- Someone please kill me
- I Had a Cat and the Cat Pleased Me
- Please let me out, I won't do it again
- Please stop annoying me
- i hate this beautiful world o please let me stay here forever
- Oh Sensei, will you please cook for me?
- Please, Mister Salesperson, Sell Me a RiscPC
- Honey, if you love me won't you please please smile?
- Please help me!
- Please tell me it will all be okay.
- let me speak please (user)
- Please don't force your beliefs on me
- listen()
- Dad, please stop doing user searches on me
- Please please please let me get what I want
- Please let me wake up and find myself found
- Please Kill Me
- Please God, make me a stone.
- Please, Call me Honky
- please forgive me for whatever i do, when i don't remember you
- please let me in (user)
- Please don't throw me in the briar patch!
- Can someone send me a photo of the server my nodes are on, please?
- Please tell me everything, this means you, I am hungry and also
- Please stop thanking me for cooling your writeup
- Pleased to Meet Me
- Please Please Me
- I would like for love not to kill me, please
- please forgive me (user)
- Give me a moment, please
- I hate you. Please don't leave me.
- "Excuse me, but could you drop your large backpack somewhere else, please?" A (almost) christmas nodermeet in the East End
- Please Don't Bury Me
- Please do not bring me flowers
- Please don't tell me how to do my job
- Please leave me far away from your nonsense, woman.
- Please eat the last bite of my cookie for me, then?
- To anyone who this may have hurt, please forgive me. The darkness keeps calling and I must go.
- please bully me; my life is not shitty enough
- Please Don't Spin Me a Yarn: I Live With a Knitter
- It is something very shameful. Please contact me again if I can be of further service.
- don't tease me if you ain't going to please me
- please come stay with me in the forest so at least i have one person with whom i have no secrets
- Please remember to let me down gently.
- Guide me, O Thou Great Redeemer
- I wanted the light to guide me to the darkness
- My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky
- Story Guide
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Linux Programmers Guide
- Green Guide
- The All-Music Guide
- travel guide
- Field Guide
- discofever's Millennium Guide for Champagnes and Sparkling Wines
- Guide
- Jabberwocky: Carroll's pronunciation guide
- Dungeon Masters Guide
- Dungeoneer's Survival Guide
- Guide to cheating in computer games
- The Everything Guide to Fishkeeping
- if not requested, please ignore
- Bathroom Survival Guide
- Canada's Food Guide
- Men's guide to what a woman really means
- Paranoid's Pocket Guide
- Guides to Godel
- The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth
- The Guide to Finding Usenet Binaries
- Geek's guide to working out
- Introduction to "The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English"
- D.R. & Quinch's Totally Awesome Guide to Life
- A Short Guide to Comparative Religions
- Wilderness survival guide
- The Everything Guide to Guitar Chords
- It is the scent of women that guides a man
- A survival guide for the professionally outraged - constructing umbrage from common household items
- Babylon 5 Episode Guide
- ApoxyButt's Guide to Successful Boating
- The Simpsons episode guide
- The good drug guide
- Bluffer's Guide to "The Rules"
- Sororitorious Girlectus: A field Guide
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming
- ApoxyButt's guide to corporate email answering
- Universal Studios Tour Guide
- Psychedelic Guide: Introduction
- Psychedelic Guide: History
- The Everything guide to being a pizza driver
- The Gentleman's Guide to Fighting
- The Young Man's Guide to Drinking and Dating
- Psychedelic Guide: Safety
- Psychedelic Guide: LSD
- JLA Issue Guide
- A guide to fun in South Africa
- Meat grading guide
- A Guide to American Newspaper Readership
- Psychedelic Guide: Mushrooms
- The Idiot's Guide to the Transmutation of Morals
- A guide for the first time raver
- Psychedelic Guide: DMT
- A Starfleet Officer's Field Guide to First Contact
- Psychedelic Guide: Harmala
- MIT Guide to Lockpicking
- The Evil Henchman's Guide
- chewing gum flavor guide
- Camp stove
- the not-so-concise guide to not getting divorced
- A Brief Guide To C
- Futurama Episode Guide
- Andromeda Episode Guide
- guide to making weight
- UKQCD Burn out Prevention Guide
- The Nanny
- The Unofficial Guide to TinySex
- Transformers Episode Guide
- Shopping Guide for Cordless Phones
- Single node that will obsolete the Windows Error Lookup Guide
- eBay Translation Guide and General Tips
- Psychedelic Guide: Combinations
- Transformers Headmasters
- A guide to fencing competitions
- Cyber-Style Guide
- The Newbie's Guide to Persuasive Noding
- The Newbie's Guide to Your Home Node
- Transformers Masterforce
- Michelin Guides
- Ghost in the Graveyard
- Guide to Campus Activism
- Hammond's Guide to the Exploration of Space
- The E2 Emacs Reference Guide
- A fresher's guide to Royal Holloway University
- Guide to Urinating
- Guide to Chord Formation
- Guide to Chord Formation : Introduction
- Guide to Chord Formation : Intervals
- the guide to pursuing a fellow engineer
- Guide to Spellcasting
- Guide to getting up in the morning
- Dungeon Master's Guide
- The Nitpicker's Guide to E2 Style and Formatting
- Clinical Lactation: A Visual Guide
- Tongue Tie - From Confusion to Clarity: A Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ankyloglossia
- The girls' guide to being a girl
- Guide to Meditation
- The Joyful Guide to Lachrymology
- The good wife's guide
- Tobin's Spirit Guide
- Railtrack's Guide to Britain
- Windows 2000 Security Recommendation Guides
- 12 Step Guide To Insurrection
- SAS Survival Guide
- J.R.R. Tolkien Pronunciation Guide
- Psychedelic Guide: DMT-Water Spirit
- Psychedelic Guide: Back Cover Text
- Psychedelic Guide: Bibliography
- Psychedelic Guide: Psychedelic Reality
- Driving in Europe: A guide for Yanks
- Getting Your Ass In Gear: A Musical Guide
- Evaluating the usefulness of the Windows Error Lookup Guide
- The Tough Guide to Fantasyland
- If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
- The complete solution to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- A spotters' guide to Canadian counterfeit bills
- World Sex Guide
- The complete guide to 1980s television
- Guide to an Emergency Childbirth
- Screwing movie theaters sideways: A guide
- Atari rarity guide
- A guide to passionate touching
- Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space
- A guide to the shapes of molecules
- A guide to naming organic compounds
- A guide to naming organic compounds : Basics and saturated hydrocarbons
- A guide to naming organic compounds : Structural isomerism
- The Classic Guide to Strategy
- A guide to naming organic compounds : Unsaturated hydrocarbons
- Guide to Historical Periods and Poetic Types
- The Merry Guide
- Halliwell's Film Guide
- Quake III Arena Guide
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