Well, I noded tips for beating Mega Man 2, now here's a Mega Man 3 equivalant. I find this the hardest Mega Man of all, but the Wily stages are considerably easier than in others. the Mega Man 2 bosses are damn hard though.

this is from www.world-of-nintendo.com
Boss damage chart

Sent in by Jean-Philippe Larivire

Number of shots to kill _______ with the: 

AC : Arm Cannon
SSH: Spark Shock
SSN: Search Snake
NC : Needle Cannon
HK : Hard Knuckle
TS : Top Spin
MM : Magnet Missile
GB : Gemini Beam
SB : Shadow Blade

X : No damage


28   7   X 14 14 28  X 28  7     Spark Man
28  28   7  7 14 14  X 28 14     Snake Man
28   X  28  7  X 28 28  4 14     Needle Man
28   X   X  X  7  X  7 28  X     Hard Man
14  28  28 14  4  7 28  X 28     Top Man
14   4  28 28 14 28  7 14  4     Magnet Man
28  28   6 28 14 14 14  7 14     Gemini Man
28  28  28 28 14  4 28 28  7     Shadow Man

28  14   X  X  7  X  7 28 14     Metal Man
14   7  28 28 14  X  7 14  X     Air Man
28  28   7  7 14  X  X 28 14     Wood Man
28   X  14  7  X  X 28  7 14     Flash Man
28  28   7 28 28  X 14  7 14     Quick Man
14  28  28 14  4  X 28  X 28     Crash Man
28  28  28 14 14  7 28 28  7     Heat Man
28  7   X  14 14  X  X 28  7     Bubble Man

Use AC           Turtle
Use HK           Rock Man
Use AC           Mega Clone
Use AC           Dr. Wily 1-1
Use Rush Jet     Dr. Wily 1-2
Use SB           Dr. Wily 2-1
Use TS           Dr. Wily 2-2

Mega Man III - Password Hacking

The password system for Mega Man III consists of a 6x6 grid, with each square either empty, or filled with either a red or blue ball. The placement of each ball indicates which robot masters you've defeated, and also how many lives and energy tanks you have left. Use the following table to hack your password and complete the game more easily.


Not recorded by password.  All games start with three 
lives.  However, energy tanks, when properly used, are 
the equivalent of extra lives.

# OF ENERGY TANKS (Place a Red Ball in the corresponding square)

0 - C5   1 - E6   2 - E4   3 - B4   4 - A5
5 - C1   6 - D2   7 - C3   8 - F2   9 - A6

Top Man                   A3 Red
Magnet Man                F5 Red
Hard Man                  C4 Red
Snake Man                 F6 Red
Gemini Man                B5 Red
Needle Man                D3 Red
Spark Man                 F4 Red
Shadow Man                D6 Red

Hard Man + Gemini Man     B5 Blue
Top Man + Snake Man       A3 Blue
Magnet Man + Needle Man   D3 Blue
Spark Man + Shadow Man    F4 Blue

Second Shadow Man        A4 Red
Second Needle Man        B2 Red
Second Spark Man         A1 Red
Second Gemini Man        B6 Red
2nd Shadow + 2nd Spark   A1 Blue
2nd Needle + 2nd Gemini  B2 Blue

Mega Man III second-controller uber-cheat

Mega Man III had a really nifty cheat mode that i've never seen anything like. It was so subtle-- so obvious, so right out there in plain view, and yet there was no way you'd ever find it by yourself.

There were two key combinations on the second controller that would do special things. right and a-up.

Holding down right would give you an unbelievably high jump-- like, you'd touch the top of the screen. The really nifty bit is that if you fell into a hole with this in effect, the hole wouldn't hurt you-- you'd just be walking around in the hole. If you jumped into the hole and held the jump button down with this in effect, you'd bounce up and down crazily. This was the only way some people could beat the Magnet Man stage.

There is a weird bug related to this triggered by a specific series of events. You have to find a flying enemy and a hole. Jump such that you hit the enemy, get hurt, and while sparking and everything fall into the hole. The Mega Man Death Sound will go off, the music will cease and your health bar would go down to zero. At that exact moment, start holding down right, and then jump back out of the hole. Your health will still be at zero. Your health will still be at zero no matter what happens to you. And so until you pick up a life container and break the spell, you would be invincible, and there would be no music. Of course, you'd have by this point probably wasted four lives trying to make the trick work and failing, so it really wasn't worth it in a serious game, but it was cool to see.

Holding down a and up at the same time was the weird one-- it was widely referred to as the Freeze code, but it didn't actually do that. It usually did something that was sort of freezing, but what it did varied wildly from enemy to enemy, and almost nothing actually froze. Almost all enemies would stop changing animation frames-- like even if they didn't stop moving around, they would freeze within their internal animation. Some of them would still move, but they would lose the ability to jump. Some of them would move for a second more and then stop. Some things would stop shooting at you while the freeze code was in effect; some wouldn't. It helped in some places, but in others it just gave you a false sense of security. I think Mega Man couldn't walk normally while the freeze code was on, but i don't remember.
(Proj2501, who also corrected some major factual errors in the original version of this writeup, would like you to know that Needle Man was the enemy most susceptible to the freeze code.)

So even though Mega Man is one-player, Mega Man III became a group activity-- we would get one person to play, and the rest of us would trade off with the all-important second controller, allowing one person to manipulate the enemies and the jump while the other devoted his thought to playing. You can call this cheapness, but Mega Man as a communal, shared activity is a great deal more meaningful than as a one-player thing. Oh, and doing the freeze code without a second person was literally impossible, but a lot of the time you'd see someone sitting there playing, with the second controller on the floor in front of them, activating the jump code with their toe.

Mega Man 3 was released in the U.S. in early 1991. It stands as not only the very best game of the Mega Man series, but also one of the best games created for the NES, or any 8-bit system for that matter.

Much like The Empire Strikes Back, or the 5th season of The Simpsons, Mega Man 3 shows how wonderful a series can be when it reaches its creative peak. This means that it is the culmination of all previous endeavors, along with putting to shame all attempts that follow it. And there are a plethora of reasons why Mega Man 3 is the very best in Blue Bomber side-scrolling.

In January 1991, the video game world was still a relatively simple place. It would still be nine months until the American release of the SNES, which would spark the memorable 16-bit wars. Although the SegaGenesis was very popular, most gamers were still content to play Dr. Mario, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super C, and the rest of the library of the good ‘ol NES. It was among this backdrop that Mega Man 3 was released. The last truly great NES game.

It had been almost 2 years since the release of the fantastic Mega Man 2. Fans were hoping for Capcom to give them another reason to rush out to Caldor or Woolworth’s and spend $59. They were not disappointed. No Mega Man game possesses the attention to detail belonging to Mega Man 3. How many of us can hum more than half of the tracks from Mega Man 3? How many remixes have we heard? I’m sure we can’t say the same thing about Mega Man 8 or Mega Man X4.

The Robot Masters of Mega Man 3, as well as their levels, were fresh and exciting. GeminiMan dwelled on an eerie moon, inhabited by fish eggs and giant robot penguins. TopMan’s garden was teeming with robot cats. HardMan shook the ground with a fury. ShadowMan baited you with a few hops before he slid in for the kill. The levels were well-conceived arenas, building on the theme of Mega Man 2 that the stage was as important as the boss. Future Mega Man games would have woefully nondescript stages, none that sparked the imagination. The bosses themselves were beautifully original, something later Mega Man games cannot attest to. Does WindMan remind you of AirMan? Perhaps BlizzardMan reminds you of IceMan? Perhaps FlameMan reminds you of HeatMan AND FireMan? It is sad and pathetic what kind of poor excuses for robot masters litter the wasteland that are the more recent Mega Man sequels.

Finally, Mega Man brilliantly introduces the DocRobot stages, in which Mega Man returns to battle bosses from Mega Man 2 in previously uncharted regions of earlier stages. This was the first Mega Man game to have “pre-Dr. Wily” stages. Later games would have Dr. Cossacks’s castle, or Protoman’s castle. But nothing compared to revisiting old stages and having to fight Mega Man 2 bosses with Mega Man 3 weapons. That was just plain fun.

When Mega Man 4 came out only 12 months later, it was the beginning of the end for the series. Like season 6 of The Simpsons, the product was still quality, but a decline was noticeable. As Mega Man appeared on 16-bit, 32-bit, and eventually 64-bit consoles in painful rehashes, it became more and more evident that this series should have stopped long ago. Not that Capcom has a penchant for too many sequels, or anything.

Mega Man 3 for the Nintendo Game Boy begins with Dr. Wily being spotting drilling for oil and other natural resources out in the middle of the ocean. Mega Man is dispatched to see what the doctor's up to and put a stop to his evil deeds once again. This is the third Game Boy adventure for Mega Man, and this time around Capcom raised the bar on difficulty. Released in 1992, the game combines elements of Mega Man 3 and Mega Man 4 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Rush the robo-dog is present in his springboard and jet forms, as is Mega Man's slide maneuver. Also present are the ever-popular robot masters: Every Mega Man Game Boy game features a new Dr. Wily robot creation, and this time Punk, a spiked minion, is around to cause trouble. Three hits from him and Mega Man is off to the scrap heap. Passwords once again record progress just in case that happens.

This is a rare title as it was released in limited quantities back in its heyday and was never rereleased, so finding it in retail stores today is bound to be a challenge. You're better off picking up the 2004 Game Boy Advance anthology of Mega Man's Game Boy adventures, Mega Man Mania.

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