all you theremin-players are to blame for this
O skinny legions run outside
O starry-spangled shock of mercy the eternal war is here
O victory forget your underwear we're free
Someone sitting in a dark room, probably deep under the mountains in Virginia, is performing ongoing research into the weaponization of pop culture.
See, what you have to understand about all of this, what I came to understand about all of this, is that the Internet is, itself, an art form. Or an artistic medium. It's also an oracle. And a conjuring tool. And a crystal ball. And a window into the fundamental interconnectedness of all things great and small.
the invisible college is for sale by amazon
"The kids call it music."
"Do you smoke it?"
Invisible hand
feeds me with morsels stolen
from others' tables
jessicapierce says you will be chocolate forever
Well obviously the OLD zombies can't dance. But if you're fresh out the grave, you can fuckin' B Boy headspin and shit.
Look, man, I'm callin' a fucking zombie by whatever name is on its tombstone and THAT'S THAT.