- I, the corners of the mouth (providing nourishment)
- corner
- Amen corner
- Mike's Corner
- corner office
- Cornered
- Street Corner Society
- Punkeydoodle's Corners
- corner filter
- corner of the world
- Dot's Poetry Corner
- Old chestnut: Carrying a ladder around a corner
- Answer: Carrying a ladder around a corner
- Rubik's Cube: Position the corners
- Rubik's Cube: Orient the corners
- Brighten the Corners
- At the round earth's imagin'd corners, blow
- corner kick
- So I was cold chillin on the corner on a hot summer's day
- corner store
- Sitting in a corner, not thinking of a pink bear
- Pig on every corner program
- Kitty corner
- Prayers for the Four Corners of Belfast
- How to scare the Hell out of a Lexus driver, or: Don't take sharp corners at 50mph in the rain
- Four Corners
- huddling in the corner because you realize you're naked
- Speakers' Corner
- Hospital Corners
- I sat in the corner for days
- Vancouver Road Rage
- Corner of the Sky
- Corners on the Curving Sky
- The haunting poster in the corner
- corner gauge cracking
- Poets' Corner
- A new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows every corner
- sit in the corner and think about what you've done
- King's Corner Chess
- A red flower in the corner, in the dark
- The Shop Around the Corner
- Brilliant Corners
- He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms
- How to tell if it will fit around the corner
- Children's Corner suite
- paint yourself into a corner
- hot corner
- Standing on the Corner
- cut corners
- Four Corners of Oregon
- Corner Soul
- Return to Pooh Corner
- 12 Corners Coffeehouse
- corner station
- Corner worker
- Corner case
- my dog it has three corners
- Kings Corners
- I can see three corners from this corner. Two's a perfect number. But one?
- Coolidge Corner
- out on your corner in the pouring rain
- Boy in da Corner
- longish fingernails good for fishing reticent ghosts out of your closet corners
- Happy Corner
- In the Corner
- Michael Corner
- Corner Gas
- Four Corners Monument
- The Corners Hold No Magic
- The Gourmet Corner
- Welcome to our Modern World, please find yourself a corner.
- The Great Needle in the Sky is always skipping at the corner of 6th and Delores
- Corner Kid (user)
- old man in the corner
- In the left corner, behind the filing cabinet...
- Hyde Park Corner
- Corner in Wheat
- four corners offense
- A Happy Corner of Oz
- painting yourself into a corner today is better than spending a week thinking about painting
- corner (user)
- just around the corner
- Corner table
- Coach's Corner
- Professor Evil, prepare to be struck down by this shovel I found over in the corner! For JUSTICE!
- the circles here have corners
- In quiet corners of the world, death clings to life in a hopeless embrace, but it cannot hide its stench.
- Still Corners
- Hush Corner: The Torrent, Softly on the Ears
- hell is always around the corner
- corner boy
- There was just the magic I'd brought and laid there over the years, piled up in the corners like twinkling dust bunnies
- Your job is to brush away the cobwebs from the corners of your emotional bedroom.
- mouth
- motor mouth
- The thunder of my soul escaping my mouth
- I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
- mouth organ
- mouth hungry
- Smash Mouth
- Mouthed
- All mouth and no trousers
- In the Mouth of Madness
- trench mouth
- potty mouth
- Chew with your mouth closed
- Cap'n Crunch wrecked my mouth
- Word of mouth
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth
- Keep your mouth shut until you have changed something
- Big Mouth Billy Bass
- Putting your foot in your mouth and talking through a hole in your ass
- mouth band
- Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
- Standing around with your teeth in your mouth
- Straight from the horse's mouth
- Diarrhea of the mouth, and a constipation of ideas
- put your money where your mouth is
- Cowboy Mouth
- Put your mouth where my money is
- The reason dogs have cleaner mouths than us
- I miss your mouth
- Me and my big mouth
- Watch Your Mouth
- hand to mouth
- Mouth full of cat hair
- I saw his round mouth's crimson
- George W. Bush's foul mouth
- Head so full my mouth won't shut
- The worst thing I ever put in my mouth
- Mouth Magazine
- You Took The Words Right Out of My Mouth
- Putting a match out in your mouth
- chocolate in the mouth is like green green grass to the eyes
- It is for my mouth forever, I am in love with it,
- The Bloody Mouth
- My white soul first kissed the mouth of sin
- Mega Mouth Slam Can
- Born with a silver spoon in its mouth
- foot in mouth disease
- Foot and mouth disease
- make one's mouth water
- Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Foot and mouth humor
- Smash Mouth (user)
- Carpet Mouth
- He will have the taste of warm ripe fruit in his mouth
- Mouth feel
- The taste in my mouth after a nap
- Nil by Mouth
- cotton mouth
- As seen mouthed through one half inch of safety glass as the bus pulled away from the terminal and left a westward wafting cloud of exhaust
- Foot in mouth brought down the Berlin Wall
- Dress rehearsal for the mouth, heart, and mind
- mouth ulcers
- You kissed me on the mouth; I felt your lips on mine for months afterward
- I like to imagine that Bond's firing the tank shells out of his mouth
- Mouth of Sauron
- tiger's mouth
- Suzy's Mouth
- We kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves
- Footy Mouth
- It sounded good in my head before it came out of my mouth
- Making Rage Against The Machine guitar noises with your mouth is the best form of political protest
- Mouths Trapped in Static
- Ear and Mouth
- exercise your mouth to let those big words come right out
- I want you in my mouth
- The Last Show: The Priests Open Their Big Mouths
- It tastes like the Easter Bunny came in my mouth
- Why big businesses give prizes away
- I love my cigar, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while
- The mouth in gentle mockery of itself
- Mouth Music
- Wry mouth and a pissen pair of breeches
- Mouth like Bechet
- piss mouth (user)
- My Mouth, the Whore
- the most erotic and secret places of my mouth
- a faceless woman's smiling mouth
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