Any of my writeups may be used in compliance with the GNU Free Documentation License or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License unless otherwise noted
Hi! I'm General Wesc and you aren't. Neener, neener!
Wesc the Person
(Last (partially) updated 2020-06-22)
Version: 3.12
GCS$(P)>GAT d- s+: a>? C++>++++ UB P+++ L+ !E W++ N o K w$ O M+$ ?V
PS+++ PE(-)(--) Y+ PGP t+ 5 X R%gt;+ tv b+>+++ DI++++ D++ G e++ h-- r y+
- Real name: Luca Kaceem Butler Masters
- Born: 1982-05-20
- Height: 18 288 000 000 angstroms
- Weight: 49 600 pennyweights
- Spiffiness Factor: 42
- Status: Mostly Harmless
- UIN: 704690
- AIM: genwesc
- YIM: genwesc
- Jabber:
Postcards and the like to:
The Rt Hon. Luca Masters,
(May his glorious presence continue to grace us)
2309 Nueces St.
2500 Nueces St.
Austin, Texas 78705
General Wesc
1670 NC 33 West
Chocowinity, NC, 27817.Wesc the Noder
My Node Heaven, as of 2011-11-21 contains 1 077 writeups, of which, 897 are shown. The total repuation is 3 731, giving an average rep of 3.46 for just the shown
The highest-ranked node in my Node Heaven is The Node Linked to All Others, with a reputation of 196, and at least 3C!. Currently, my highest ranked living writeup is Pictures of Everythingians, at 250 with 5C!.
The lowest reputation in my Node Heaven is EVERY THIRD BABY DIES! with an unimpressive -13. Currently, my lowest ranked living writeup is the obsolete Javascript for Windows-IE Everything Search Button at a dishonourable -5.
I was also the user 39145 from April Fool's Day 2001(?).
As of 2011-11-21, I have 421 nodeshells.
As of 2005-09-22, I have 383 nodeshells (Up 41 from two months ago):
As of 2006-01-30, I have 353 nodeshells (Down 40 from five months ago):
As of 2006-04-10, I have 360 nodeshells (Up 7 from two and a third months ago)
As of 2006-07-20, I have 360 nodeshells (Same number--though not the same set--as a few months ago).
As of 2008-11-28, I have 406 nodeshells.Wesc the Collector of Words
Villein, Woful, Patrole, Orchis, Relessee, Dimmy, Venenation, Forewite and forms, Amy, Apagogical, Magot-pie, Fissiparism, Smoulderingness, Excerebrose, Esexual, Wealful = Weleful, Ingluvious, Villanel, Neese, Abacinate, Abraid, Broom rape, Yot, Washen, Apathistical, Felonry, Ouze, Yift, Aukward, Pusillanimity, Mynchery, Jeopard, Videlicet (I use 'viz' regularly, but I'd never even seen 'Videlicet'), Scilicet, Falwe, Potestative, sessa, Paideutics, Longimanous, Flowery-kirtled, Mareis, Lovee, opiniastrous, unseven, gronte, cize, warray, wanhope, nudiustertian, detenebrate, Unright, aberemurder, Falcer, surfactant, argy-bargy, Spial, tralatition, Tralatitious, eikonology, Exosculate
Wesc's favourite E2 quote mentioning him
2003-01-27 00:15 Sasha Gabba Hey!: Wow, daylogs have come a long way since general wesc logged in every day to say "I used the coumputer..."
General Wesc
- user since
- Sat Jul 3 1999 at 18:19:50 (25.7 years ago )
- last seen
- Fri Feb 7 2025 at 15:38:01 (1.5 months ago )
- number of write-ups
- 521 - View General Wesc's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 23 (Grand Poobah) / 29827
- C!s spent
- 700
- mission drive within everything
- Finding a New Mission After the Passing of The Node Linked to All Others
- specialties
- Star Trek, Python, Housing Co-ops, Cycling
- school/company
- Home school (Completed!),
ECU (Completed!), Cratejoy (Staff), Austin Community College (Learned some Spanish) - motto
- jIquvHa'pa' jIHegh
- categories maintained
- Harry Potter
- most recent writeup
- The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.
- Send private message to General Wesc
User Bookmarks:
- 1876 US Presidential Election
- A secret of American pronunciation: Letters 't' and 'd'
- Abolition of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1995
- Actors who have played Hitler
- AFA (idea)
- allophone
- Alternatives to "Oh Shit!" when visiting the Great Aunts
- Amaranth
- and then a miracle occurs
- Anglo-Saxon words for animals, French words for meat
- Archer Daniels Midland
- Arthur the Rat (thing)
- Asterix
- Atomium
- Azote
- Baarle-Hertog
- balanced ternary
- Banana proof of the existence of God
- Battle of Midway (thing)
- Bert
- Between the Cracks
- Bexley vs. the FBI
- Bleak House
- Blind Voting Booth
- Bombay phenotype
- Book Condition
- Bridgeborough, New Jersey (place)
- Bush's Orwellian Address
- But, my dear sir, if you educate them, they will no longer be Baptists
- Carcassonne
- Casimir effect
- Celt
- chemtrails
- Cherry-colored cat
- Chess Variants
- Christmas Truce 1914
- Church Tax Evasion in Mexico (place)
- Classification of dinosaurs
- Claudius Ptolemaeus
- Coins you cannot legally own
- Communicating with children
- Conserving Energy in the Kitchen (idea)
- Consideration (idea)
- Creepy Susie and Thirteen Other Tragic Tales for Troubled Children
- darkness (thing)
- Database Lag-o-meter
- David J. Bradley
- Dead peasant insurance (idea)
- Dinner for One (idea)
- Do law-abiding citizens have the right to an opinion on criminal penalties?
- Do You C! What I C?
- Do you remember how small your body was when you were five?
- Dominion War
- Domo-kun
- Don't be an ass at a restaurant
- E2 Bookmarklets
- E2 Hospitality Index
- Earth's most unusual space launch
- Editor Endorsements
- Edward R. Murrow
- Elephant jokes
- Ella Minnow Pea
- Eragon
- Everything's Most Wanted
- Exclave
- expletive
- extreme unction
- Fake words and broken definitions in dictionaries
- Falwell, Robertson & the Terrorist Attack
- Fibonacci base
- flashing green light
- François Philidor
- Frank Zappa
- Frank Zappa: Statement To Congress September 19, 1985
- Frankfurt example
- French Internet Acronyms
- Friday (definition)
- Futurama (place)
- Gish Gallop (idea)
- Golden Trinkets
- Grammatical and syntactic puzzles
- Great Moon Hoax Of 1835
- Great Women
- Gryffindor
- Halloween songs
- Hamlet for First Grade
- Hand of God
- Heimskringla
- Homer Noodleman
- How to Ace the GRE
- How to beat the national debt
- How to destroy the Earth
- How to Get a Copy of Your FBI File
- How to insult someone using calculus
- HOWTO: Build a lasting peace in the Middle East (idea)
- Hugh Macdonald
- humani nil alienum a me puto (thing)
- Identifying poisonous Australian snakes
- If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns
- If you're going to America, bring your own food
- implicature
- Interstate Numbering System
- IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service
- Iran-Contra Scandal
- Irish bull
- irrational-base number system
- Japan in the First World War
- Junk English
- Ken Hale
- Kent State shooting
- Kevin Mitchell
- Kim Hyun Hee
- Klingon
- La Belle Époque
- Law of Gross Tonnage
- Lord Timothy Dexter
- Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
- Mainstream Science on Intelligence
- Margaret Mattson
- Mathematics of RSA
- Metathesis
- milk treading
- Milo
- MIT Fight Song
- Mixing bleach and ammonia does not make a super cleaner
- Molecules with silly or unusual names
- More Words
- Morne
- My Achievements
- negative income tax
- negative interest money
- negative polarity item
- Neighborhood of Make-Believe
- Newbie's Guide to Really Bad Chess
- Nicaragua v. United States of America
- Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia
- Niddah (idea)
- Node Tracker
- Noding speedometer
- Odd places to build a national capital
- Old English pronunciation
- Old Testament law doesn't apply to Christians
- Omegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pie
- One British Royal Marine is worth 100 Taliban Soldiers!
- Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightily
- Pat Robertson on the Terrorist Attack
- Pauli Effect
- Pennsic War (event)
- Perfit
- Philadelphia Experiment
- philosophers
- Pictures of Everythingians
- Piercisms Generator
- Plastron
- plumcot
- Politeness is always in order
- pox (thing)
- Presidential nicknames
- Primality testing with Perl regexs
- Pyongyang
- Random nodeshells
- Received Pronunciation
- Releasing writeups into the public domain
- Revising Prose
- Robert Coates
- Robert the Bruce
- Romulan
- Royal London Hospital
- RSA in 3 lines of perl
- Rule 240
- Russia and the West (idea)
- saippuakauppias
- Salvador Dalí
- Schicklgruber
- Scientists
- Se non è vero, è bene trovato
- Segnbora-t
- Silly season
- Site Trajectory
- Soda Hall
- Sokal's hoax (idea)
- Songs with Subjunctive Abuse
- Sound effects in Finnegans Wake
- Squatting: Law
- Strangelet
- strict and sloppy identity
- Stupid Wars
- Style Defacer
- Sulfuric Acid
- Supreme Dictator For Life
- SVCHOST.EXE (thing)
- Swear words from science fiction
- Swedish, in one word
- Talking like a pirate is fun but annoys people
- Tanks: A Brief History and Hunting Guide
- Texas Enterprise Fund (review)
- Thames
- The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
- The Catwalk
- The CIA Meets MIT
- The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll
- The day I woke up Faster Than Light (idea)
- The Everything2 Voting/Experience System
- The Excellent and Most Lamentable Text Adventure of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (thing)
- The Frog and the Flea
- The Incredible Hulk (person)
- The London Beer Flood of 1814
- The Mad Scientists' Club
- The most beautiful chess move ever played
- The Mozart Effect
- The Phony War (thing)
- The Recommender
- The Salad Bar Paradox
- The Star Trek Project
- The sum of an infinite series of positive numbers is negative
- The theft of the Mona Lisa
- The top secret of talking like an American
- The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook
- These Romans are crazy!
- Things nobody tells you about the south pole
- Things you should never do with chopsticks
- Time immemorial (idea)
- Tommy (idea)
- Too Shy to be Pretty
- Torture Tariff of 1757
- triboluminescence
- triple negative (idea)
- Turning text upside down
- Twelfth-second
- Ucalegon
- Ukraine is not yet Dead
- United States v. Lucite Ball Containing Lunar Material
- Unschooling (idea)
- Usergroup Lineup
- Using Asteroids to explain the topological classification of 2-manifolds
- Vedic mathematics
- ventripotent
- Vivisection
- Vladimiro Montesinos
- Voting Oracle
- Warring States period
- Ways to overthrow a government
- Wernher von Braun
- What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
- What is wrong with Star Trek?
- Wheel of Surprise
- When you're a quarterback, you should not screw with the minds of your linemen
- Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia
- Wilhelm Voigt (person)
- wonky-eyed jewel squid
- word messer-upper
- Words that sound dirty but really aren't
- Writeups by Type
- Your filled nodeshells
- Your Nodeshells
- Zenzic