An annotated nodography of E2 resources concerning Roman civilization.

There are substantial resources on E2 for students of ancient Roman civilization, and several noders have ably collected nodographies over the years. I am updating the collection and assembling the entries on Rome topically as an aid to the researcher and noder. Because many nodes straddle categories, I have copiously cross-listed them. Default organization is alphabetic except under political biography, which follows "industry standards" in being listed alphabetically by nomen gentilicium (the middle, and most important of a Roman's three names). I have for the most part deliberately sought to avoid empty nodeshells with collections of softlinks.

Lastly, I have annotated most entries to give an idea of content. I did this with two overlapping criteria. First, I thought of the newcomer to Roman studies wanting technical stuff glossed a little to facilitate searching; and the more experienced reader wanting a more specific idea of content. I hope I haven't fallen between two stools!

Other collections of E2 bibliography
classical studies (a collection of nodes on both Greece and Rome)
Italy (many nodes on ancient Italy and Rome)
World History (a collection of hardlinks to historical periods and areas)

Alexandria (chief city of Roman Egypt, cultural capital of the empire)
Ancient Greece
Carthage (Rome's bellicose competitor for trade resources, ultimately victim of Roman expansion)
Etruscan (Rome's violent but fun-loving neighbors to the north)
Italy (diachronic, through modern times)
Nomen Latinum (on Rome's immediate neighbors)
Leptis Magna (important North African city)
Ravenna (extremely important site of paleochristian art and architecture in northern Italy)
Vindobona (Roman army base that became Vienna, Austria)

Roman topography (geography, monuments, and related art of the city of Rome. But see also Roman archeology)
Appian Way (i.e., via Appia)
Ara Pacis (i.e., the Ara Pacis Augustae, the prominent Augustan monument of 13 BC)
Aurelian Wall (i.e., Muri Aureliani, the late antique walls of Rome)
Circus Maximus
Colosseum (the Flavian Amphitheater)
Colossus of Nero (one man's humble attempt to make a mark on his home town)
Domus Aurea ("Now at last I can begin to live like a human being": Nero, on taking up residence here)
Flavian Amphitheater (needs content!)
Forum Iulium
Forum of Augustus (i.e., Forum Augusti)
Forum of Nerva (i.e., Forum Nervae, Forum Transitorium)
Forum of Trajan (i.e., Forum Traiani)
Forum Romanum (commented list of monuments and some history)
The Obelisk of Psammeticus II (i.e., the obelisk of Augustus' giant sundial)
pantheon (the great rotunda of Hadrianic age)
pomerium (a.k.a. pomoerium, the sacred boundary of the Roman community)
Porta Carmentalis (gate in Rome's Servian Walls with inauspicious associations)
Rome (mostly topographical writeups with some history)
San Clemente, Rome (basilica with important Mithraeum in basement)
the seven hills of Rome (alternative lists circulated in antiquity)
Stairs of mourning (i.e., Scalae Gemoniae, where executed criminals were cast out)
Temple of Jupiter Feretrius
The Testaccio (titanic heap o' sherds giving its name to a district of the modern city)
Trajan's column (i.e., Columna Traiani, the one with St. Peter on top)
tufa (common building material of the republic, its many varieties the bane of students of Roman architecture)

Roman myth-history (early period to ca. 400 B.C. Historians disagree strongly over how much of this is "myth" and how much is "history")
Ancus Marcius (fourth king of Rome)
Carmenta (Evander's mother)
The Early History of Rome (Livy's first five books)
Etruscan (key figures in early Roman history, northern neighbors and rivals)
The Exile of Tarquin, and the First Consuls (drawn from Livy 1.55)
Horatius at the Bridge (the plucky lad who covered the Roman retreat in 509 BC)
Numa Pompilius (second king of Rome)
The Oath of the Horatii (art historical treatment of Jacques Louis David's painting)
Rape of Lucretia (trigger of expulsion of the kings)
Roman virtues (overlaps with Mores Maiorum; lacks magnitudo animi)
Rome: Kings and Consuls (a list of the Roman kings without traditional dates)
Romulus and Remus (genesis and fate of the two heroes)
Sabine Women (a novel way of increasing the population)
Tarpeian Rock (Capitoline Hill site of capital punishment)
Tarquin the Proud (the last king, driven into exile, 510 BC)
Tullus Hostilius (the third king, seventh C. BC)

Roman (mostly political) history (but see Roman political life, political biography, and Roman empire)
19 CE Expulsion from Rome (Tiberius' expulsion of Jews and Egyptians)
ancient Greece and Rome timeline (55,000 BC - AD 410; Roman period mostly a list of emperors)
ancient history (when does "ancient" history end?)
Augustan Reforms (military, political, social, religious, and other reforms of Augustus)
Augustus (on the first emperor)
Catiline Orations (i.e., the Catilinarian orations, 1-3).
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam (Cato's boilerplate peroration calling for Carthage's destruction)
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (the collapse of the empire)
The Fall of the Roman Empire (the transformation of the empire into its medieval descendants)
first triumvirate (the unofficial coalition of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar)
History (what is history, what does it mean?)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (a vast project offering the text of Gibbon)
Nomen Latinum (relevant for earlier periods)
Pax Romana (the relatively peaceful era during the empire's height, c. 27 BC - AD 180)
The Punic Wars and the Fall of the Roman Republic (better on the Punic Wars)
Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Augustus' autobiographical inscription. Its role in his propaganda)
Roman Emperors (a complete, extensively hardlinked list)
Roman Empire (history and geography)
Roman Republic (a nodeshell now capably filled)
second triumvirate (Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian)
Senator Robert Byrd and the Roman Republic (the second half is about the republic and its fall)
Spartacus (Thracian shepherd who led a massive slave revolt)
Western Roman Empire (AD 395-480)

Roman political life (alphabetical)
auctoritas (defines the political technical term)
Caesar (the name as it became a technical term, leading to "Kaiser" and "Czar")
censor (the magistracy)
centuriate assembly (the most important republican voting assembly)
Consul (the highest regular magistracy)
cursus honorum (the basic Roman republican career pattern)
curule chair (an important token of the higher Roman magistrates)
curule magistrate (a definition of the term)
dignitas (defines the political technical term)
Equestrian (the apolitical stratum of the upper class)
Fasces (symbol of magisterial authority)
Imperium (the quasi-religious power vested in the highest Roman magistrates)
Lex (technical information on the naming and storage of Roman laws)
lictor (minor functionary who shouldered people out of curule magistrates' way)
Mores Maiorum (see Roman virtues under myth-history above)
Novus Homo (Latin term for a political upstart)
patres (et) conscripti (technical term for senators as a group)
Plebeian (the Roman "commoners")
Political suicide (a way to avoid condemnation and save part of the family fortune from confiscation)
Praetor (the second-ranked regular republican magistracy)
Praetorian Guard (the emperor's bodyguard)
proconsul (Webster needs some help here)
Public Offices in Ancient Rome (a good collection of most of the offices of the republic)
Senate (the politically active stratum of the upper class)
Spolia Opima (awarded for killing an enemy leader in single combat under your own auspices)
SPQR (defines the term)
Tribunus plebis (office instituted to protect the commons from aristocratic magistrates)

Roman political biography (i.e., people mainly known for political reasons, alphabetical by family--'middle', or gentilicium--name)
Hadrian (i.e., Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Roman emperor)
Lucius Aemilius Paulus (father who fell at Cannae, and son who defeated Perseus at Pydna)
Titus Annius Milo (optimate henchman in the 50s BC, Cicero's famous client)
Antonia the Younger (i.e., the daughter of M. Antonius, mother of Claudius)
Antoninus Pius (i.e., Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antonius Pius Augustus Caesar--deserves a longer writeup)
Lucius Artorius Castus (Artorius, i.e., Arthur, king of the Britons? Early Aneurin)
Marcus Aurelius (i.e., Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, philosopher-emperor)
Commodus (i.e., Lucius Aurelius Commodus, emperor and son of Marcus Aurelius)
Piso (covers several Calpurnii Pisones of the republic and empire)
Appius Claudius Caecus (an empty node with soft links relevant to his life and career)
Claudius (i.e., Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus the emperor)
Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (brother of Tiberius, father of Claudius and Germanicus)
Publius Clodius Pulcher (prominent late republican politician given to "unsound" methods. But he loved his sister, at least)
Cornelius Cossus (early winner of spolia opima)
Scipio Africanus (i.e., Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, defeater of Hannibal, and his adoptive son)
Sulla (i.e., Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, champion of senatorial conservatism and ruthless dictator)
Didius Julianus (i.e., Marcus Didius Severus Iulianus, emperor for about 8 minutes, AD 193)
Nero (i.e., Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, the emperor)
Gaius Fabricius Luscinus (general in the Pyrrhic wars)
Vespasian (i.e., Titus Flavius Vespasianus, emperor)
Domitian (i.e., Titus Flavius Domitianus, "dominus et deus" to his friends)
Flavian Dynasty (Vespasian-Titus-Domitian)
Flavius Aetius (5th century AD statesman and onetime Hun hostage)
Marcus Furius Camillus (hero of the war against Veii and against the Gauls, c. 400 BC)
Pertinax (i.e., Publius Helvius Pertinax, the school teacher who became emperor, AD 193)
Julius Caesar (a good long discussion of Caesar the dictator)
Julio-Claudian Dynasty (Augustus-Tiberius-Caligula-Claudius-Nero)
The Death Of Julius Caesar (CSI--Ancient Rome)
Augustus (i.e., Imperator Caesar Augustus)
Res Gestae Divi Augusti (inscribed autobiography of Augustus)
Acta est fabula and Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est (two versions of Augustus' last words)
Tiberius (i.e., Tiberius Iulius Caesar Augustus, second emperor)
Germanicus (i.e., Germanicus Julius Caesar Claudianus, adopted son of Tiberius)
Cnaeus Julius Agricola (i.e., Gnaeus Iulius Agricola, Flavian general, father-in-law to Tacitus)
Marcus Licinius Crassus Dives ("associate" of Pompey and Caesar, killed in Syria, 53 BC)
Livia (i.e., Livia Drusilla, wife of the emperor Augustus)
Marius (i.e., Gaius Marius, greatest republican iterator of consulships (7) and army reformer)
Lucius Mummius (sacker of Corinth)
Octavia (1 Augustus' sister; 2 Nero's luckless first wife)
Pliny the Younger (i.e., Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, litterateur and prominent politician of the early empire)
Pompey (i.e., Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, late republican dynast)
Sextus Pompeius (the son of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus)
Cato the Elder (i.e., Marcius Porcius Cato, consul, censor, would-be Carthage destroyer)
Otho (i.e., Marcus Salvius Otho, would-be successor to Nero)
Tiberius Gracchus (i.e., Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, luckless tribune and reformer of 133 BC)
Septimius Severus (i.e., Lucius Septimius Severus, emperor)
L. Sergius Catilina, i.e., Catiline (the would-be revolutionary of 63 BC)
Galba (i.e., Servius Sulpicius Galba, successor to Nero)
Tigellinus (Neronian baddy who egged the emperor on)
Marcus Tullius Cicero i.e., Cicero (the great orator and statesman)
Constantius Chlorus (i.e., Flavius Valerius Iulius Constantius, father of the following)
Constantine (i.e., Flavius Valerius Constantinus, recognizer of Christianity, founder of Constantinople, etc.)
Marcus Valerius Corvinus Mesalla (read: Messala. Cautius collaborator with the Augustan regime)
Agrippa (i.e., Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Augustus' number two man)
Vitellius (i.e., Aulus Vitellius, noted feaster and would-be successor to Nero)

Roman social history
Equestrian (the apolitical stratum of the upper class)
How to wear a toga (instructions. Not quite social history, but . . . )
Lead Poisoning and the Fall of the Roman Empire (improbable, but here are some arguments)
Marriage in ancient Rome (marriage customs)
Mores Maiorum (see Roman virtues under myth-history above)
Mortality in the Ancient World (a general discussion)
The namelessness of Roman women (male and female onomastics)
Novus Homo (Roman republican political upstarts)
Patronage in Ancient Rome (the mechanism of interpersonal relations)
Plebeian (the "commoners")
princeps (development of the word into something like a title for the early emperors)
Roman names and Roman Naming Method (onomastics)
Roman Sense of Humor (focuses on sex and violence)
Roman sexuality (good discussions, should reference Williams' Roman Homosexuality)
Roman virtues (see under myth-history above)
toga (terms and definitions concerning the distinctive Roman garb)
The world's first contraceptive (the recipe. No word on effectiveness!)
Titus and Berenice (the emperor and his concubine, on Roman antisemitism)

Roman law
corpus iuris civilis (the title of Justinian's code)
falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus (legal principle)
Justinian (caused the codification of Roman law in c. AD 529)
Latin law expressions (metanode)
Lex (technical description)
Praetor (responsibilities included oversight of Roman civil and criminal law)
res gestae (the law term, not the Augustan inscription)
Roman law (a good general discussion)
Roman law of intestate succession (very good, detailed discussion)
Roman personhood (on a fundamental part of Roman civil law)
The Twelve Tables (i.e., lex XII tabularum, the first Roman law code, c. 450 BC)

Roman religion
Ancient Roman Sacrificing (a discursive discussion)
Apollonius of Tyana (a first-century wonder worker paralleling Jesus)
Carmenta (mythical mother of Evander, primeval Roman)
epulones (feast-giving priests)
The Feast of Cybele
Fordicidia (festival of Tellus)
Greek and Roman Mythology (part of a vast series of nodes on different myth systems)
interpretatio romana (Roman practice of identifying foreign gods by the nearest Roman equivalent)
lar, lares (Webster shells needing filling)
Lemuria (festival of the dead)
Lupercalia (fertility festival)
manes (spirits of the departed)
Mithraism and Roman Mithraism (popular cult among veterans, brought back from the East)
Natalis Solis Invicti (why Christmas is December 25)
Olympians (this metanode links to nodes on the 12 gods. See also Titans and Olympians)
Pax Deorum (an uneasy truce with the gods. Just don't screw that ritual up . . . .)
Quirinus (deity associated with Romulus)
Roman Origins of the Universe (a brief discussion)
The Roman Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses (specifically Roman/Latin discussion)
Roman persecution of Christians (Roman tolerance and lack thereof)
Roman temple architecture
Saint Cecilia (traditional 3rd century Roman martyr with important cult sites)
Saturnalia (festival of Saturn, noted for relaxing of social boundaries)
The Secular Games (i.e., ludi saeculares, periodic games with a religious significance)
Carmen Saeculare (Horace's showstopper hymn from the Secular Games of 17 BC)
Silvanus (a rustic god)
Spolia Opima (awarded for killing an enemy leader in single combat under your own auspices)
Tauroctony (slaughter of a bull in Mithraic rites)
Temple of Jupiter Feretrius (connected with spolia opima)
vestal virgin (attandant of Rome's sacred symbolic hearth)

Roman army/wars/battles (but see Roman political history, Roman Empire)
Actium (decisive triumviral sea battle, 31 BC)
Battle of Adrianople (a maraudin' horde o' Visigoths whacks emperor Valens & co., AD 478)
Battle of Cannae (second Punic War)
Battle of Lake Trasimene (second Punic War)
Battle of the Medway (important battle, AD 43, Rome vs. Caratacus)
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (great defeat under Augustus, AD 9)
Battle of Trebia (second Punic War)
Battle of Zama (second Punic War)
Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War as military history (his strengths and weaknesses as a modern military historian)
Carthage (Rome's great mid-republican opponent)
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam (Cato's boilerplate peroration calling for Carthage's destruction)
De Bello Gallico (Caesar's version of his conquest of Gaul, roughly modern France)
The Gallic Wars Appendix A (metanode: Caesar on the legion, cavalry, formations, officers, special units, camps, materiel, and food and pay)
Decimate (extreme military punishment-kill every tenth man)
First Punic War (Bellum poenicum primum)
foederati (late antique auxiliaries serving under their own commanders--not immensely loyal)
gladius (the typical Roman short sword)
The Imperial Roman Army (a detailed discussion)
Imperial Roman Legion (excellent detailed discussions)
Jugurtha (enemy of Rome in the late second century BC made famous by Sallust)
Legions of Varus (i.e., legions XVII, XVIII, and XIX, destroyed by Germans, AD 9)
magister militum (late imperial "master general of the Roman field army")
Misenum (an important naval base)
Mons Badonicus (late antique battle between Romano-British and Anglo-Saxons)
Mons Graupius (battle between Agricola and Caledonians, AD 84)
Organizational Structure of the Roman Army (the structure of a legion)
Pharsalus (Pompey the Great vs. Caesar, 48 BC)
Punic Wars (see especially chromaticblue's chronology)
The Punic Wars and the Fall of the Roman Republic (see under political history above)
Republican Roman Legion (complements Organizational Structure, above)
Romans in northern Britain (Agricola, Hadrian's Wall, etc.)
The Romans Take Over (Roman expansion into Palestine through the time of Augustus)
Roman Weapons (a long list with definitions. Roman pointed weapons were of iron, however)
Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon (review of Liddel Hart's kooky bio of Scipio Africanus)
Second Punic War (the second war against the Punics--er, Carthaginians)
Spartacus and The Third Servile War (fallout of Rome's servile economy)
Spolia Opima (awarded for killing an enemy leader in single combat under your own auspices)
Third Punic War (third war against the Carthaginians)
Vindobona (Roman army base that became Vienna, Austria)
Visigoth (wanderin' horde o' late antique troublemakers)

Roman economy/economic history
Ancient Roman Food (of the extravagent rich)
Economic problems in the Roman Empire (a good basic discussion)
Falernian (the famous export wine)
Maximum Prices Edict (price fixing in ancient Rome under Diocletian)
Mortality in the Ancient World (see under social history above)
Roman road (construction method of this vital part of the trade network)
Salt (mentions Roman derivation of term "salary" from military salt allowance)
tax farming (relevant to Rome, but focuses mainly on early modern examples)

Roman entertainment
Ancient Roman Food (in upper-class feasting)
Circus Maximus (chariot races!)
Falernian (booze!)
Gladiator (taxonomy and movie)
Public entertainment in ancient Rome (bread and circuses)
Roman Cookery (vile sauces thinly disguised by being in Latin)
Roman persecution of Christians (Nero's torches, etc.)
The Secular Games (periodic games with a religious significance)
The world's first contraceptive (entertainment related)

Roman archeology/art/architecture (but see also Roman topography)
Ancient Italian Aqueducts (Etruscan roots of the Roman technology)
Appian Way (now an archeological park)
Herculaneum (one of the buried cities of Vesuvius)
insula ((the Roman 'apartment' building)
La Turbie (Augustan monument in the French alps)
Tibur (Latin town near Rome)
Misenum (naval base near Pompeii)
Mortality in the Ancient World (see above under social history)
Museo Nazionale Romano (one of the chief museums of Roman antiquities)
The Orders of Roman Architecture (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan, and Composite)
Pliny on Vesuvius (the famous description of the eruption from Pliny's letters)
Pompeian wall paintings (the four famous styles isolated by August Mau)
Pompeii (the most famous buried city of Vesuvius)
Pont du Gard (Agrippa's great aqueduct bridge of 19 BC in the Provence)
Prima Porta Augustus (ecphrasis of the most famous statue of the first emperor)
Ravenna (extremely important site of paleochristian art and architecture)
Reticulated work (i.e., opus reticulatum and variants)
Roman road (construction techniques)
Roman temple architecture
triglyph and metope (part of the Doric package used by the Romans)

Latin language/linguistics
Classical Latin (the Latin of the most prestigious literary epoch)
Classical Latin Pronunciation (a guide)
Ecce Romani (review of a basic Latin text)
English may be a "living language," but Latin is not -- so get it right. (exhortation to correct usage)
How to translate a Latin sentence (a good basic guide to working through a sentence)
Kennedy's Latin Primer (a review of a basic grammar book)
Latin (discussion of the language and its grammar)
Latin Numbers (spelled out)
musty dustiest rome (elegiac reminiscence of Mr. Ernest's Latin class)
Roman names (spelled out)
Vulgar Latin (non-U Latin; later development of the language)

Roman literature (but look for information on authors' works under literary biography, too)
ab urbe condita (mostly about dating and chronology, but a little on Livy's history with this title)
Aeneas (the primordial Roman, Trojan hero)
Aeneid (Vergil's epic--see below)
The Agricola (see Tacitus, below)
the ancient novel (definition of the term)
Annals of Tacitus (i.e., Ab excessu divi Augusti, Tacitus' Julio-Claudian history)
Catiline Orations (i.e., Catilinarian orations)
Catullus poems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6--a shell, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 27, 46, 48, 53, 58, 70, 72, 73, 75, 79, 80, 84, 95--a shell, 99, 101.
Caesar De Bello Gallico (Caesar's commentaries on his war to subdue Gaul. See Asterix, below)
Chronology of Library Development in Antiquity (15000 BC to AD 529)
Cicero Cicero pro domo sua, Pro Archia, Somnium Scipionis
The Early History of Rome (on Livy's first five books)
fabula crepidata (definition of the term with examples)
fabula palliata (definition of the term with examples)
fabula praetexta (definition of the term with examples)
fabula togata (definition of the term with examples)
Falernian (quotes Catullus 27, minister vetuli puer falerni)
Golden Age (great classical (Augustan) age of Latin literature)
The Golden Ass (Lucius Apuleius' Latin novel)
Greek and Roman Mythology (part of a vast series of nodes on different myth systems)
Horace Ars Poetica, Carmen Saeculare, Odes 1.4, 1.9, 1.11, 2.6.
Lavinia (character in the Aeneid)
Menippean Satire (grab-bag poetry made famous by Varro)
Metamorphoses (Ovid's famous epic)
Mythos : Roman to Greek - A table of Gods (divinity equivalence table)
Pervigilium Veneris (anonymous Latin poem portraying Venus as bringer of spring)
Pliny on Vesuvius (Pliny's letter on Vesuvius' eruption)
Plautus' Amphitruo, Asinaria, Miles Gloriosus.
Rome and Greek ideas (discussion of Greek influence on the Romans)
Sabine Women (a standard feature of tales of the city's beginnings)
Satyricon (Petronius' novelistic effort and Fellini's movie)
Tacitus Agricola, Germania sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3; Annales (see above)
The Twelve Caesars (Suetonius' famous biographical work on the first emperors)
Thyestes (the play by Seneca the Younger. Seneca needs noding, btw)
Vergil Eclogues 1, Aeneid, book 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt (commentary on Aeneid 1.437-38)
quadriga (i.e., a way of referring to the 'workhorses' of Latin education, Vergil, Cicero, Terence and Sallust)

Roman literary biography (individual authors, often with sections on their works)
Ammianus Marcellinus (late imperial historian)
Appian of Alexandria (Antonine Greek historian)
Apuleius (i.e., Lucius Apuleius of Madaurus, Latin novel writer)
Catullus (i.e., Gaius Valerius Catullus, lover of Lesbia, neoteric poet.
Dio Cassius (i.e., Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Severan historian)
Gaius Valerius Maximus (the Tiberian collector of memorable sayings and deeds)
Naevius (i.e., Gnaeus Naevius, early Latin playwright)
Horace (i.e., Quintus Horatius Flaccus, the great Augustan poet)
Juvenal (i.e., Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis, the great satirist)
Livy (Titus Livius, the great Augustan historian)
Lucius Accius (Latin playwright)
Lucius Livius Andronicus (first mediator of Greek literature to a Roman audience, 240s BC)
Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, Neronian epicist and would-be betrayer of his own mother)
Marcus Fabius Quintilian (i.e., M. Fabius Quintilianus, rhetorician)
Marcus Pacuvius (early Latin playwright)
Martial (i.e., Marcus Valerius Martialis, supreme Latin epigrammatist)
Ovid (i.e., Publius Ovidius Naso, Augustan poet. Rome's greatest (and funniest) elegist)
Petronius (i.e., Gaius Petronius Arbiter, Neronian novelist and elencator of Neronian trysts)
Plautus (i.e., Titus Maccius Plautus, the great Latin comic playwright)
Pliny the Elder (i.e., Gaius Plinius Secundus, encyclopedist, victim of Vesuvius)
Pliny the Younger (see above under political biography)
Polybius (important pragmatic historian of Roman imperialism)
Sallust (i.e., Gaius Sallustius Crispus, historian of the late republic)
Sextus Pompeius Festus (grammarian author of De verborum significatu)
Sextus Propertius (Umbrian elegist of the Augustan period)
Strabo (Augustan geographer extraordinaire)
Suetonius (i.e., Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, imperial functionary. See The Twelve Caesars above)
Tacitus (i.e., Publius Cornelius Tacitus, great early imperial historian)
Tibullus (i.e., Albius Tibullus, Roman elegist of the Augustan age)
T. Lucretius Carus (i.e., Titus Lucretius Carus, epicurean dispeller of irrational worries)
Vergil (i.e., Publius Vergilius Maro, the Augustan epicist)

Roman-era science/scientists/medicine
Ancient Roman Doctors ("DON'T GET SICK!")
Claudius Ptolemaeus (the great geographer, astronomer, and mathematician)
Galen (i.e., Claudius Galenus, 2nd century AD physician and medical theorist)
Hypatia (late antique Alexandrian luminary, daughter of Theon)

Manuscripts, palaeography, editions, great philologist-editors
Codex Sinaiticus (the oldest nearly complete MS of the Bible, c. AD 300-350)
Codex Vaticanus (an extremely old MS of the Bible c. AD 350)
codicology (the study of old manuscripts)
How the capital letters turned into the small letters
lectio difficilior preferenda est (principle of textual criticism)
Loeb Classical Library (Harvard U Press's extensive classics collection with facing translations)
P. Vergili Maronis Codex Antiquissimus (an early (1741) printed facsimile of an early Vergil MS)
Richard Bentley (someone please rescue this empty shell--Bentley deserves it)
The Vatican Library (storehouse of thousands of (mostly) medieval manuscripts of ancient works)

Latin epigraphy
Ancient Roman Graffiti (on vulgar inscriptions)
Museo Nazionale Romano (one of the chief museums of Roman antiquities, with a stunning epigraphical collection)
Res Gestae Divi Augusti (the "queen of Latin inscriptions" --Mommsen)

Roman empire (the physical entity, "Weltreich")/Rome and the outside world
19 CE Expulsion from Rome (early imperial relations with Jews and Egyptians)
Alexandria (the cultural capital of the empire)
Ancient Egypt (from Dynasty I to the Ptolemies)
The Boudiccan Revolt (against the Romans, AD 60)
Gallic Empire (splinter during the dark years, brought back by Aurelian)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon's far-flung history)
Leptis Magna (important North African city with impressive ruins)
The Punic Wars and the Fall of the Roman Republic (acquisition of the first elements of an overseas empire)
Roman Britain (history of the province and its acquisition)
Roman Empire (history and geography)
Roman Governors of Britannia (the office and a comprehensive list of known holders)
Roman influence in Ancient Bulgaria (some history and geography)
Roman Legionaries in China (did a remnant of Crassus' army escape to China?)
Romans in northern Britain (Agricola, Hadrian's Wall, governors, Constantine, etc.)
Vindobona (Roman army base that became Vienna, Austria)

Afterlife (Nachleben) of things Roman (influences on later times--a necessarily abbreviated list)
Asterix (despite Caesar's seeming success, one village held out . . . .)
Benito Mussolini (would-be successor to ancient Rome's imperial greatness)
The downfall of Rome and its possible implications for free market capitalism
Fascism (a supposed revival of Ancient Roman glory in Mussolini's Italy)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (modern Plautine revival, play and film)
Gladiator (the Ridley Scott movie)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)
Horatius (inspiration for Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome)
I, Claudius (Robert Graves' intelligent retelling of Julio-Claudian family intrigue)
Museum Drug Store (It's a museum! No, it's a drugstore! No, it's a museum! No, it's a drugstore . . . .)
The Oath of the Horatii (Jacques Louis David's famous canvas)
Romani Ite Domum (Romans, Go Home) (Monty Python's sendup of Latin instruction)
The Romans (Dr. Who. Say no more)
Satyricon (includes Fellini's landmark film)
Senator Robert Byrd and the Roman Republic (use of classical models in rhetoric)
sieg heil (Nazi salute harking back to Roman practices)

History of scholarship on Rome. Historiography.
A.E. Housman (English classicist, editor of Lucan, etc.)
American Academy in Rome (important center for scholarly research on Roman antiquity)
The Funeral Oration of the Roman Empire (1453: Constantine XI speaks on the last night the final vestige of the Roman Empire could be said to have existed)
Theodor Mommsen (19th century German liberal historian and epigrapher)
Max Müller (prominent classicist and Indologist)
Friedrich Münzer (early 20th century German prosopographer and historian)
Friedrich Nietzsche (prominent classisict-philosopher)
Martha Nussbaum (prominent classical philosopher who occasionally adverts to Rome)
Quellenforschung (method of seeking an ancient historian's sources)
Rome's Protestant Cemetery (final resting place of many great historians and classicists)
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (description and contents of the work)
Irina Sventsitskaya (important Russian classicist and archaeologist)
Why Ancient Historians wrote history (aids to interpreting ancient historians' works)

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