I was walking through The City (it looked like Downtown Bratislava, but it couldn't have been because it was in the US).

I entered a club and went to use its very large and busy bathroom. As I stood in the stall and was getting ready to use it, a group of teenagers picked me as a good victim for their next prank.

They occupied several stalls to my left. Their leader was an Indian kid (that is descendant of people from India, not a Native American). He used the stall immediately to my left.

Secretly, they placed a hose above my stall and were about to turn it on, hoping to get me (a total stranger) all wet.

But I saw what they were trying to do. I grabbed the hose, pointed it at them, and told one of them to turn the water on. He was hesitant. But he saw my facial expression, and did turn it on.

I then grabbed the Indian kid, holding his left arm in a lock, police style. I told him I was going to give him to the cops. He looked very incredulous. I assured him I used to be a cop myself (which is true).

Then I told him my name was Adam and asked him what his name was. He told me (alas, I forgot his name as soon as woke up).

Then I walked him to the door and said: "I'd rather throw you out than throw you in." I let him go.

I did not expect ever to see him again. But when I was done and walked down the street again, there he was, completely changed. He smiled and said: "Thank you, Adam."

I then knew I had a friend in The City.