The hair in the pubic region. The boundary between the pubes and normal body hair is referred to as the bikini line. The bikini line in turn is defined by the edges of the smallest garment that an individual is likely to wear plus a small margin of error.

The pubes are usually removed by prostitutes (of both genders) to reduce their apparent age. The pubes are sometimes removed if an individual is going to a nude beach or other clothing optional location.

Some individuals (especially men) with particularly dense pubes trim them in much the same way as a beard is trimmed to reduce the bulk under close fitting clothes.

Personally I'm a fan of body hair, in particular body hair on women. I suspect its a taste or cultural thing.

Pu"bes (?), n. [L., the hair which appears on the body at puberty, from pubes adult.]

1. Anat. (a)

The hair which appears upon the lower part of the hypogastric region at the age of puberty.


Hence (as more commonly used), the lower part of the hypogastric region; the pubic region.

2. Bot.

The down of plants; a downy or villous substance which grows on plants; pubescence.


© Webster 1913.

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