"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to "steal" ideas from many is research." -Anon-
/==-==\ American Mythology-=*=- Aesop's Fables-=*=- Arthurian Mythology-=*=- Australian Mythology-=*=- Aztec Mythology-=*=- Celtic Mythology-=*=- Chinese Mythology-=*=- Christian Mythology-=*=- Egyptian Mythology-=*=- Etruscan Mythology-=*=- Finnish Mythology-=*=- Folklore Mythology-=*=- Greek and Roman Mythology-=*=- Haitian Mythology-=*=- Hindu Mythology-=*=- Hittite Mythology-=*=- Incan Mythology-=*=- Japanese Mythology-=*=- Korean Mythology-=*=- Latvian Mythology-=*=- Mayan Mythology-=*=- Mesopotamian Mythology-=*=- Native American Mythology-=*=- Norse Mythology-=*=- Persian Mythology-=*=- Polynesian Mythology-=*=- The Zodiac --Mythos-- \==-==/
A Auseklis B C Cerklicing D Darzamat Dekla Deving Isching Dieva deli Dievini Dievs Dievturiba E F G H I J Janis Jumis Juras mate K Karta L Laima Lauku mate Lopu mate M Majas gars Mara Mate Meness Meza mate Meza Virs Moschel N O P Perkons Pukis Q R Ragana S Saule Saules meitas T U Usins V Vadatajs Veja mate Veli Velns Velu mate Vilkacis W X Y Z Zemes mate
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