user since
Thu Apr 27 2000 at 05:18:16 (24.4 years ago )
last seen
Thu Feb 15 2007 at 21:10:05 (17.6 years ago )
number of write-ups
155 - View Eos's writeups (feed)
level / experience
11 (Literatus) / 6959
C!s spent
Life is too short to not be in love.
most recent writeup
Ishikawa Goemon
Send private message to Eos

I am

Yes, ladies, if you're keeping score at home, that IS: ex-married, ex-Mormon, ex-goth, and with a son to boot! FOUR times the baggage at the same price as any other love! Yes, that's four for a dollar. Act now, supplies of me are limited!
PRODUCT STATUS: I'm sorry, we are out of stock. The item has been discontinued.

Thank you for the correction. ;)

concerning the horrible reaction received by noder poetry on E2-
@ Halspal - I suspect it's because it's just *so* subjective. The absence of even the possibility of objective knowledge seems to bring people's worst territorial nonsense to the fore.

Eh, why deny that I'm just in it for the XP.
Total dishonesty: 708.90 rep, 43741.94 hours. Average dishonesty: 3.67 rep per node, 226.64 hours per node. 
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0+-OOOO-OOO-O------------O--O---------------------OOO--@---------> now

Yes... I've lost some interest in noding for now, but the interest will return, don't worry. It always does, as you can see by the above graph.

Thank you
for teaching me
to treat
each day spent
in love with someone
as though
it will be
the last

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