs, and other *ahem* important *ahem* organs. Without the sacrum descending below the rest of the spine as protection, these nerves would be much more prone to damage and paraplegia would be correspondingly more common.

Further, the structure of the perineum necessitates an attachment point for muscles which might be regarded as "important" (defecation would be either impossible or "automatic" depending on which muscles were detached) and *ahem* important *ahem*. The coccyx, which articulates with the distal end of the sacrum, provides these anchorage points.


The appendix serves at least two known important purposes. First, it is one of the densest patches of immune tissue in the human gut. Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is one of the first lines of defense in the body, as the gut is the system most exposed to the outside world (What? You thought it was the skin? Nope. Skin cells are protected from direct contact by a thick armour plating of dead, keratinized cells.) and thus most often exposed to pathogens. GALT both produces and stores the immune cells which respond to potential pathogens.

The pocket-like "dead end" structure of the appendix allows it to capture small amounts of matter as digestion proceeds and "examine" it for longer than most other GALTs. As generation of "matching" immune cells is a probabilistic process (immune cells are generated at random and ones that find a "matching" pathogen proliferate), this "lag time" assists in the detection of and defense against pathogens.

As well, the fact that the contents of the appendix are only slowly "turned over" and replaced makes it a haven for essential gut flora ("good germs") in case of catastrophic (from the gut's perspective) events such as diarrhea which flush most of the flora from the gut.

For these reasons, people with intact appendices both suffer a lower incidence of gastrointestinal infection and recover from such infections much more quickly.

While no studies that I've been able to find — granted, in only about fifteen minutes of searching the literature — seem to deal with the consequences of a missing palmaris longus muscle, it may contribute (like other weak muscles which work alongside stronger muscles) to stability rather than to strength. I'll leave that for those who could actually research it, though.

If you still think the sacrum is vestigial, though, I'll remove yours for you.

The vocal cords or vocal folds are necessary for speech, and we generally think of this as their prime function. This might even be their prime function, as they have many more fancy design features to maximize speech production than for any other use. But other functions they do have, some of them quite important.

The vocal cords can clamp shut very tightly, and do so automatically if anything coming down the windpipe touches them. This, together with the choking and coughing reflexes, have saved you from some very nasty lung infections, and has probably saved your life. Every time you 'swallowed something the wrong way', whether it was a sip of water or a splinter of bone, you were at risk of dying. Even when you are coughing and red in the face, chances are that whatever you swallowed didn't make it past the vocal folds.

Somewhat less dramatically, the vocal cords clamping down will also trap air in the lungs. This allows you to hold your breath, which can be quite useful, but it also provides a structural function. Filling your lungs with air and tightly shutting your vocal cords will 'brace' your thorax, providing a stiff framework for your muscles to work off of. This is called thoracic fixation, and we use it unconsciously, but constantly.

Perhaps the most obvious example of thoracic fixation is seen when you are lifting a heavy weight, and you grunt. This grunt pops out as your body braces itself by clamping down the vocal chords. You may also find yourself gasping or giving a deep sigh when dropping a heavy weight, as your body relaxes after a hard fixation.

Another good example of thoracic fixation is giving birth. Bracing the thorax gives the abdominals something to push from, and will make the baby come out faster. This is why you might hear the expectant mother being told to "breathe!" No, she isn't going to suffocate without the doctor's instructions. Concentrating on taking deep breaths will help the mother to keep from pushing with the contractions until it's time for the baby to come out.

And now you know why the rest of the animal kingdom has vocal cords.

I thought it might be interesting (well, to some) to point out that you might also use thoracic fixation during a particularly difficult bowel movement, but I couldn't quite work it in to the paragraph on giving birth. Anyway, now you know.

One of those 'executive toys' that were big a few years back, which aim to show off a principle of physics or science. Some of us choose to use the cruder name: Newton's Balls, while it has also been named Kinetic Balls.

The aim was to show the principle of conservation of momentum.

This was one of the more interesting executive toys, as it did things which were in some ways counter-intuitive. When set in motion, it produced a rhythmic clacking sound. Depending on your perspective, that was either pleasant and soothing, or irritating to the point of migraine-production.

In its classic form, the toy comprises a framework along the lines of the Olympic parallel bars apparatus, but usually smaller. The parallel bars are connected together to make a frame. A solid metal ball is suspended from the frame by two light strings, one running to each of the two parallel bars. The two strings form a V-shape, allowing the ball to move like a pendulum, but its movement is restricted to the plane that bisects the parallel bars.

The classic toy used five balls. I guess because that shows all the principles, while still keeping the toy reasonably cheap. Maybe senior executives had seven balls compared to the junior executive's five. I prefer to think those hotshots just have bigger balls. However large or numerous they are, the balls end up aligned in a row down the middle of the toy.

The ball on each end is free to move in an arc as one half of its pendulum swing. Pull it back, release it and it falls under gravity to the line of balls. It hits the remaining four balls with a satisfying clack. Immediately, the ball at the other end flies upward, while the original ball simply sticks to the others like glue, with no rebound or other reaction.

After flying outward, the other ball returns to connect with the line of balls and with another clack, the process repeats. There are few losses in the system, so the clack-clack-clack motion repeats for twenty or thirty cycles, before it all goes quiet and needs another swing.

A single ball is no fun

Swing two balls instead of one. As before, they make contact with the line of stationary balls. This time, however, two fly out from the far end -- conservation of momentum. Swing three balls and something interesting happens. The middle ball seems to swings normally, while the two on the outside switch from left to right. If you focus only on the middle ball, it seems to push the other two out to the side.

Lift the two end balls away from the pack and release them simultaneously. What happens?

Now lift two at one end and one at the other and release them at slightly different times. Not a steady clack-clack-clack, but a more complicated rhythm.

Newton's Balls, what's that all about?

Sir Isaac Newton did not have one of these, so far as anyone knows. The idea, according to many sources across the internet, came from an actor and radio newsreader called Simon Prebble, who, in 1967 made beautifully-crafted wooden versions for sale in London's top shop for Toffs, Harrods. Although sales were slim, some marketing people (Richard Loncraine and business partner Peter Broxton) took the idea on and gave it some chrome-plated bling. That helped, but the key selling point was John Noakes who, apparently showed the item no less than three times in 1969.

The connection with Newton is tenuous. I guess the toy gives a great visualisation of the conservation of momentum, but Newton didn't really formulate that law. Old Isaac had three laws named for him, the first says nothing changes velocity unless acted on by a force. The second says the acceleration is proportional to the applied force while the third says every action has an equal and oposite reaction. Newton worked out all kinds of things in his Principia, but I'm not sure the conservation laws were among them. It's quite easy to derive the necessity for conservation of momentum from Newton's three laws, but there's no clear evidence he ever did that. Wiki thinks it was Leibniz who first formulated a modern expression of that law and I see no reason to enter into that discussion. But I digress.

The hand that rocks the (world's biggest) cradle

Wiki also tells us of the world's biggest set of balls. Up to twenty full-sized bowling balls lined up in the classic cradle arrangement, suspended from girders by aircraft grade steel cables. To be honest, they usually only run it with 16, as the building shakes a bit too much with all 20 in operation. This also leaves four spares in case of a disaster, but it still looks impressive, even on a web page.

"The problem," according to builder, Mark Broker, "was having the balls to build it."

After a number of trials, the team started working with AMF, a leading supplier of bowling balls, and AMF made them a set of 20 balls matched for weight (15lb each) and size and internal composition.

I can't find a video on the web, but the website (the Geek Group) is listed below, and the installation is at 2309 N Burdick St, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

The guys at Geek Group say,

"In the 2008 season we are working to secure a larger facility for the cradle and rebuild it to an even larger setup with higher-weighted balls and many more of them. We hope to not only set a world's record with this, but to break our own existing record."

Sources, further information's_cradle


Balls - 20 Ball - 9