Everything Day Logs
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I sleep clutching a rosary, sometimes falling asleep with a prayer on my lips; sometimes I fall asleep - at least I think so - and "wake up" 30-45 minutes later wondering if I've slept at all. And when I have "normal" sleep, I don't recall any dreams I may have had. These last few days, I've been having dreams again, dreams that stick with me upon waking. So, as best I can (memory can't possibly capture the richness of dreamland), I'll add (just this once!) to the dream logs, which were the things that prompted me last week to ponder the recent absence of memorable trips to dreamland.

I've also found an etext; I was reminded of it both by an old song I started spontaneously singing, and, later, by a quotation from the book in one of Sainte-Therese's letters to a sister. Sometimes a dream is just a dream; sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence, but I've been having far too many of these lately to shrug them all off.

I'm annoyed less by the AOL/Time Warner merger (bubble bubble...) than I am by one of the new CRTC-mandated cable channels - Canal Z, or whatever they're calling themselves now. I'm a thousand miles away, but I think it's meant to be a French-language Discovery Channel. At some of the Quebec sites I visit, some DHTML/JavaScript-mad person has, along with the banner ads for Z's "Maintenant-sur-terre", added a rotating "Z" logo that follows your cursor, and, on one page, has a larger version of the logo dancing around the page. I hate it. They apparently want an audience that drools over such eye candy annoyances. I wish I were in Montreal right now, just so I could not watch Canal Z.

I've joined the international stress test of WKCR's new audio streaming server. Poor little box - it won't last the month.