- Show me dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear
- Bodice
- Bodiced
- bodice ripper
- An attempt at a heavy metal themed bodice ripper
- Susie Bright
- bright
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Bright Angel
- Bright's disease
- A young lady named Bright
- bright room
- bright ideas
- not very bright
- Bright Star, Would I were Steadfast as Thou Art
- Bright Eyes
- Someone outlined against the sky, the sun too bright to see her face
- A Bright Red Scream
- if you're lucky, they fuse into something bright and astonishing
- You Bright And Risen Angels
- All Things Bright and Beautiful
- Bright Side Of The Sun
- Bright Sun
- Frisky, most silver, serene -- bright step at the margins of air, you tiny colossus and winsome and master me, easy in sunlight, you gracious one come to me, live in my life
- bright future behind it
- One Bright Day
- A Bright Shining Lie
- Reuben Bright
- Bright and falsely cheerful
- Bright Star
- Moon Burns Bright
- bright, shiny objects
- brights
- Bright Blue Gorilla
- Bright College Years
- Bill Bright
- Bright Size Life
- Ring of Bright Water
- In the high bright window
- Beast's Bright Eyes
- The Bright Sun Brings it to Light
- Bright the Vision that Delighted
- John Bright
- Star Light, Star Bright
- Burning Bright
- The bright woman is caught in a double bind
- Palms of Glory, Raiment Bright
- Turn on the Bright Lights
- The Bright Field Incident
- October's Bright Blue Weather
- The stars were bright that night she left me forever
- bright (user)
- The Bright Red Spot in Cho's Cheeks
- Bright citrus stir fry
- The Brights
- The Bright Man
- Red aura, she looked bright
- Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
- Stone, Steel and Bright Lights
- Bright Leaves
- Bright Young Things
- I want the stars so bright they make me breathless
- a bright amethyst on the background of a gray sky
- Bright Paper Werewolves
- the bright sun, your eye
- A star that shines twice as bright burns for half as long
- Alone in the bright lights of a shattered life
- left everything on his desk and walked out into the bright sunlight
- Bright Young People
- the light too bright, the day too long
- They looked up at their moon and saw a peculiar bright spot
- For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night.
- Bright idea
- bright bulb
- Bright Smurf (user)
- bright orange kiss
- Starlight, star bright, starboard is to the right.
- Bright Morning stars are rising
- Bright Red
- Raise My Sword of Right to the Bright and Shining Light
- boron has bright orange hair, and Bruce Willis can make it boil at 4200K
- Your Future Looks Bright
- The moon shines bright on my old kentucky home
- Tiger, tiger, burning bright
- some day i hope to shine very bright
- His eyes shine bright with cruelty and unnatural lust
- The sun rises in spite of everything brand the far cities are beautiful and bright.
- Bright Valiant (user)
- a boy cries behind the bright screen of his phone; another lays mumbling about a ballads of his misfortune
- too bright to squander your mind that way
- The lantern will stay bright under my watchful eyes. This is what we must attend to.
- Jewel
- family jewels
- The Jewel of the Nile
- Jewel Case
- The Dreaming Jewels
- Jewel Planet
- Jewel Box
- Jewel not being mean for a minute
- jewels (user)
- The Jewel of Judgement
- CD jewel case design errors
- The Birth of the British Crown Jewel
- Love is a jewel box for humans
- Cornelia's Jewels
- Three Jewels
- Crown Jewels
- Little Johnny Jewel
- giant surface music falling to earth like jewels from the sky
- Alfred Jewel
- Jewel (user)
- The Lion and the Jewel
- wonky-eyed jewel squid
- Jewels of Darkness
- Duel Jewel
- Black Jewels Trilogy
- Jewel of the Diaper
- queen jewel (user)
- Curled up on the brown carpet together, jewels in squalor
- Jewel Staite
- The Jewel
- War of the Jewels
- Jewel bearing
- Jewel Quest
- The Jewel of Medina
- Jewel 1952 (user)
- The Cock and the Jewel
- Crystal Gems and Jewels (category)
- Run The Jewels
- many
- I had not thought death had undone so many
- many loves
- Why would a god let so many of his "flock" stray?
- Too Many Daves
- Words may sound funny if you repeat them aloud too many times
- Too many cooks spoil the dish
- Jack of many trades
- Too many chiefs and not enough Indians
- Too many lemons and not enough limes
- The many weapons of cats
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- How many men/women masturbate?
- The "How many partners have you had" question
- Deck of Many Things
- How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
- Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
- How many ways can you say "ginger"?
- How many ways can you say "vinegar"?
- How many ways can you say "It's stuff made from soy"?
- Find Many Cows
- I want many things
- how many children are bedwetters
- How Many Miles to Babylon?
- Error: Too many errors
- Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few
- Too many mes
- There are as many numbers between 0 and 1 as there are in the set of all real numbers
- Paeon of the many drugs
- Many levels of loneliness
- Many nodes with only short sentences in them.
- I am confused by many things...
- Many happy returns of the day
- There Are Many People Living Inside of Me
- Many will enter, few will win
- How many melodies are there in the universe?
- I know you're cute no matter how many layers of abstraction you hide behind
- Official Rationalization: Why I See So Many Freaks in the City
- How many pictures is one word worth?
- How many "Spinal Tap" drummers have died, in total?
- Do you know how many times you've woken up at 4:15 with deep insights?
- How many living things are there on earth?
- The many people I am
- How many different species live on or in the average human body?
- Many Waters
- How many geniuses have we lost this way?
- Too many cigarettes and not enough lung
- Why do so many people wear glasses?
- How many times has God twiddled his thumbs before he put vertebrates on the Earth?
- These and many other thoughts fill my mind while I lie recovering
- How many bits are in the human genome?
- The many and varied advantages of philosophy
- There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how
- How many keys on a piano?
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