- It was a dark and stormy night. I had taken a creative writing class.
- I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.
- Night Goat (user)
- Saturday Night Live
- night
- Night of the Living Dead
- Mother Night
- Late Night with Conan O'Brien
- A Night at the Opera
- Saturday night
- Late night garage
- Boogie Nights
- Hockey Night In Canada
- Book of 1000 Nights and a Night
- Do not go gentle into that good night
- the original Saturday Night Live
- Sports Night
- Starry, Starry Night
- Whatever makes you happy on a Friday night
- Arabian Nights
- Tender is the Night
- Neverwinter Nights
- night vision
- Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony
- NiGHTS into Dreams
- Monday Night Football
- one-night stand
- In The Night Kitchen
- 1001 Nights
- night light
- On Through the Night
- Night Music
- Walpurgis Night
- night sky
- Up All Night
- Night Court
- Saturday Night Fever
- Things that go bump in the night
- Night After Night
- The Night Cafe
- Nights
- I'm afraid, sometimes, at night
- Dream Log: November 1, 1999
- Last Night
- Bonfire night
- A night with the homesteaders
- Falling asleep last night
- Gardening at Night
- Silent Night
- Nighted
- 'Twas the night before Christmas
- Big Night
- It was a dark and stormy night
- Night On Earth
- The Armies of the Night
- Gaudy Night
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
- O Holy Night
- like ships in the night
- late night phone calls
- Night Ranger
- Saturday night in the emergency room
- Open mic night
- How can you sleep at night?
- The Night of the Hunter
- A Midsummer Night's Dream I.i
- A Midsummer Night's Dream I.ii
- A Midsummer Night's Dream II.i
- A Midsummer Night's Dream II.ii
- A Midsummer Night's Dream III.i
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
- Twelfth Night
- Hell Night
- The Starry Night
- Twelfth Night I.i
- Twelfth Night I.ii
- Twelfth Night I.iii
- Twelfth Night I.iv
- Twelfth Night I.v
- Night Flight
- night owl
- running too fast at night
- Steven's Last Night In Town
- the worst night of my life
- Big Night Music
- One night in NYC
- Burns Night
- Night Crow Calling
- Night Rider
- M. Night Shyamalan
- Devil's Night
- Sunday night
- To the night
- Night clubbing
- Night on the rainbow
- Night ride
- something I found last night
- instead of writing a rhyme i'd rather be one
- Noises in the night
- Hymns To The Night 2
- Hymns To The Night 4
- Hymns To The Night 5
- Hymns To The Night 6
- Hymns To The Night
- Night of Broken Glass
- late night paranoia
- Hockey Night in Canada Theme
- Mississippi Nights
- Last night I could not sleep because of the noise in my head
- night mode
- Red birds will fly out of the east and destroy Paris in a night
- Swimming at night
- I never did well with Sunday nights
- An Old Man's Winter Night
- it's just one of those nights..
- The pros and cons of leaving your computer on
- A Hard Day's Night
- Surah 17 The Night Journey
- Kolchak: The Night Stalker
- The Night Stalker
- The Night Strangler
- Take Back the Night
- Midsummer Nights Doom
- Night Soil
- Night of the axe
- A parable I wrote one night
- A Thousand and One Arabian Nights
- Good Night, Sleep Tight
- Youth, Day, Old Age and Night
- Surah 92 The Night
- The night I spoke with Elvis
- seize the night
- On the Beach at Night
- On the Beach at Night Alone
- F1r3br4nd and the Night Shift from Hell: VI
- F1r3br4nd and the Night Shift from Hell: VII
- F1r3br4nd and the Night Shift from Hell: IX
- F1r3br4nd and the Night Shift from Hell: Epilogue
- Rhapsody on a Windy Night
- Going to a movie on the opening night
- A Night at the Roxbury
- just a night
- How would you like it if they took your subculture and made it a theme night?
- All Alone in the Night
- The Fall of Night
- The Long Night
- the second night in a row I've avoided taking off this tacky blue nail polish
- Tuesday Night Music Club
- Driving at night in the rain
- I've been doing that all night and quite frankly my jaw aches
- Night's Dawn
- Some guy tried to buy drugs from me last night
- Judgment Night
- Three Dog Night
- Late Night with Harry Potter
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