I can't really remember a lot of it, I did when I woke up, but I'm going to write what I do remember.

I was driving my car to get home from work. I work in Kerrisdale and I live in Tsawwassen but for some reason I was taking No. 3 home. It was dark and most of the land was farmland. I've driven on this road many times and instead of turning on Westminister I was going to drive all the way down to Steveston. Well next thing I knew I was already past Steveston, and the road I hit instead was called Hollow Hill Place or something. The road was a T section so I could only go left or right. It was weird because it was as if I was in a daze or something because I just realized I was on that street, I turned left and I was suddenly on my bike. It was pitch black but I could still see the road and some houses. I peered through the darkness trying to see if there were any lights on in any of the houses that I could ask for help on how to get out. The houses were pretty old, but all the lights of everything were out. The only light was the reflections cast by the moon on metal or light things. When suddenly I just had this sudden chill come over and I thought I saw some things moving in the dark. I turned on the dinky light on my bicycle and turned around to go back the way I came from. I didn't know where I was though because I've never seen the road Hollow Hill Place before. I took out my cell phone to call my friend's that live in Richmond but then I noticed it was 4am. I did call one but I knew her parents would be mad so I hung up right away before anyone answered. While I was riding my bike I tried calling another friend in Tsawwassen to see if they knew where I was but there was a weird plastic cover on my phone and it was making it hard to dial the numbers so I eventually gave up.

I followed the road in darkness and eventually got to Steveston, it happened that I was on it, but I turned on a side road that you had to get on by crossing a small little stone bridge. Funny, I never noticed it before. There was light again so I was relieved.

I don't know if I drove home or went to these stables that were holding a giant dog show which eventually led to me beating up a huge frog that lands into some guys bed and it becomes a movie. The guy kisses the frog, the frog which was evil goes through a transformation into a princess but not after exploding and spraying disgusting goo everywhere. And in between that we were infiltrating a Persian or Arabian palace by orders of an old woman, a sage or something, to kidnap one of the princesses when the frog was released to attack us. One of the princesses was an answer to a riddle or something that would give us ultimate power, but since the frog was a princess we got our prize so we didn't have to go back.

That's it, well other things happened but I just can't understand it at all. RAWR!