user since
Sun Aug 8 1999 at 18:49:24 (25.6 years ago )
last seen
Thu Jul 11 2024 at 21:26:45 (8.5 months ago )
number of write-ups
1735 - View ModernAngel's writeups (feed)
level / experience
32 (Optimate) / 50890
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
letting go
not letting go
You should say thank you.
most recent writeup
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Didn't it used to be impossible to neatly delete our writeups without supervisory intervention? Very glad to see some sanity has prevailed over stupidity in that policy. Maybe that happened a long time ago. Maybe I would have stuck around more if clunky interface mechanics hadn't been elevated to the pedestal of policy.

So I have a new "mission drive within Everything": to sweep up my dust. All my naive little thought-bites from over a quarter of a lifetime ago, before a quarter becomes a third or more. Bare-bones factuals forever superseded by Wikipedia on one hand or UrbanDictionary on the other. Book reviews and the like superseded by Amazon reviews. Daylogs, dreamslogs and nightmares will be relocated to my blawg.

If you don't know where that is, then you never really knew me anyway.

essential toys
e2 color toy - word messer-upper - Everything Document Directory

How many bridges must a man burn down
before you call him an island?

"...scientific and technological progress depended on an empirical habit of thought, which could not survive in a strictly regimented society."
   - 1984, George Orwell (p. 156)

I'm a dilettante. This undoubtedly reflects a certain poverty of focus.

<liha> we are like two trippy peas in a groovy pod

<zot> cowbotneal yow
<CowbotNeal> A wide-eyed, innocent UNICORN, poised delicately in a MEADOW
filled with LILACS, LOLLIPOPS & small CHILDREN at the HUSH of twilight??

Noders I've met (in roughly chronic order) (~180):
knifegirl - pingouin

The Groupers: (39)
guinea pig - brassmule - Pyrogenic - GangstaFeelsGood - perdedor - Metacognizant
Infinite Burn - Phyllis Stein
cahla - randir - Indra363 - drunkenmonkey - Illumina - galt
ccunning - cbustapeck - brainwave
mordel - disgruntledwren - Bitca
Mitzi - TonyStark - jessicapierce - Gamaliel
panamaus - liha - briiiiian - Billy - Segnbora-t
General Lee - BAR - Templeton - discofever - Jethro Bodine
dann - TheDeadGuy - WonkoDSane - radlab0 - glyph


The Retahded: (27)
donfreenut - Chihuahua_Grub - karmaflux - karma debt
moxie - foxtrotjuliet - jaubertmoniker - CowboyNeal - Chiisuta - CzarKhan
cowofdoom - Snowy - Dis - yru - Sondheim - burnboy
OrangeJulius - dmd - crux - cerulean - hemos - kaytay - clampe
N-Wing - jaybonci - tandex - Void_Ptr - ideath


The Spartans: (17)
czeano - knile87 - Jurph - birdlace
qeyser - Spackle - Walter - witchiepoo - thefez
Becca - zaph - zot-fot-piq - grundoon - imp/buddha
Accipiter - NinjaPenguin - zophos

The Colonists (28)
qousqous - renderer - Pseudo_Intellectual - aphexious
Glowing Fish - fuzzy and blue - Joyquality - acapnotic
flamingweasel - conform - srkorn - Ouroboros - vruba
lawnjart - icicle - Jeeves - RevPhil - dTaylorSingletary
misuba - Eos - MightyMooquack - Roninspoon - igloowhite
DrSeudo - hesby - jasonm - Unless - steev

The Overwhelming Horde of Revellers (22)
Kit Lo - NatchLucid - compulsiveearnibbler - Frankie
Byzantine - WickerNipple - mkb - Chris-O - LadySun
Chras4 - Delta-Sys - QXZ - punky dorky - hookskies
sauth - Aresds - nocodeforparanoia - deeahblita
wick - yossarian - Professor Pi - BrooksMarlin


The Hotlanteans (9)
avalyn - No Springs - 00100 - Scribe
LaggedyAnne - nocte - Feldar
conventional oven - pitcher




fireworks (26)
Andrew Aguecheek - Apatrix - Auron - borgette - borgo - BrooksMarlin - Cletus the Foetus - dizzy - eien_meru - evadyne - greth - gwenllian - indigoe - izubachi - katyana - machfive - magicmanzach - mcc - Pint - RoguePoet - Swap - Tiefling - Timeshredder - Transitional_Man - TwoSheds - Wiccanpiper - Wuukiee

Pitcher-Fortner Wedding (3)
xona - kmcardle - BJuarez

Horace Phair IV (+2)
prole - quizro

I know I missed somebody... sorry, I'm easily overwhelmed and my short-term memory isn't what it