- Joey the Brave (user)
- Brave New World
- The Brave Little Toaster
- brave
- Brave Bull
- Brave Combo
- Brave Saint Saturn
- The Brave Tin Soldier
- Richmond Braves
- Greenville Braves
- Atlanta Braves
- Home of the Brave
- Brave New Waves
- Dorothy Tries to be Brave
- And in His Brave Court
- The Brave Little Tailor
- Tell brave deeds of war
- Scotland the Brave
- Brave New World vs. Gattaca
- Braves Field
- To Fight Aloud is Very Brave
- Brave Fencer Musashiden
- brave (user)
- The Three Brave Men of the Island of Britain
- Betsy Braves the Bellows
- O brave new world
- Boston Braves
- Milwaukee Braves
- Michael the Brave
- Nightline in Primetime: Brave New World
- Hankyu Braves
- tragic but brave
- brave new marketing worlds
- Ysabella Brave
- province of the brave
- You are brave and wonderful even when they nuke the damn thing.
- When did I lose my brave little soul?
- Brave Story
- Among the Brave
- The Cobb County Braves
- Coward? Not every man is brave enough to wear a corset!
- Captain Teeth (user)
- captain izumi (user)
- Captain Kirk
- Captain Crunch
- Hikaru Sulu
- Captain Picard
- Kathryn Janeway
- Captain Beefheart
- Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys
- Captain Tractor
- Captain Sensible
- Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future
- Captain Jonathan Power
- Captain's Wafers
- Captain Matthew Gideon
- Captain
- Sea captain
- Captain Caveman
- The Captain (user)
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
- Captain Cook
- Captain Pugwash
- Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew
- Captain Jack
- Captain Blood
- Captain Antilles
- The Captain and Tennille
- Captain Morgan Cooler
- Captain Hook
- Group Captain
- Captain McAllister
- Captain and Coke
- Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants
- The Captains of Industry
- Captain N: The Game Master
- Captain Kangaroo
- Captain Trips
- Captain Needa
- captain's log
- Captain EO
- Captain Trips (user)
- Richard Francis Burton
- Captain Planet
- I'm giving it all she's got, Captain!
- Captain Elizabeth Lochley
- Captain Scarlet
- Captain America
- Captain Star: Inventing the Universe
- Captain Apollo
- O Captain! My Captain!
- Captain Stubing
- Captain Crunch (user)
- Captain Morose (user)
- Captain Zyrain
- Captain Birdseye
- Captain Euro
- Captain Kidd
- Captain Tony's Saloon
- Captain Radium (user)
- Captain N
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin
- Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King
- Captain Vegetable
- Captain Harlock
- Captain Pink
- Captain Canuck
- Captain Albania
- Captain Carl
- Captain Midnight
- Captain Goodnight
- Captain Marvel
- Cap'n Magneto
- Captain Wings (user)
- Fowl, Country Captain
- Captain Foulenough
- The Grand Old Captain Kirk
- Captain Ron
- The good crew will know what its captain would do
- Post Captain
- Captain Jack and the Mermaid
- The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
- Captain Caveman (user)
- Captain Fantasy
- Captain Burke
- The Cruel Ship's Captain
- Captain Ward and the Rainbow
- CAPTAIN K - HOLE (user)
- Captain Quigley
- Captain Howdy (user)
- Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band
- Captain Gonzo (user)
- Group Captain Lionel Mandrake
- Captain Minga
- captain's chairs
- Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets
- Captain Cap
- Captain Avatar
- Captain Orlando Killion
- Captain Satan
- Legend of Captain Lamberton
- Captain's checkers
- Captain Nemo
- The Tale of the Captain
- Captain Liberty
- Captain Anonymous (user)
- Captain Cook Memorial Jet
- Captain Triumph
- The Captain Planet Paradox
- Captain Comic
- Manual of Common Tasks for Lieutenants and Captains
- Captain Beefheart sells Aldous Huxley a vacuum cleaner
- Captain or Colonel
- Captain Ultra
- Captain Lou Albano
- Captain Smith v. Philidor, London, 1790
- Captain Video and His Video Rangers
- Captain's mast
- Captain Dread
- Thank you for not knowing me at all, Captain Shallow
- Captain (user)
- Brevet Captain (user)
- Captain Marvel, Jr.
- Captain Swing
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: 22: The Lightning Bolts of Captain Nemo
- The Prime Directive for Dummies: A Captain's Best Friend
- Captain Boomerang
- Captain Cold
- The Hungry Ocean
- Captain Psyko (user)
- Captain Olimar
- Captain Niteowl (user)
- The adventures of Captain Comic
- I saw Captain America
- Captain Atom
- Captain Vancouver
- Captain America, Traitor?
- Captain Wes (user)
- Captain RibMan
- Captain Alfred Hutton
- Captain Britain
- Captain M*therfucker (user)
- Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
- Captain Oblivious (user)
- Captain Terror (user)
- Captain Jack Sparrow
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