- Honk if your horn is broken: Where do they get these stupid stickers?
- Moments such as these are superfluous to my life; nevertheless, they deserve to be remembered.
- I've been looking so long at these pictures of you that I almost believe that they are real
- And they never think these tools will fail.
- these
- These aren't the droids you're looking for
- Before These Crowded Streets
- These Are The Men
- These lips died for your sins
- These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
- Edit these E2 titles
- Silent All These Years
- Kids these days
- All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landings there.
- Martin Luther's 95 Theses
- My heart feels filled with warm water when I think of these things
- These I Singing In Spring
- Situationist Theses on Traffic
- These Green Mountains
- Are you sure you want to paste these records?
- Europe the 72nd and 73rd Years of These States
- These Immortal Souls
- It seemed so real, to me these are more than wasted days
- You just have to tell me these things, okay?
- These are a few of my favorite nodes (in F minor)
- How real are these tears?
- Whose drugs are these?
- I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
- NORML:Still Crazy After All These Years. Executive Summary.
- Precedent Means Nothing These Days
- These songs affect my heartbeat
- I can neither confirm or deny these charges
- I mean these words come out of him like the right music
- These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
- The problem with babies these days
- These Turning Winds
- These are the Times that Try Men's Souls
- Do these jeans make my dick look small?
- Take these shackles off my feet so I can dance
- Eternal Curse on the Reader of These Pages
- If these things were spoken instead of dreamt
- Hold tight, these walls aren't going to hold
- These and many other thoughts fill my mind while I lie recovering
- I sincerely hope you have one of these somewhere in your life.
- The envelope held fingernail parings and a note which read, "There are more where these came from"
- Wine From These Grapes
- Are you a compulsive Overeater? Answer these 15 questions to help you determine the answer.
- These people are not your friends
- These are the days when birds come back
- All these geeks with not a lump of coal to share between them
- These are not my pants!
- I Knew These People
- These are words silently meant for you
- These rugs will unite this country like no other rugs have before
- Is it me or are there more bisexuals these days?
- Laughing at what we call cloudbursts and showers and drizzles; knowing these are not subtle enough to mean anything about what comes from the heavens
- These Golden Years are really tarnished
- That annoying, wailing crap that passes for soul these days
- Tonic water: A rare commodity here in these parts
- These women who must live like the high Sierra white pine, fed somehow by the alpine wind
- I'd already be a Buddhist if it weren't for all these damn spiders
- None of These Kids Gets Hurt.
- These Happy Golden Years
- These Is My Words
- Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, Look at These
- These cities are illusions of some triumph over nature's laws
- These Are Days
- These things matter to her
- These Hands
- These people from the other village smell wrong! Kill them!
- You painted these exquisite shadows and whispers on the bellyroof of my bendy heart
- Kiss me, you are beautiful. These are truly the last days.
- Go then. There are other worlds than these.
- These Eyes
- These are the memories I never had
- I see these eyes that lit my life. Now they're cold and dark and gone.
- all of these people are me
- These are the only minutes you'll ever have. Take good care of them.
- It's important for me to remember these things
- These are for you
- These are some of the best nights of my life
- You love these machines. These machines are dead: a love story.
- I don't tell her these things, and she doesn't ask
- Do not remember how these depths are cold
- There are only these moments strong and fiery. The rest is love and your imminent departure.
- These people are still happening to me
- How can we face these dazzling things, I ask you?
- These Romans are crazy!
- I shall not fear these streets, because I run these streets
- Gap analysis of a telephone call
- Our lives and these empty spaces aside
- No Maps For These Territories
- Can't speed up, can't slow down - all we can do is follow these damn dogs
- These images in their contrivance were the utter epitome of unconscious inertia
- It will be a hot day and these two ice cubes. We will melt, become one.
- Theses on Groucho Marxism
- Wildflowers: A Bouquet of Theses
- Consider these minutes golden
- We hold these truths to be self-evident
- These guys are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet
- These are the dreams that break us
- NaNoWriMo (collaboration)
- All these things we'll one day swallow whole
- These are the glory days of lyricists
- These arms hanging low. Paralysed.
- These dead open their bodies to the living like a door
- These trains will be the death of me yet
- Are these numbers really random?
- These Old Shades
- These lives
- You Can Play These Songs With Chords + 10
- These Vagabond Shoes
- One of these days the cops will catch up with me
- These curbs are enormous!
- These are the days of our lives
- These Demented Lands
- Steady these hands these hands steady these hands
- Knives, cutting boards, these things are sacred to Chefs
- I need these blue and black halos for comfort, to remind me where I am, who I am, when I am
- If these walls could talk
- Come Unto These Yellow Sands
- These pictures are her past. These pictures are my future.
- these words, express.
- These living machines
- Trust Not These Truths
- These sad pathetic words
- Top 10 Reasons to Move to Canada Without Electing Any Of These Nitwits
- Moments like these
- Ack! Am I really related to these people?
- Ninety-five theses
- She left these broken things
- Where do these girls come from these days? Some finishing school in the desert?
- Theses on Feuerbach
- Down These Mean Streets
- These Ugly Things
- These Days
- anything to mask these crimes from the eye of heaven
- None of these are permanently scarred.
- You can have great armfuls of just such roses as these.
- These lions were not like normal lions.
- What's this? - A dead one of these.
- Entropy, fuck off. These are my people.
- These are not the Druids you are looking for
- Keep These E2 Titles The Same
- These Abstract Feelings
- all of these questions need answering
- these are no more your dreams than this is your sky
- these streets are too straight for your video game heart
- list of things
- This knife. These hands. This dream.
- all of these answers need questioning
- It is not surprising that the Toorkmens do not eat these thin horses.
- these couplets are a waste of time; i never seem to make them scan
- That annoying, whining crap that passes for metal these days
- Leaving Behind these Western Shores
- For all sad words on tongue or pen, the saddest are these: "It might have been."
- these children are sunny.
- edit these away (user)
- these pretzels (user)
- Reconstructing Literature or what to do with all of these penises
- Don't you hate these clever people and these clever-people parties?
- these arms, this heart, this body, sleep here
- I bind these books, but I can't write in them; I just can't
- The facts are these:
- Your memories and identity are meaningless and impotent against these words.
- These fragments I have shored against my ruin:
- How beautiful these women are!
- Worker Ant and what the kids get up to these days
- I don't know if these are good flowers or bad flowers, but I picked them for you
- wasn't I the guy who walked these streets all night?
- Aren't these machines supposed to be deterministic?
- Take these broken wings and learn to fly again
- These Feelings
- i hate these magic grey toasters
- I like to be reminded this city survives because of these machines.
- These tender circumstances diffuse a dawn of serenity over the soul
- These Boys Are Not Well Treated
- What do you hear in these sounds?
- In These Rooms
- These small blasphemies
- I tried polyamory and all I got were these two awesome boyfriends
- miracles, when they touch the real world, get dirty
- I don't believe in God or the soul but these machines can make me cry
- These include the Flying Dragons which began with Mendel.
- Nah, these random encounters with beautiful strangers won't destroy me at all. But I guess I thought it'd be a good way to die at the time.
- cut and paste are just keystrokes these days
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