i remembered that
workers had been
scheduled to do a bit of
renovation around my
condo complex, but
i wasn't sure what it
involved or what the
outcome'd be. the
night before, i'd gone out with my
friends, but in the
morning, i had to take the
bus home. so as i was walking home i noticed they'd changed things completely. so much so, in fact, that my house was in an entirely different
position than it had been in before. they'd planted a new
tree, and taken away some
bushes and trees, and gotten rid of the
divider between our front
deck and the
neighbor's front deck--they were both one
yard now. odd. to some of the workers i said, "there's no
shade. this sucks my
dick!" but in a friendly sort of way, attempting to maybe make friends with them. after all, it wasn't their
idea to do this, they were just getting
paid to follow
instructions. i figured they knew what was up. the worker with a
shaved head who was
white said, "hey you're too
young to say
sucks me", even though i'd said "sucks
my dick", and looked older than he looked. my
mom stepped onto the deck and said
hi, and i said, "look at this! we have no shade!" and she said, "yes we do" and moved a
skinny little
plant which provided no shade at all for us (but maybe some for the
ants). "that", i said, "doesn't do anything! remember! there was lots of shade here before" and she denied it, lying. i got pissed off and cussed at them all and went upstairs to go track, node, or waste time some other way on the computer.
the next
scene of my dream that i
remember is talking to my mom in the
car, while driving on a
freeway, asking her why she'd lied about the shade in our front deck. she uttered something about how she did it to not seem like a
bitch, because she was interested in one of the workers. i said something under my
breath like, "
fucking white cracker ass trailer trash" .. normally i'm not this
racist or
vulgar unless i'm
joking with a friend every now and again, and besides, i'm
half white so. but anyway she got a bit upset at me and i said, "whatever, they
ain't got
shit, they're not going anywhere, all they know how to do is
move shit and
pick shit
then i
woke up.