- I can't decide if what you're saying is too profound for me to comprehend or just insane
- The Mobility Divide: or why I want you to give me $20,000 in the 21st century
- Is Everything2 making me more or less intelligent?
- Changing Your Life For Free (Or, 12-Step Programs?!: WTF Is In It For Me?!)
- Give Me Powerpuff Girls Hentai or Give Me DEATH
- Put That Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me
- Give me assembly language, or give me death!
- It's Me or the Dog
- I'm beginning to think that nothing I think or say makes sense to anyone but me
- Here's your chance to live through me, to right your wrongs or wrong my rights
- What do you know of me, or I of you?
- Do you love me or are you in love?
- you can only make me dizzy if you're spinning me in leaves or snowflakes
- Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
- Your piercing intelligence would undo or invigorate me
- Sword Lesbian, or: Give me a marker and a blank space and I shall move a bit of the world
- me or the gun
- I have no proof that he would ever want to kiss or destroy me.
- Drugs Or Me
- Ruining your illusions of me. Or cementing them.
- Give me head or the monkey gets spanked
- Gas, grass or ass, nobody rides for free
- So I was balls deep in the guy's ass that night when he turns to me and asks for a kiss. Damn. What a fag.
- The Weddings I have Performed, or Why God is Gonna Kill Me
- No one asks me if I'm a Satanist or anything because I take the precaution of wearing a predominantly flannel and hawaiian shirt-oriented wardrobe
- Is it me or are there more bisexuals these days?
- Is that massive cerebral hemorrhaging, or are you just happy to see me?
- Love Me or Leave Me
- Is it you, Sir, who cut me? Or is it I who cut you?
- I take a long time to ejaculate. Do I have a problem?
- I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me
- Stand up for yourself, OR: How I got the shit kicked out of me
- I will REMOVE your "All your radical touching base are already occurred to the lesbian monkey puppy" philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby. Real or malarky?
- Give me Liberty or give me death
- I don't believe in God or the soul but these machines can make me cry
- Everything Quest: You kids stop your fighting or I will turn this car around so help me God
- If poetry could describe the way you make me feel, poetry would be illegal. Or anyway I might get arrested.
- a light wind is enough to make me smile or cry
- give me the truth or nothing
- Sealing wax color code, or: Stop asking me what the letter says damn you
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- Who's dreaming it, then? You, or me?
- But I'm a good person! Yeah great you wanna help me with this or what?
- Or he'll just kick me in the face and scream abstract noises and dance around outside in his underwear and have sex with the neighbor's dog and try to fly by jumping off the toilet
- Federal "pound me in the ass" prison
- Metal Inert Ass Welding, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the F-Bomb
- ass chip
- Covering your ass
- bad ass
- swamp ass
- ass
- Up Your Ass
- Rat's ass
- The Ass and His Driver
- The Ass and His Shadow
- The Ass and His Masters
- The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass
- The Ass and the Horse
- The Ass and His Purchaser
- The Ass in the Lion's Skin
- The Ass and the Wolf
- The Goat and the Ass
- Kiss my ass
- Big Ass Truck
- jawbone of an ass
- Asses of Fire
- Photocopying your ass is not recommended
- Piece of ass
- The Kennedy crimes
- I kick ass for the Lord!
- My mom kicks ass
- Persian wild ass
- Bad Ass vs. Evil sunglasses
- Your ass is indefensible
- If they put you in a copy machine, an ass would come out
- Rest Now, Little Wolf (A Vigil for Aria, or, How the Lamb Stood in an Empty Room Filled With Empty Friends)
- How to wipe your ass
- The iMac looks like the ass end of the New Beetle
- my ass, your face
- Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
- Pain in the ass evangelistic ex-smoker
- We are all sitting on our asses, simultaneously staring blankly at computer screens all over the world
- Use of "ass" as an intensifier
- Our rover can kick your lander's ass!
- This door is not a horse's ass!
- Assassinate makes an ass out of ass, I, and Nate
- Bad things with which to wipe your ass
- Big Ass Pork Plate
- The color of an ass on the run
- A dude with an elbow for an ear and an eye stuck on his ass cheek
- And the Ass Saw the Angel
- Big Ass Ham
- Weird-ass exam technique
- They say that I have the best ass below 14th Street
- How to not fight and not get your ass kicked
- Don't let the door hit you in the ass
- My God, will you look at the ass on that metis?
- Kerr's Ass
- How to fight and kick ass
- Decentralized networking kicked my ass
- The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers
- Ass Pain
- Put your head down and your ass in the air
- The Wild Colonials
- Cool ass babe
- colder than a well digger's ass
- Run Your Ass Non-Stop
- You're so funny I think I'll kick your ass
- Ass and potpourri
- Grave Are The Hairs On Our Asses
- Don't Be An Ass (user)
- The Obscene Ass
- Get your ass out of the testosterone lane!
- half-assed
- Bust Ass Falls
- Canada Kicks Ass
- You'd better start hauling ass
- Drinking is like daring the universe to kick my ass
- Duck's ass
- My first smart ass comment
- bad ass (user)
- Beauty is in the eye of the head up the ass of the beholder
- Morrison's Lament
- Don't be an ass at a restaurant
- On the Road with My Pet Goat
- African wild ass
- Ass Ponys
- Girls Kick Ass: A Feminist Critique of the New Action Heroine and the Male Gaze
- Art Star Sounds Compilation (Ass Comp)
- thug ass nigga (user)
- hoss ass hole (user)
- haul ass
- Fat Ass (user)
- ass hole!!! (user)
- dumb ass (user)
- ass over teakettle
- The Devil is an Ass
- show your ass (user)
- candy ass (user)
- ass candy (user)
- ass butt (user)
- JOE KICK ASS (user)
- I've worked my ass off and I just want a drink!!!
- The law is an ass
- Jack ass (user)
- The legend of the three good ass whoopings by Nathaniel Carter
- How this broke ass college student manages his finances online
- Ass kisser
- Drunk Ass Bukowski
- This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!
- The -Ass Suffix and Beyond
- grabbing ass
- hot ass chris (user)
- trina sexy ass (user)
- ass whole (user)
- virgan ass (user)
- Cheap Ass Games (node_forward)
- Dat ass
- Hi, meet my pitbull. His name is Don't Question My Fucking Premises You Ass
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