- keep your hands up
- If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
- All I could remember in the morning is that maybe there were wishing hands involved
- How to get tree sap or pitch off your hands
- Your hands are in my hair, but my heart is in your teeth
- second hand
- third hand
- Gimme your hands, 'cause you're wonderful
- Mage hand
- Black Hand Over Europe
- Black Hand Over Europe - Author's Preface to the English Edition
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Croat Problem - I. The Peril
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Croat Problem - II. The Opinion of a Chief
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Croat Problem - III. What the Man-in-the-Street Thinks
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Serbian Scene - I. Belgrade and Impressions
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Serbian Scene - II. The Dilemma
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Serbian Scene - III. The Military Power
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Serbian Scene - IV. Pan-Serbism
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Serbian Scene - V. Propaganda
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Bulgarian Scene - I. Bulgaria the Unlucky
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Bulgarian Scene - II. The Macedonian Question
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Bulgarian Scene - III. The "ORIM"
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Bulgarian Scene - IV. Behind the Barbed Wires
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Bulgarian Scene - V. The Valley of the Vardar
- Black Hand Over Europe - Pan-Slavism - I. The Vultures
- Black Hand Over Europe - Pan-Slavism - II. Czechoslovakia and Roumania
- Black Hand Over Europe - Pan-Slavism - III. The Shadow of Pan-Slavism
- Black Hand Over Europe - Appendices: The Hidden Side of the Balkan Pact
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Story of Petrovitch
- Black Hand Over Europe - The Constitution of the Serbian Black Hand
- The Man Felt an Iron Hand Grasp Him by the Hair, at the Nape. Not One Hand, a Hundred Hands Seized Him, Each by the Hair, and Tore Him Head to Foot, the Way You Tear Up a Sheet of Paper, Into Hundreds of Little Pieces
- close at hand
- hand controls
- hand pump
- How to cut a deck of cards with one hand
- Invisible Hand Tours
- Hand tragically nailed to the forehead
- "I love you" hand
- Tear in Your Hand
- The Hand of Oberon
- It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead
- You gave me your hand, I gave you my fist
- The words were ways of touching and made us want to speak with hands
- You grabbed my hand, and we fell into it. Like a daydream. Or a fever.
- Hand of Nod
- The fire in the sky, the fire in your hand, the sad songs without bodies, surrounding us like ghosts
- Stoner Hands of Doom
- Don't give me your hand me down love
- The future like another country, and a ticket in my hand
- white-handed gibbon
- He held my hand - once
- Hugh the Hand
- Hand Maid May
- Red Handed
- Buddha's hand
- Seven footfalls. A tiny clank as a hand touches the doorknob.
- Hiking to see an alpine lake untouched by human hand
- The Hand
- On holding hands in a 3am motel
- Millennium hand and shrimp
- Black Hand
- Hand Springs
- Jazz hands
- Ball in hand
- Nugan Hand Bank
- Left Hand Solution
- One hand in the other
- Like hands on a clock tell time without thinking about how long it's been
- If your hand is larger than your face you have cancer
- Dealing yourself a new hand
- I will hold your hand
- spotted hand fish
- We should all know what it is to hold death in our hands.
- HUGH ZEE HAND (user)
- Hand in the Air
- The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings
- Steady these hands these hands steady these hands
- Hands Down
- Reconciling conflicting states of arousal with a hand job
- NES Hands free
- Inventors have one hand in the junk drawer
- Hand plane
- Hand gestures of Spain
- Fate's Right Hand
- Dead Hand nuclear retaliation system
- Cold hands, warm hearts. Handfasting in London, wertperch and grundoon together.
- glass hand (user)
- Learned Hand
- I Hold Your Hand in Mine
- Newspaper column hand format
- The Hand That Feeds
- It’s in his name and his clothes and his hands and his lips
- The Birka Open Hand Pacifier
- God Hand
- Unintentional irony and complete idiocy often go hand in hand with one another
- two handed put
- Adam Smith and His Amazing Invisible Hand
- A hand making promises
- hollywood hands (user)
- Hand sanitizer
- Hands cupped into a half circle, he bent foward to help her catch a light
- She handed me my first sharpened pencil.
- Hands Off Cain
- Here's to the dream on the back of your hand
- Curwen hand signs
- Guidonian hand
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
- all I want to be is holding your hand
- Text hand
- He dreams between yesterdays, Cliff’s Hand Bag and Fade away blue
- The Cat with Hands
- You are spinning with the stars and I take your hand across miles
- walking a coin across the back of your hand
- hand spindle
- Touched by the Hand of God
- The kids round here look just like shadows, always quiet, holding hands
- the gorilla hand
- dog hands (user)
- We'd all be better off if shaking hands were making love, and children were found in the cabbage patch.
- hand signals
- I give blood because I've got it on my hands.
- Heart in Hand
- She left me on the boardwalk with my head held in my hands.
- The old hands you’ve baked around hers
- I never know what to do with my hands
- billy's hand (user)
- Holding hands through tomorrow's Blitz
- hand signals on the trading floor
- Noding left handed whilst flipping the birdie at sad people
- Concerto for hand grenades
- What you should REALLY do when you have too many votes on your hands.
- Hand Washing
- Like white light? Or a long low moan that turns into laughing? Or the holes in Jesus' hands?
- Balloons whose strings have slipped from unclutched hands
- I want to reach my hand into the dark and feel what reaches back
- mother's hands
- She didn't wave goodbye so much as slightly raise her hand
- The smell of old money in new hands
- This all started with our hands underneath the table
- big, rough hands
- The laying of hands on a keyboard
- Operation Ranch Hand
- My hands are connected to my heart
- notes written by hand
- Opportunity bucks, and my hands are strong enough to hold fast.
- Only her hands would give her away
- So while Faust is busy trying to wipe the blood off his face and Shorty's trying to claw his eyes out, I mosey away and try my hand at storming the castle
- Third Hand Bicycle Co-op
- The second hand is stopped just after the four, twitching periodically. Outside, a cold rain.
- Head In Hand
- Elizabeth Hand
- Cave of Hands
- an elder hand
- it's beyond all of us, and it makes me hold your hand a little tighter
- Double Handed Hearts
- Hands Clasped
- In Jesus' own hand
- Put your hand on my heart and feel it
- standing on my lawn, with the scissors in your hands, and you could come in where you'd like, to my paper house
- Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and hard radiation
- because eventually you will see past my magical words and focus once again on the matter at hand
- The Dead Hand
- Your Hands, Feet, Eyes
- Hand Cream Tube Elves
- The palms of your hands
- My hands knew him
- My hands in his pockets
- Your hands ran red
- These are the only hands I can give
- I kept my hand clutched
- The American Election of 2016 plays its hand
- hold my hand when i cannot see
- Swooping through the almost silent night with no hands on your handlebars but it's OK
- Dead Hand Path
- and when all the stars have fallen one last time and the skies are crumbling into my hands and the sirens are bleeding out on the beaches and the earth fades; you will remain
- your missing hands
- nothing to do but hold the hand of the Buddha and roam
- You have the whole world in your hands
- The poems flow from the hand unbidden brand the hidden source is the watchful heart.
- diamond hands
- Hand Holding
- Talk With the Hand
- opportunity lies in joining hands
- Blood on the hands of the angel who led them
- my hands, your flesh
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